Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
CBS duped?
Published on September 11, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

At this points, anyone even remotely interested in this story who is on-line has seen the compelling evidence that the memos CBS used to prove that Bush was getting special treatment in the National Guard were in fact forged.

Here's an animated GIF from LGF that shows the CBS received memo vs. a 2004 Windows XP MS Word document with all the default settings.  The evidence is pretty conclusive. You can't even get this close using a different word processor let alone using a type writer (regardless of what imagined abilities of some magical type writer from 1973, it still wouldn't look this exact).

The question is, how long will CBS stick to its guns when it's obvious the documents are a hoax?

Comments (Page 4)
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on Sep 12, 2004

Kerry claims to have committed many acts counter to the laws of war and the Geneva Convention.

the us military rules of engagement in effect during the conflict in vietnam sanctioned the violations of the geneva accords to which kerry testified.   this has to be the fifth time ive pointed that out. 

Who would you rather baby-sit your kids? Someone who dodged the draft or someone who without complaint and with great zeal commited "War Crimes"? If someone's character is too suspect to baby-sit my kid, they aren't fit to babysit my country

in other words youre claiming infantrymen who patrolled free fire zones or were provided with weapons considered inappropriate for use in promixity to civilian populations--which would mean just about such veterans--shouldnt  be be left alone with children. since you brought it up, ill let you warn the public.

on Sep 12, 2004

Who would you rather baby-sit your kids? Someone who dodged the draft or someone who without complaint and with great zeal commited "War Crimes"? If someone's character is too suspect to baby-sit my kid, they aren't fit to babysit my country.

I don't mind if a war criminal babysits my child, unless it's a woman. That Lyndie England is the Devil (but Kerry is noble for his war crimes)!

on Sep 12, 2004
And now we learn that CBS never had the original documents in their possession. There are no original documents for them to submit to independent examination. Dan Rather is an even bigger idiot than we thought for running with a story he could not even come close to confirming.

on Sep 12, 2004

Yep, it's me JBD again. Mr. Wardell (aka Draginol aka Frogboy), you've done well in surrounding yourself with such a pack of rabid right-wing twits on this site. Frankly, I am surprised that for such a mild-mannered persona you carry on other online places, such as Usenet and on QT3, that you would have such a petty streak as is being manifested on your pet site. I suppose we all have our pecadilloes. An advise then, that you keep your petty views as this more tightly under wraps, and not link to it within your adverts for your wares. It is very offputting, not to mention embarrassing, and will not do your career any service. If I had ever hold an ounce of interest in your products, believe me when I say that I wouldn't touch them now even if you pay me.

For the record, I am neither a Republican nor Democrat. I am sick and tired of the petty and twisted and partisan clamor from both sides. Have you looked at your nation's deficits lately? Do you know what the words 'social security' and 'imminent bankruptcy' have in common? Do you care that the war in Iraq has seemingly no end? Yet here you are with your petty little rants about petty little election lies. As if that were news, eh? Good lord man, grow and spine and stand up and look above the rock you're cowering under.

Good bye, I will not be here again. I try avoid bigots when I can.
on Sep 12, 2004

Yep, it's me JBD again. Mr. Wardell (aka Draginol aka Frogboy), you've done well in surrounding yourself with such a pack of rabid right-wing twits on this site. Frankly, I am surprised that for such a mild-mannered persona you carry on other online places, such as Usenet and on QT3, that you would have such a petty streak as is being manifested on your pet site. I suppose we all have our pecadilloes. An advise then, that you keep your petty views as this more tightly under wraps, and not link to it within your adverts for your wares. It is very offputting, not to mention embarrassing, and will not do your career any service. If I had ever hold an ounce of interest in your products, believe me when I say that I wouldn't touch them now even if you pay me.

So, anybody who believes this memo is fake is a right-wing twit? Nice.

For the record, I am neither a Republican nor Democrat. I am sick and tired of the petty and twisted and partisan clamor from both sides. Have you looked at your nation's deficits lately? Do you know what the words 'social security' and 'imminent bankruptcy' have in common? Do you care that the war in Iraq has seemingly no end? Yet here you are with your petty little rants about petty little election lies. As if that were news, eh? Good lord man, grow and spine and stand up and look above the rock you're cowering under.

I like how everybody says they're an independent. I'm starting to believe that there's no such thing. I'm sure there is though, but some people claim to be independent because it makes them seem less kooky than they really are.

on Sep 12, 2004
I try avoid bigots when I can.

