The left really hates George W. Bush. I don't particularly care for
Bush myself. But it's more on a personality level than due to his policies.
I haven't decided whether I will vote for him or not. But one thing is for sure,
he seems to drive some people on the left insane.
And I mean that literally -- IN-SANE. Ask them why and the reasons usually
are in a gurgle of profanity and crazy talk. And unfortunately for them, the
left is increasingly becoming its own worst enemy. As you surf the web
looking for blogs or whatever to read, it's becoming increasingly difficult to
read a coherent left-wing blog. More and more I read blogs that just spew
so much hatred towards Bush that whatever point or argument they were making is
Worse still, their talking points are increasingly becoming bizarre,
unsustainable, and out of touch with the American people. It is as if the people
on the left assume that most people hate Bush too or are gullible. This
makes for a lethal combination for Democrats. On the one hand, their core base
is becoming increasingly crazy sounding due to their irrational hatred of George
W. Bush. And their more "moderate" members are stuck with lame talking points
like "Worst economy since Hoover." (like please, do they really think that
Americans have discounted the affect 9/11 had -- $1 TRILLION lost in one day
added to an already slumping economy as Bush was elected?).
There are, of course, exceptions. Kind of. But it's getting hard to find
someone who can put forth a rational argument for throwing Bush out of office.
Especially when their alternative is increasingly looking like someone like
Howard Dean who seems to be totally devoid of any geopolitical thought
whatsoever and have zero interesting economic proposals other than raising my
taxes. Not a great message: "Vote for me and I'll enact policies that won't
protect you from terrorists but we'll raise your taxes? Yay!"
If the left were serious about getting rid of Bush they would put forth a
candidate with these talking points:
1) Zero tolerance of terrorism. We will stay in Iraq and win that war.
2) Will balance the budget through spending cuts.
3) Must get back to eliminating the deficit. As soon as the economy bounces
back will enact a 2% across the board temporary tax to repay the debt. EVERYONE
will pay this.
4) NATO countries and South Korea will send X number of troops to Iraq to
help OR the United States will remove X number of troops from those countries
and send them to Iraq.
5) To China: Stop putting your currency at the same rate as the US dollar or
we will put tariffs on your goods. Massive tariffs. China has 5 times the
population of the US, there's no excuse for a $200 billion or whatever trade
But overall, I think the strongest message a candidate could give right now
and have a chance would be to say we're going to win the war on terrorism, stay
in Iraq, and make our domestic policy about balancing the budget. I think these
things would appeal to a lot more people than crazy talk like "John Aschcroft is
going to come to your home and send you to a secret prison" or "Worst economy
since Hoover..."
Either way though, the left needs a positive message. They need a message
that is about something more than just hating Bush.