Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The need for a positive political message by the Democrats
Published on November 30, 2003 By Draginol In Politics

The left really hates George W. Bush.  I don't particularly care for Bush myself. But it's more on a personality level than due to his policies.  I haven't decided whether I will vote for him or not. But one thing is for sure, he seems to drive some people on the left insane.

And I mean that literally -- IN-SANE. Ask them why and the reasons usually are in a gurgle of profanity and crazy talk. And unfortunately for them, the left is increasingly becoming its own worst enemy.  As you surf the web looking for blogs or whatever to read, it's becoming increasingly difficult to read a coherent left-wing blog. More and more I read blogs that just spew so much hatred towards Bush that whatever point or argument they were making is lost.

Worse still, their talking points are increasingly becoming bizarre, unsustainable, and out of touch with the American people. It is as if the people on the left assume that most people hate Bush too or are gullible.  This makes for a lethal combination for Democrats. On the one hand, their core base is becoming increasingly crazy sounding due to their irrational hatred of George W. Bush. And their more "moderate" members are stuck with lame talking points like "Worst economy since Hoover." (like please, do they really think that Americans have discounted the affect 9/11 had -- $1 TRILLION lost in one day added to an already slumping economy as Bush was elected?).

There are, of course, exceptions. Kind of. But it's getting hard to find someone who can put forth a rational argument for throwing Bush out of office. Especially when their alternative is increasingly looking like someone like Howard Dean who seems to be totally devoid of any geopolitical thought whatsoever and have zero interesting economic proposals other than raising my taxes. Not a great message: "Vote for me and I'll enact policies that won't protect you from terrorists but we'll raise your taxes? Yay!"

If the left were serious about getting rid of Bush they would put forth a candidate with these talking points:

1) Zero tolerance of terrorism. We will stay in Iraq and win that war.

2) Will balance the budget through spending cuts.

3) Must get back to eliminating the deficit. As soon as the economy bounces back will enact a 2% across the board temporary tax to repay the debt. EVERYONE will pay this.

4) NATO countries and South Korea will send X number of troops to Iraq to help OR the United States will remove X number of troops from those countries and send them to Iraq.

5) To China: Stop putting your currency at the same rate as the US dollar or we will put tariffs on your goods. Massive tariffs. China has 5 times the population of the US, there's no excuse for a $200 billion or whatever trade deficit.

But overall, I think the strongest message a candidate could give right now and have a chance would be to say we're going to win the war on terrorism, stay in Iraq, and make our domestic policy about balancing the budget. I think these things would appeal to a lot more people than crazy talk like "John Aschcroft is going to come to your home and send you to a secret prison" or "Worst economy since Hoover..."

Either way though, the left needs a positive message. They need a message that is about something more than just hating Bush.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 04, 2003
I think that this atricle, whilst well written makes a few assumptions that I see coming from the right.

Firstly "More and more I read blogs that just spew so much hatred towards Bush ", this is not a phenomenon that is confined to the dems. Just look at the hatred that the Clinton name brings up and its obvious that there are lots of people out there that simply hate people that have differing views to their own. Thats is a simplistic way to put it but its accurate, this 'hatred' issue is only an issue as it is being used as a defense tactic by the champions of political hatred - AM Radio talk show hosts.

Next assumption 'and out of touch with the American people' . Who sir are you to define what the American People think and feel. I don't know everyone in the US and I'm fairly sure you don't either. Opinion polls, whilst fluctuating, show a country pretty evenly divided on the issue of politics so lets not fall into the trap of making the 'American People' statement. To your credit you didnt fall into the more offensive use of the term 'Real Americans' which is more and more being used to describe people that support the President.

Final assumption 'Howard Dean who seems to be totally devoid of any geopolitical thought whatsoever and have zero interesting economic proposals other than raising my taxes'. Nowhere in your article do you address the effects that the current unprecidented level of spending is going to have on your taxes.

Currently 25% of tax dollars go to paying down the interest only on the national debt, this figure will have to rise as the record budget defecits get added to the debt. You have fallen into the smoke and mirrors tax argument, this admin is basically stealing from peter to pay paul and this is not sustainable in the long term.

Taxes unfortunately will have to rise as it is unlikely that government spending will decrease. Of course the next democractic President can trim billions of dollars of corporate pork from the current spending and still look like a hero whilst really only returning us to the status quo we had under Clinton when a Republican Congress pushed hard for a balanced budget - but now forgets why that was important.

