Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Tough love for the Democrats
Published on August 6, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

I find it amazing that the group of people most identified with worshipping the first amendment seem to be the ones most intolerant of opinions other than their own. For months we've seen left wing groups like creating anti-Bush commercials that are only vaguely factual.  Celebrities have lent their voices to unseating George W. Bush.  Bruce Springsteen, for example, is currently doing a "Get Bush Out" concert tour (John Mellencamp wrote a song called "Bush is just another thug"). Heck, I can barely watch TV without some half-witted celebrity telling me that Bush needs to go.  This summer, we've had Fahrenheit 9/11 making over a hundred millions dollars and seen Michael Moore's mug on almost every magazine cover at one point or other.  In short, the left has certainly had its opportunity to get its views out.

But when conservatives try to get their message out, the left cries foul. Listening to the left, you'd think that Fox News was GOP TV.  In left-wing land, apparently, if the coverage isn't overtly left-wing it's GOP TV.  Sure, The Daily Show with John Stewart tends to be less sympathetic to conservatives than liberals.  And CNN, ABC, and NBC tend to prefer to cover social issues that are the strong points of the left.  And let's not forget the ridiculous media coverage of the Iraq war that's come from the New York Times and other "mainstream" media outlets.  But oh no! Bill O'Reilly at 8pm hates high taxes and is (gasp) a Catholic. It must be GOP TV! Those damn conservatives are able to get their message out on a cable news channel on top of AM radio! The sky is falling!

Meanwhile, conservatives have, for years, had to deal with the reality that most of the people who cover the news have political philosophies that are much different than their own. And while most of those who cover the news try to be fair, their own viewpoints inevitably creep into the news and especially in editorials. Conservatives have had to develop a sort of "Reality check" sense when listening to the news.  Liberals, by contrast, apparently are so thin skinned that people like Bill O'Reilly send them into fits of insanity. And don't get them started on Sean Hannity who CO-hosts a show with liberal Alan Colmes. Since when are conservatives allowed to speak at all? Isn't George Will's token appearance on "This Week" enough for those right wing nuts? Sure, "This Week" is hosted by Bill Clinton's former press secretary, but that's fine.

And now this week, the left is going berzerk over the Swift Boat veterans. Cries of unfairness ring loud and clear from the left. Well, as someone who's had to listen to Moore-ons all summer ranting their erroneous "facts" across the net and TV all summer. And had to see snippets of's venom on TV I say, deal with it.  If Kerry hadn't made the cornerstone of his campaign about the 4 months he served in Vietname he wouldn't be vulnerable to the fact that most of the people who served with him don't support him.  Are the charges of the Swift Boat veterans unfair? Possibly. But compare that to the whole Bush went AWOL nonsense. Was that fair? At least this is based on some semblance of reality.

The first amendment means that all sides get to speak out.  Not just those who hold "correct" opinions.  Those people demanding that Bush or conservatives condemn the Swift Boat veterans and what not should be also demanding that Kerry and his supporters condemn Michael Moore and his ilk along with  But don't expect that to happen. Kerry, after, all, complemented hollywood stars such as Whoopi Goldberg, who, in his presence, made vulgar sexual references to Bush. 

So if the left things they're getting treated rough now, then they have no idea what rough behavior is. Perhaps they should start looking at the sewage their supporters have been heaping on the American public for the past half year.

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on Aug 06, 2004

Yeah, a lot of people hate Bush.  It's not just the media either, the Union of Concerned Scientists that includes  60 prominent scientists who signed a letter entitled "Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policymaking," complaining of the Bush administration's misuse of science. I quote this off their website  "Thousands of scientists have called for an end to these practices, including 48 Nobel Laureates and 62 National Medal of Science recipients".  It's all across the board.  Also, if you visit any other country besides the U.S. and watch their news that is a whole nother extreme right there.  They are extremely critical.  I remember just before 9/11  I went on a trip to Europe where I stayed in Italy specifically in Rome.  I couldn't go out sight seeing for a week because Bush was in Rome and it had sparked riots.  I came back to the U.S. of course not hearing anything about it here in our news.  I think it's not just the "left" its everyone except Republicans and conservatives.

here is that link to the Scientists website Link

on Aug 06, 2004
It's so true. The left always complains when things like Howard Stern, that Reagans movie for CBS, or Farenheit 9/11 are "censored", but when they see something they don't like, it better come off the air.
on Aug 06, 2004
Let us all be fair and balanced during a campaign since blue and red states are really purple--only the deep burgundy and the blue violet go wild.
on Aug 06, 2004
That's a good way to put it Stevendedalus. 
on Aug 06, 2004
The Bush campain has called upon Kerry to agree to disavow ALL soft-money advertising. I read yesterday that 60 million dollars has been spent on Kerry by interests outside the campaign.

The administration said openly that they wouldn't make any issue of Kerry's military service, and wouldn't support the practice. For Kerry to call on Bush to openly condemn the swift boat folks, though, would mean HE would have to condemn the millions spend micharacterizing Bush's past and record.

It's bullshit, in my opinion. Kerry wants people to take the high road on this one issue, when his own supporters have been flinging dirt under the table since before he announced his candidacy.

