Currently on vacation up north at the lake but it's raining and I have my laptop with me with my cell phone.
Was doing some searching on the web and came across this article (below) about the liberal media bias. It's quite an interesting read.
if by heavily influenced you mean allowing a liberal and a conservative exactly equal time on a news program when discussing issues as opposed to a liberal and .... *crickets* in the conventional media then sure...
You mean like the New York Times put a front page story about a "rumor" that Dick Cheney is going to get dropped from the ticket even though there was no evidence support that?
You can theorize about conservative bias but liberal bias is thrown in our faces in a very real way.
BTW, anyone who thinks O'Reilly is conservative either doesn't watch him or is so left wing that anyone who isn't far left must seem conservative. Conservatives don't consider O'Reilly conservative.
No one has a beef with editorial bias. The beef comes when they attempt to pass off editorial or opinion content as a news story. O'Reilly is an analyst with an opinion and Q&A show not the guy who heads you the news stories. Ask a conservative if O'Reilly is left or right and you will get a different response than you might expect in anycase.