I'm really frustrated with the 4 year old. We have two children, a 7 year old and a 4 year old. They couldn't be more different. Both have traits that make them very lovable. But the 4 year old has been a real challenge to raise so far.
The 7 year old is kind, gentle, and full of empathy. The 4 year old, to put it mildly, is not. He's cute and has his moments of sweetness. But he will also seemingly go out of his way to break things.
This morning he came up on Alex's toy insect collection and simply broke off the legs on some of them. No reason. He just did it. Alex was devastated. He's the kind of kid who takes very good care of his things. He also readily shares his things with others, seemingly unaware that not everyone is like he is in their treatment of personal things.
When we had only 1 child, my wife and I credited Alex's nature to our parenting. But the 4 year old, Ryan, shows us that nature conquers nurture in many respects. It's not that Ryan isn't a sweet little boy. He is. I love him to pieces. And he is a lot better than many of the children his age that we're around. Ryan doesn't have a cruel bone in his body for instance. He's got a kind heart. But he just seems to inclined to destroy things. I like to think that he just wants to take things apart to see how they are made. I'm not sure yet. I only know what the end result is - the ruining of a cherished toy or object of someone else.
So he's in his room (I'm working from home today). And the 7 year old has that "I'm trying to keep a brave face on" but looks incredibly sad.