Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Press playing partisan politics?
Published on September 11, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Been hearing a lot of Cheney's "outrageous" statement about making wrong choices and terrorist attacks? That's because he's not just being quoted out of context but actually having a sentence cut off.

Here is how the sound bite runs:

Because if we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we’ll get hit again, that we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.

Big problem with that quote - it's incomplete. There should be no period after "Standpoint of the United States"

Here is the actual quote:

"Because if we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we’ll get hit again, that we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States, and that we’ll fall back into the pre-9/11 mind set if you will, that in fact these terrorist attacks are just criminal acts, and that we’re not really at war. I think that would be a terrible mistake for us. "

Changes the meaning quite a bit doesn't it? Notice that the sound bites cut him off as to make it sound like Cheney is saying that the "wrong choice" would mean an attack.

But that's not what he said. He said that if we make the wrong choice and we get attacked that we might go back and treat terrorism like a law enforcement issue like the Clinton administration did.

It's really amazing that the media would do this kind of distortion. But then again, given the CBS news hoax, who knows what's possible.

on Sep 11, 2004
It simply proves that such editing is as bad as fabricating a quote. If the Media and sleazy filmmakers can edit what people say in such a way as to mean something completely different from the original intent, then it's probably best not to trust whatever they say, even if it is technically true.
on Sep 11, 2004
I would not trust much of anything that I hear from most media outlets just for that reason.
on Sep 11, 2004
Cheneys a nutcase. How he can justify invading iraq with anything to so with september 11th is beyond everyone outside the US.
the hijackers were saudis. Did you americans not have a map to reference when you gave orders to the air force?
on Sep 11, 2004

Reply #3 By: UkDude (Anonymous) - 9/11/2004 6:02:58 AM
Cheneys a nutcase. How he can justify invading iraq with anything to so with september 11th is beyond everyone outside the US.
the hijackers were saudis. Did you americans not have a map to reference when you gave orders to the air force?

Could you do me a "large" favor? Please take your "limey" attitude and tone it down a little. I do not appreciate the inference that Americans are incompetent.
on Sep 13, 2004
UKDude - if you want to write your own "I hate USA" thread go right ahead. This thread is about an example of editing Cheney's quote to change its meaning.