Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Now THIS is blogging...
Published on September 15, 2004 By Draginol In Websites

In a couple of weeks Blog Navigiator 1.0 will be released and boy is it cool. It's the only way I interact with JoeUser pretty much these days because the speed advantages of RSS feeds vs. slogging it through the website are so apparent.

The only thing I can't do - yet - is navigate through the forums. But that should be rectified fairly soon.  But it's not just reading blogs, posting blogs is easy too. The posting part requires Blog Navigator Pro which will come out afterwards.

We've decided to make Blog Navigator freeware and then have the Pro version be the $20 one.  The difference between the two being the ability to create your own blogs. Blog Navigator Pro supports posting to pretty much any type of blog site too, not just JoeUser.

For other blogs sites, Blog Navigator will be a boon as well because we've made it so that you can customize the free version of Blog Navigator for your own site (complete with default links, product branding, etc.). Then the blogger can sell from their blog site the "Pro" version and get a cut.

As conceited as this is to say, I know of no RSS reader available, on any platform, that can compete with the features of Blog Navigator Pro.  Even the free version of Blog Navigator has few that are really competitive -- even its non-free competition.

But I'll be going through more of that as the release date gets closer. Stay tuned!

on Sep 16, 2004
I'm buying it tomorrow!! Though, I have to say one RSS reader I like is called Pluck. I wrote a article about it but I will update the article once I get Blog Navigator Pro. I personally thing, from the free version, that Blog Navigator is very useful, especially for Joe User, and combine that with Pluck and you have the abiliity to not only share a blog with friends, but links, RSS feeds and anything else you can think off bewteen the two programs. You can save links and share them easy with one click on Pluck and then post about them with Blog navigator.

I would find that most useful when creating my Links Archive. (I am hoping by the time I restart school I would have 1000 detailed links, 10,000 direct links and 300 to 500 editorials and school project posts by January 2005)

Anyway, I also just want to say thank you for starting Joe User and making Blog Navigator.
on Sep 16, 2004
A Great FREE XML/RSS/Atom Aggregator for Windows is SharpReader, created by Luke Hutteman.

SharpReader version can be downloaded free from

SharpReader, will need you to install the .NET Framework, version 1.1
available from [Windows Update > ]
on Sep 17, 2004
Well, I'll give Sharp Reader a look, but I think between Blog Navigator and Pluck, I have all I need.