Bush didn't make claims that his time in the National Guard made him "the man for the job". Kerry is the one spending more time leaning on his four months in Vietnam than his 20+ years as a Senator, so he has invited this kind of scrutiny.
on Aug 06, 2004

Yeah, a lot of people hate Bush.  It's not just the media either, the Union of Concerned Scientists that includes  60 prominent scientists who signed a letter entitled "Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policymaking," complaining of the Bush administration's misuse of science. I quote this off their website  "Thousands of scientists have called for an end to these practices, including 48 Nobel Laureates and 62 National Medal of Science recipients".  It's all across the board.  Also, if you visit any other country besides the U.S. and watch their news that is a whole nother extreme right there.  They are extremely critical.  I remember just before 9/11  I went on a trip to Europe where I stayed in Italy specifically in Rome.  I couldn't go out sight seeing for a week because Bush was in Rome and it had sparked riots.  I came back to the U.S. of course not hearing anything about it here in our news.  I think it's not just the "left" its everyone except Republicans and conservatives.

It's this kind of, sorry, ignorance that perpetuates the anti-Bush stuff.  Bush has a 48% job approval rating, which is an all time low for him. For most of his presidency, MOST Americans have liked Bush.  But the left has continually deluded itself into thinking that only conservatives like him. 

You mention before 9/11 people hating Bush. Bush had been in office for less than 8 months at that point. How much of a chance had they really given him?

on Aug 06, 2004
I think its funny how you are condemning the "Left" for whining and whimpering in a post that is nothing but whining and whimpering.

By the way, the Swift Boat Veterans thing is a complete sham. Link

on Aug 06, 2004

It's this kind of, sorry, ignorance that perpetuates the anti-Bush stuff
Which part are you calling ignorant?  The nobel laureates who are against his environmental and scientific policies, Bush's image in the rest of the world, or my opinion?  He really is not liked by the rest of the world's people what do you want me to say?

The general public supports Bush because the masses don't take time out to research things.  For example the majority also started using the term "flip-flopper" because they heard that is what Kerry was.  The majority of the public doesn't know that Kerry first said he would vote for the $87 billion dollar proposal if it was from rolling back tax cuts for the rich, that didn't happen so he voted against it being fully aware that his vote would make no difference.  Also about 90% of the time I hold a political conversation with a conservative they end up trying to personally attack me without sticking to the debate and what I have said.  I can understand being passionate but it speaks volumes about self-control.  I really am disappointed when people lose their civility. 

on Aug 06, 2004
Oh and by the way, it is very misleading to identify the Left with Democrats and the Right with Republicans. Dems and Repubs are only thin slices of the true political spectrum. So many are guilty of missing this distinction.
on Aug 06, 2004
I'm sorry but I have to jump in here.

The general public supports Bush because the masses don't take time out to research things. For example the majority also started using the term "flip-flopper" because they heard that is what Kerry was. The majority of the public doesn't know that Kerry first said he would vote for the $87 billion dollar proposal if it was from rolling back tax cuts for the rich, that didn't happen so he voted against it being fully aware that his vote would make no difference.
psychx ... you have just done what is typical of the left and has been noted before by Draginol. You assume that, since a 'majority' don't agree with your position or beliefs, they just don't get it, or they are too stupid, or they are being tricked.

That is so typical of the liberal elitist bullshit.

Sorry for the rant.
on Aug 06, 2004
"The general public supports Bush because the masses don't take time out to research things."

Civility? You claimed that people support Bush because they are uninformed. Sorry, do I strike you as uninformed?

" The majority of the public doesn't know that Kerry first said he would vote for the $87 billion dollar"

and if they looked even deeper they would see that they didn't make that decision until they realized Dean's anti-war stance was gaining him ground. Come on, it is common knowledge, even Democrats involved in the decision have admitted to it. The voting against the funding was just a way to make Kerry seem anti-war to appease Dean-heads...

When you talk about "conservatives" like they are some ignorant sheep, am I to think you don't consider me or Brad to be conservative? I have seen Republicans called sheep here several times in the last few weeks. I am Republican, is that attacking me personally? Are they being civil?

You just called for people to stop being insulting and then insulted a section of the population I belong to. How logical is that? Seems ignorant to me...
on Aug 06, 2004
Which part are you calling ignorant?

The part where you said everyone except Republicans and conservatives hate Bush.

The Bush tax cuts aren't a valid excuse for not funding our soliders. Do you think Kerry's vote against the $87 billion was more about principle than politics? The $87 billion would not be a big deal except that it coincides with Kerry switching his position from being for the war to being ambivalent.
on Aug 06, 2004
Brad calls his point ignorant, he takes issue to the "personal attack" and then in his retort he says "The general public supports Bush because the masses don't take time out to research things."

To me, and granted, I'm ignorant, that sounds like someone to my left dishing it out but not being able to take it. Very on-topic, I think.
on Aug 06, 2004
Ok this article was basically stating that the left can dish it out but can take it.  So if anything it should exemplify the fact that the right can take an opposing argument without calling it ignorant.  I do agree, on BOTH sides it is the same issue one says the other can't do this or that.  I knew that if I said something that was easily disagreeable that someone would call my argument ignorant, typical, liberal, whatever just because it is an opposing argument, completely proving my point.  Why write a blog that the left can't take it when the first opposing argument is then called ignorant, it's contradictory.  Nothing I say will change anyones mind here but pointing the finger explicitly and stating they can't take it and then doing the same thing is borderline hypocritical.  This has nothing to do with whether I am on the left or right, I believe a balance should exist within this country and neither side is completely right, and you are right baker it is very on topic..
on Aug 06, 2004
When you talk about "conservatives" like they are some ignorant sheep, am I to think you don't consider me or Brad to be conservative?
I think that on both sides the masses normally do not follow as closely as they should.  Not especially conservatives but liberals and independents.  They teach this in political science classes.  Baker most people in the political forums on JU are well informed but for the most part people are not as informed as you Baker who could hold up in a politcal argument.
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