Dean has excellent views on Iraq, Israel and the budget but I wont get into those in detail in this comment as I dont want to be here for too long. Listen to him with the blinkers off.

So to sumarise, the hatred has always been there and probably always will be. Talking heads are focusing on it now simply becuase it is being used as a sympathy vote tactic.

There are legitamate proposals being put out by the democratic contenders for alternate paths to the bush admin's policies and they are worth listening too. If you dont listen please don't then say they arent there.

Finally I want to say that the war in IRaq has nothing to do with the war on terror, the Taliban are on the rise again in Afganistan and Al Queda recruitment is up, so your statement of ') Zero tolerance of terrorism. We will stay in Iraq and win that war. ' which compares one with the other is as misleading as the 16 words in the state of the union.

'Either way though, the left needs a positive message. ' They are doing so, but partisan people are not listening.

on Dec 04, 2003
911 Victim's Wife, Ellen Mariani, Files RICO Act

Press Release

News Conference - Wednesday - 11/26/03 - 12 Noon
5th & Ranstead Streets, Philadelphia
[corner of Bourse Building with Independence Hall in background]

911 Victim's Wife, Ellen Mariani, files RICO Act
[Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act]
Federal Court Complaint against President Bush
and Cabinet Members

(Philadelphia, PA - 11/26/03) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, announced today that he, attorney for Ellen Mariani, wife of Louis Neil Mariani, who died when United Air Lines flight 175 was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9-11 at a news conference regarding the filing of a detailed Amended Complaint in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on 11/26/03 in the case of Mariani vs. Bush et al that he is alleging President Bush and officials including, but not limited to Cheney, Ashcroft, Rumsfeld and Feinberg that they:

1. had knowledge/warnings of 911 and failed to warn or take steps to prevent;

2. have been covering up the truth of 911; and

3. have therefore violated the laws of the United States; and

4. are being sued under the Civil RICO Act.

Berg stated: "I will be detailing the charges against Bush and others and handing out copies of the:

1. Amended Complaint;

2. a Letter from Ellen Mariani to President Bush that sets forth her beliefs that President Bush knowingly and willfully failed to act and prevent the murder of her husband on 911 and the ongoing obstruction of justice; and

3. a Sworn Affidavit that the United States government twenty-eight [28] years ago undertook a study to prevent the very events of 911.

Mrs. Mariani was the first victim family member to bring civil action regarding the events of 911 against United Airlines. Since then, the "truth" of 911 has not been forthcoming and Mrs. Mariani, for the good of her country, now seeks the truth via this courageous action under the RICO Act.

Berg said: "The events surrounding "911" to date have yet to be uncovered.

While America was under attack, for approximately the next seven (7) to eighteen (18) minutes Defendant GWB continues to listen to the goat story while Plaintiff's husband was just murdered and does not immediately assume his duties as Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces.

Plaintiff, with her amended complaint intends to expose the truth to remember the dead and to prevent continued deaths of American military personnel due to President Bush's "failure to act and prevent" the worst attacks on our nation since Pearl Harbor.

Plaintiff hereby asserts Defendants, officially and individually are exclusively liable to answer the Counts in this Complaint under the United States Constitution and provisions of the 18 U.S.C. ยง 1964(a) and (c), Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (hereinafter "RICO Act") for "failing to act and prevent" the murder of Plaintiff's husband, Louis Neil Mariani, for financial and political reasons and have "obstructed justice" in the aftermath of said criminal acts and omissions.

Defendant GWB has purported to the American People and the Plaintiff that the infamous attacks of "911" were directly masterminded by Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda Network terrorists (hereinafter "OBL"), almost immediately after the attacks. Yet, Defendant GWB has not been forthright and honest with regard to his administration's pre-knowledge of the potential of the "911" attacks and Plaintiff seeks to compel Defendant GWB to justify why her husband Louis Neil Mariani died on "911.'

Plaintiff believes Defendant GWB is invoking a long standard operating procedure of invoking national security and executive privilege claims to suppress the basis of this lawsuit that Defendant GWB, et al., failed to act and prevent the "911" attacks.

Plaintiff asserts, contrary to Defendant GWB's assertion that OBL is responsible for "911," the compelling evidence that will be presented in this case through discovery, subpoena power by this Court and testimony at trial will lead to one undisputed fact, Defendant GWB failed to act and prevent "911" knowing the attacks would lead to our nation having to engage in an "International War on Terror (IWOT)" which would benefit Defendants both financially and for political reasons.

