I didn't get to read much in January. I basically got up, went to work for 8 hours at the office, came home, worked for another 8 hours, and went to bed and repeated that. Very busy time in those last weeks of Sins of a Solar Empire, new year business work, GalCiv II: Twilight of the Arnor, MyColors, WindowBlinds, DeskScapes, Impulse, etc.
But now I'm back.
So now I'm starting to read again. This month I'm reading "Arrest Proof Yourself" which I got to learn more about what types of people the police run into. Fascinating stuff. I'm getting caught up on Ultimate Spider-Man comic books
Liberal Fascism, a book that outlines how modern liberals (left wingers) are quite similar in their behavior, backgrounds, and goals to fascists of the 1920s and 1930s.
Freedomnomics, a book that explains why free markets provide a better way of life for people than the alternatives.
Your Inner Fish is a fascinating read on how many of our weird physiological issues can be traced back through evolution to our rise from fish.
Hostile Takeover is a far left book outlining the argument on how right wingers, the rich, and corporations have conspired to take over our lives. A sure thing for you left wingers out there.
The World Without us is a book that outlines what would happen to the planet if humans disappeared.