Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The loss of common sense?
Published on September 11, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

CBS is sticking to its guns despite increasingly overwhelming evidence that the documents they used as the basis for their anti-Bush national guard story were forged.

CBS's "independent" source has come forward saying CBS misled him by indicating that the documents were "hand written". Having seen the documents, even he says they were probably computer generated.

What's really startling is just how obviously computer generated they were.  These "memos" weren't just made with MS Word.  They were made with MS Word with all the default settings. Most people, if they were going to do a forgery, would probably at least change something - margins, spacing, something.  These documents were not just done on the computer, they were done with a specific program.

This image from Little Green Footballs shows MS Word and a scan of the original memo overlayed. The odds of having such a perfect match and not being from the same source are well, basically zero. This isn't a case of where "we'll never know for sure". This is pretty much a slam dunk and CBS blew it by not coming clean.

Bear in mind, the above is Word and the original document overlayed. That's how exact they are -- you can't even tell there's an overlay.  It's not just the superscript "th" either. It's a dozen other things that make it obvious. 

When is the TV media going to simply show this image? A picture is wort a thousand words.

on Sep 11, 2004
So something like this would have been better?

on Sep 11, 2004
The US economy is in a mess, less americans have jobs than when the chimp stole the election, and you people are arguing about the fact that the president is a draft dodger or not?
Jeez the man can barely form sentences and is outwitted by a pretzel, his war record is the least of his problems I would say. heres hoping the majority of americans come to theiur senses before november and vote that chimp out of office.
on Sep 11, 2004

Reading this I just realized what the underlying rebuttal to all this will be:

That's what he would have written if he realized what a dim witted, vile, election stealing, lying, misleading, shrub of a chimp he had in his unit. Luckily someone had the foresight to put words in his mouth and for that we should be thankful.

The people who care about him being a draft dodger are the ones who are going to vote for him. The draft dodger thing is being brought up by people whose ideas are in line with yours and they are hoping to damage his base. Many people, like yourself, were celebrating when these documents were initially released. Now that they are proving to be forgeries you don't want to talk about it anymore. This is the behavior of a child.
on Sep 11, 2004

The US economy is in a mess, less americans have jobs than when the chimp stole the election

He must be a powerful man to be able to do all that in the mere 4 years that he has been in office.  I am sure that everything that happens during a presidency is completely the presidents doing, right?  I am also sure that war has no effect on the economy, or the fact that people demand such high wages in today's economy that many companies outsource so that they can make a profit on their goods, or be able to get on the shelves of Walmart?  Yes, I am sure that we can blame everything that ever happened on the President that was in office at the time. 

on Sep 11, 2004
What are you getting at KarmaGirl? I mean, he looks like a chimp! Isn't that all the evidence you need that everything is his fault?!

Seriously though, I can't wait to see how CBS trys to get out of this. Should be interesting stuff.
on Sep 11, 2004
Yea, the economy is really in tatters. That 5.4% unemployment rate is just terrible...terrible!