There are significant business ties that will be proven between Defendants and OBL's family which raise serious conflict of interest and other matters wherein "failing to act and prevent" the "911" attacks have benefited Defendants.

Reports have emerged and will be confirmed through discovery that the Carlyle Group, the giant U.S. defense contractor until recently employed Defendant and former President GHB. Hence, the "Bush Family" and other Defendants financial profiting by war goes to the heart of Plaintiff's RICO Act claim.

Plaintiff asserts, in the late 1970's and throughout the 1980's, Defendants were allies with OBL and Saddam Hussein during the former Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan and Iran-Iraq war respectively, wherein, personal and political deals were made and it is believed upon discovery, these dealings hold the truth about "911."

In sum, Plaintiff will call to trial former federal employees with firsthand knowledge and expertise with military intelligence and other duties to support the underlying RICO Act foundational basis to prove Defendants have engaged in a "pattern of criminal activity and obstruction of justice" in violation of the public trust and laws of the United States for personal and financial gains.

Plaintiff will prove, Defendants have engaged our nation in an endless war on terror to achieve their personal goals and agendas.


** Copy of sixty-one [61] page Amended Complaint available by e-mail" - contact Phil Berg at


[Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate; an attorney with offices in Montgomery County and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA.]
on Dec 07, 2003
Re: IN-SANE. Ask them why and the reasons usually in a gurgle of profanity and crazy talk.

This is because you would have to be crazy and more than likely uneducated not to like G.W.
Before I got to know him, I didn't like him either. I voted for Al Gore. I was outraged at the way he weaseled his way into office. I swore up and down that his brother Jeb rigged the Florida vote to help his brother win the state.

Now that I have gotten to know him and see him in action. I can only say, "Thank God he is in there." I wouldn't want anyone else. I feel much safer with G.W. in there than I ever would have with Al Gore. (I must have been a IN-SANE to have voted for him.) Regardless of how G.W. got into office, I'm glad he got there. Regardless of what the true excuse was for going to war with Iraq, I'm glad that G.W. found one.
Let the crazy and uneducated think and say what they want...
I Love G.W. and feel that he will be doing America a great service if he gives us another four years.
on Dec 09, 2003
The TRUTH is relevent,
on Jan 27, 2005
First of all I gotta say i really like this article and it is something that went through my head at a time. Why is there so much hate against Bush? But there's total reasons for this. The main reason I choose is the war on terrorism. Many people don't like war, and in a new age of war planning strategies and spies, fbi, mindcontrol, terrorism, etc. The war fare we're using is just damn right stuped. Bombing Afghanistan to quicken the destruction of terrorists lead to homeless people and many deaths and gave the terrorists an advantage:
The work better in chaos with society weaker which after the bombs were dropped left society crippled. Also terrorists down have huge bases they work in small cells so the bombing didn't do much in destroying them at all. What it did do was leave a place for American troops to walk through.

Then came Iraq, as statistics show as you can check Afghanistans security is crumbling as we left it saying it was "secure".

Why did we leave so fast and go to Iraq? What ever the reason since i'm not going to blame Bush for wanting to help himself and our countrey to oil resources which we need badly (unless we decided to use cleaner burning hemp) it was a bad idea. Did you know that the UN supported the Taliban to help set up a stronger Afghanistan? When we left we left the Taliban out of rule and the Al-Qeada stronger. There was a quote from the people that said somethoing along the lines of "Under Taliban there were regulations they be enforced law and we fealt safer under there rule then now"

I think wars fucked and the way in which we did it was totally wrong, I would have used a different strategy just as Kerry would have:
>Stay in Afghan and set up a strong self governed area there
>Work with the UN more, they have been helping create a safer middle east way bfore we came
>Stop working with drug lords (yes we do) and start working with Taliban
>Don't take away freedoms that give power to the government (all the laws being passed with the undefined word "terrorist")

I can find hundreds of reasons to hate Bush,
But you know what?
I can find hundreds of reasons to hate anyone...
If it was up to me Badnarik would be president (liberal) but since it's not it seems the world has voted for Bush. In my total opinion Bush hasn't really doen anything bad to "take away our freedom" since I feal my life hasn't ever been effected by what he's doing. Also I understand the reason for war and why he declared it. I rather not be in this war but now that we are, even though I think Kerry would have doen a better job, Bush hasn't been doing a bad job I guess? We got suddam (by luck) and I don't think the worlds that much worse off with Bush leading America.

Eather way Canada pawns all.
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