Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Sometimes it's better not to make a fuss...
Published on July 30, 2004 By Draginol In Democrat

While visiting NASA, John Kerry posed for the cameras and Nasa put the results up.

Kerry, who apparently found the pictures unflattering, cried foul. And he cried foul loud enough to gain the attention of the national media and bloggers who turned a picture that nobody would likely have seen into one everyone is going to see.

Sometimes, it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 30, 2004
Thats hilarious Draginol,I like it!
on Jul 30, 2004
People also say he looks like the Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I think he looks more like Mike TeeVee.
on Jul 30, 2004
Well, let me tote up myJohn Kerry scorecard:

The plusses:
* his environmental beliefs
* his plan to take the money away from a high income tax cut and use it to extend health care benefits

The minuses:
* he looks silly in a NASA suit
* he is silly about complaining regarding an unflattering picture

Geez guys, this is such a close call, I just can't decide whether the plusses or minuses carry more weight.

Seriously: this forum being dominated by outspoken conservatives, I came here today to read intelligent answers to John Kerry's proposals last night. I'll admit, I was afraid that I might instead find dumb distractions instead -- broad characterizations of a negative sort, voting record references meant to be misleading... But you've got me here, I am blown away by the effectiveness of this counter attack.
on Jul 30, 2004

No Don, your problem is that you came expecting to read a bunch of liberals agreeing with your own views.

As I go through the forums, I see lots of people on both sides.  I'd argue that of the people who regularly post, most are liberal.

In fact, looking at the top 20 users, about half are left of center and the other half about right of center.

I don't, btw, consider it a "plus" to confiscate money from one group to pay for the health care for another.

on Jul 30, 2004
I find the forums much, much less hospitable to conservatives than to liberals these days. I think it you'd have to be blind to look at this site and pretend conservatives have a free ride, or are even in the majority.
on Jul 30, 2004

I want to add one other thing: The only reason why JU isn't overwhelmingly full of left of center people is that some of the more prolofic posters in the past have either gotten banned or asked to leave because of their intolerance for other points of view to the point where they would use heavy amounts of profanity and make personal attacks from thread to thread against those they disagree with.

One tactic I have noticed from some left of center people here is a tendancy to try to intimdiate or harrass those they oppose into silence. 

on Jul 30, 2004
The only reason why JU isn't overwhelmingly full of left of center people is that some of the more prolofic posters in the past have either gotten banned or asked to leave because of their intolerance for other points of view to the point where they would use heavy amounts of profanity and make personal attacks from thread to thread against those they disagree with.

Sorry to be off topic--But Draginol--haven't only 4 people been banned? And with the exception of one (and maybe two, the first was before my time), it would be hard to argue that they were overtly political. I don't necessarily see that the site leans one way or another--but I'd have to say that I've seen hostility and anger from both sides.

Back on topic: I think the picture is funny--I would vote for sperm!
on Jul 30, 2004

Bakerstreet: Indeed.  I find there there to be a lot less tolerance of conservative ideals by liberals than vice versa.  The amount of Bush trashing that occurs on JU is pretty major.

I also find that liberals, though when confronted, sometimes demand their opponents silenced.  That the mere presence of conservatives is enough to drive them away. 

That said, I think that the conservatives in the blogsphere, generlaly do better because they tend to stick to it.  I give credit to Wisefawn because while I strongly disagree with her views, she at least sticks to her work -- though she's removed a lot of her articles which blunts her effectiveness.

But popularity online depends on staying with it over a long period of time.  Left of center bloggers either flame out (Mikimouse for instance) or just fade away (Wahkonta).

Props to Stevenadalous who has built a solid library of articles. I wish there were more writers left of center like him.

on Jul 30, 2004
I would vote for sperm

That could be taken the wrong way! I mean that I vote that he looks like a sperm more than he looks like a bunny!
on Jul 30, 2004

Shades - more recently a couple of people did get banned.

Mikimouse (I was on vacation when that happened so I am not sure what happened) and David St. Hubbins who is about to get unbanned to see if he can get along better.  But both were prolofic left of center writers but both, IMO, showed an amazing level of intolerance towards views that didn't agree with their own.

Maybe because conservatives are used to being the minority in these kinds of situations that we're used to having to tolerate views that differ from our own.  Most political communities tend to be left of center whereas most lone blog sites tend to be conservative.

on Jul 30, 2004
Mikimouse (I was on vacation when that happened so I am not sure what happened) and David St. Hubbins who is about to get unbanned to see if he can get along better. But both were prolofic left of center writers but both, IMO, showed an amazing level of intolerance towards views that didn't agree with their own.

Sometimes I feel like you run a play school class rather than a blogsite. How do you put up with us?

That said, I'm glad you do.

I get equally annoyed by both sides of the political spectrum around here--does that make me a centrist?
on Jul 30, 2004
Mikimouse has no business being unbanned and honestly I think it would be the last straw for me here. The environment is acidic enough without welcoming people who post derisive, insulting articles aimed at ridiculing the beheaded vicitms of terrorism... LINK. I don't think I could bear to fequent the same site as that waste of skin.
on Jul 30, 2004
I would vote for sperm!

I love it when a girl says that.
on Jul 30, 2004
I was always under the impression(perhaps wrongly) that the conservative side has always been a bit more tightly-knit than the left is...
on Jul 30, 2004
he conservative side has always been a bit more tightly-knit than the left

Yes, but the left makes up for it by being more tightly wound....
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