Sins of a Solar Empire is shaping up nicely. An RTS with turn-based level depth that allows users to manage huge empires in real-time without getting bogged down in micro management.
Here are some screenshots from today's play.

Each race gets its own technology tree. Tech trees are a feature from 4X strategy games. RTS's usually don't have them. To keep micro management down, the techs have a cost associated with them but also require a certain number of labs to be built in your planets.
Building orbital labs requires logistics points which are finite per planet. So choosing to build an orbital lab means not building something else.
The scale of the game is what I find amazing. This is a small map. And if you're playing multiplayer, it lasts probably an hour or so depending on your speed settings.
But you could, literally, play the game in this view zoomed out. That's what makes Sins so amazing as a strategy game. You can, if you want, zoom in and direct each and every ship on the map and watch them battle it out or zoom out and manage your empire here -- or at any zoom level in between.