Years from now I suspect they will be able to say that the Bush National Guard hoax on CBS's 60 News was the moment when "old media" jumped the shark.
Jumping the shark is a term that refers to when something has passed its peak and is on its way down. It originates from a Happy Days episode where Henry Winkler as The Fonz, jumps a shark complete with leather jacket on.
Old media avoided covering Swift Boat Veterans where it could. Its controversial claims are considered dubious by some and with merit by others. But this past week, CBS's 60 Minutes, which had ignored the charges of the Swift Boat Veterans had made against Senator Kerry, quickly, and apparently without sufficient consideration, did an in-depth interview on charges that Bush didn't complete his National Guard Service commitments.
The evidence for these claims largely came from a series of "newly discovered" documents allegedly written by now deceased Colonel Killian. Based on these documents, CBS's 60 Minutes gave significant air time to the claim that Bush didn't meet his National Guard duties and therefore has less credibility in what he says and does.
Here's a link to one of the documents:
What is surprising is how transparent the forgery is. It doesn't take an expert to look at these documents and recognize Times New Roman font, the perfect centering of the address at the top, the curly quotes, Word's 1.25 inch margins, the superscript, proportional fonts, word-wrap, etc.. Not exactly standard issue in 1973 typewriters. I mean, you just look at this and it screams "modern word processor".
But it wasn't CBS that caught this error but rather the blogsphere.
Here are just some of the sites that quickly exposed this pretty obvious hoax:
Already techs ites like and and many other such sites have taken over from "old media" when it comes to tech news. But people have traditionally still thought that these web sites, these blogs, these "new media" lack the thoroughness and maturity that powerhouses like CBS News bring to the table.
And yet here we are, blogs ites and tech sites being right on top of things. It took until yesterday (Sept 14) for the cable news channels to finally start getting serious about this (i.e. taking a MS Word made version of the memo, printing it out, scanning it and overlaying it onto the alleged 1973 document).
Increasingly, if you want accurate news quickly, new media seems to be the place to go.
Years from now, when Americans are mostly relying on electronic news compilation sources rather than network news to get their facts, people will be able to point out to this incident as the day old media jumped the shark.