Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on February 9, 2008 By Draginol In Books

I didn't get to read much in January. I basically got up, went to work for 8 hours at the office, came home, worked for another 8 hours, and went to bed and repeated that. Very busy time in those last weeks of Sins of a Solar Empire, new year business work, GalCiv II: Twilight of the Arnor, MyColors, WindowBlinds, DeskScapes, Impulse, etc.

But now I'm back.


So now I'm starting to read again.  This month I'm reading "Arrest Proof Yourself" which I got to learn more about what types of people the police run into. Fascinating stuff.  I'm getting caught up on Ultimate Spider-Man comic books

Liberal Fascism, a book that outlines how modern liberals (left wingers) are quite similar in their behavior, backgrounds, and goals to fascists of the 1920s and 1930s.

Freedomnomics, a book that explains why free markets provide a better way of life for people than the alternatives.

Your Inner Fish is a fascinating read on how many of our weird physiological issues can be traced back through evolution to our rise from fish.

Hostile Takeover is a far left book outlining the argument on how right wingers, the rich, and corporations have conspired to take over our lives. A sure thing for you left wingers out there.

The World Without us is a book that outlines what would happen to the planet if humans disappeared.

on Feb 09, 2008
It's a big book, but I highly recommend Unintended Consequences by John Ross when you get the chance. Deals with 2nd Amendment issues, primarily, but dovetails with Liberal Fascism.
on Feb 12, 2008
Hostile Takeover is a far left book outlining the argument on how right wingers, the rich, and corporations have conspired to take over our lives. A sure thing for you left wingers out there.

Have you ever noticed how absolutely every group, no matter how big or how fringe, seems to think the country has been "taken over" by some other group and they themselves have to "take back America"?

"Hostile Takeover" -- nice titular dig at corporations and big business mentality. I'll give 'em an A for a good title, if nothing else.

on Feb 13, 2008
As I'm scrolling down JU's front page I swear I saw Brad's {one} night stand. I now go to stab myself in my mind's eye.
on Feb 17, 2008
I hope you realize that a book such as Liberal Fascism is just as filled with lies and half-truths as a book like Hostile Takeover is. Such books can make very persuasive arguments, but rarely are accurate reflections of reality.