I'd steer clear of mirrors, then, you sanctimonious sack o' shit. And I love it when an Anonymous User says something "for the record."

on Sep 12, 2004
First of all, did I even mention John Kerry? No. Don't assume that just because I have an obvious distaste for George W. Bush, that I then must automatically love Mr. Kerry. Unfortunately,what happens in this country, is people that see themselves as Republicans, feel compelled to support their Rep. nominee, regardless of whether or not they truly like him. The same is true for Democratic folks. This is not all inclusive, of course, yet it is widespread. So just because John Kerry is the Dem. nominee, and yes I will probably vote for him, I will do so because the other choice (G.W.B.) is a complete moron, an embarrassment to this country, and clearly not a "leader". Furthermore, sticking to the mentioned topics is prefered, instead of trying to shift focus by launching personal attacks on say, John Kerry. I do not need to justify or argue the case for Kerry, and by you making a comparison between Bush and he, once again reinforces what I was saying in the first place. Thank you.
on Sep 12, 2004
"I really hate to break it to you "kingbee" But you and a lot of other people have missed a VERY important fact. "If " and I stress IF he did not complete his military service he WOULD NOT have gotten a honorable discharge from the US NAVY! No way, "no" how! I don't care how important his daddy was/is, there's no way around that"

Bullshit! I know somebody who was discharged (honorably) from the U.S. Military because they had a skin disorder that could not be treated, and which shaving only caused a more severe condition, to a point where he was then honorably discharged. Exceptions can always be made... especially for families with as much pull and influence as the Bush family. I am not saying it was done for Bush, I am just saying that you shouldn't be so sure of yourself, and jump to conclusions.
on Sep 12, 2004
First, let me apologize for going overboard there just a tad. Not very PC. True, but not very PC. I'll try to do better, use asterisks or something.

Bullshit! I know somebody who was discharged (honorably) from the U.S. Military because they had a skin disorder that could not be treated, and which shaving only caused a more severe condition, to a point where he was then honorably discharged.

HUH? This is somehow pertinent? Without going through a specific and documented proceeding (in the case of your friend, a fitness-for-duty evaluation), I'm not aware anyone can be honorably discharged without having satisfactorily discharged his duty.

on Sep 12, 2004
It's possible that Bush pulled some strings, but until some actual proof is provided, the claim is no more valid than any other wacky accusation thrown at any of the candidates.
on Sep 12, 2004
Good bye, I will not be here again. I try avoid bigots when I can.

Thank Allah, Thank Buddha, and Thank God, with your supposedly insightful rhetoric gone, the JU community will be a better place for it.

For the record I am neither Republican nor Democrat, or even a Independent, I am a human being and as such I will decide what I want to do or who I want to vote for, such as the rest of the JU Community.
on Sep 12, 2004
Still the fake memos taint whatever image the DNC was trying to portray of George Bush, and will only lead to it not being accepted for the Fifth time, because not everything that happened thirty years ago is relevant to the present day.
on Sep 12, 2004
people that see themselves as Republicans, feel compelled to support their Rep. nominee, regardless of whether or not they truly like him.

This is a false & facetious statement, not to mention insulting. There are any number of issues on which Mr. Bush and I hold differing views. Some of my views are closer to John Soros than Mr. Bush. I'm willing to bet most Republicans have one or more disagreements with Mr. Bush. I've simply determined that on the issues that matter most to me, I'm more in agreement with Mr. Bush than I am with Mr. Kerry, and I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Kerry has no core principles upon which he might base his decisions, giving me no idea what he might do as President. I can't predict with certainty what Mr. Bush will do, unforeseen events being by definition "unforeseen," but at least I have some basis for guessing. Not so with Mr. Kerry.

on Sep 12, 2004

"in other words youre claiming infantrymen who patrolled free fire zones or were provided with weapons considered inappropriate for use in promixity to civilian populations--which would mean just about such veterans--shouldnt be be left alone with children. since you brought it up, ill let you warn the public."

I didn't bring it up, Kerry did, when he returned from zealously commiting such and only then began protesting it to further his political career. Yes, I would certainly have a problem with anyone of such opportunistic morality caring for children.

If you want to believe that the average Vietnam veteran did the things that Kerry did, fine, but I have known many that didn't. He admits it, did it without protest, and now seeks to use it as a sign of superior character.

No, thanks, I'll take a draft dodger over a sociopathic opportunist anyday.

on Sep 12, 2004
If the second quote is true "landen81" CBS has done "more" damage to John Kerry than to GW Bush! And the swift boat vets have "yet" to be proven as liars.GW is no more evil than Sen. Kerry. And "please" don't call my commander-in-chief a "coward"!

Liar-and-thief is the proper term unless you're referring to Gore. The vets for Bush have been proven liars through records that have been released and, not to mention, they don't just hand out purple hearts. Anyways, I prefer an intellectual who wants what is right for this country than a puppet w/out a brain who benefited financially and in the polls from the 9/11 attack and views it as an achievement rather than a travesty. He then alienates the rest of the world by attacking an innocent country for oil thus creating more anti-American terrorists. You know all of this yet you hold this Bush up as such a great president. I just don’t get it! Explain to me why such a failure obtains all of this praise. Any Bush supporter, please explain this to me!
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