Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
For those of you living in a cave...
Published on September 15, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

For those of you who have been living in a cave..

In early September CBS did a 60 Minutes story on Bush's National Guard service. The argument was that Bush got "special treatment" and "disobeyed direct orders". Did Bush get special treatment because of his dad? Probably to some extent. I don't think most people really cared.

But CBS apparently cared. Cared enough that to back up their story they produced a series of "recently unearthed" documents allegedly from 1973. The source for these documents were anonymous (why someone was holding onto these documents for 30 years wasn't explained).

The problem with the documents is that they're fake. But the worst part isn't that they're fake, but that they're obviously faked. The person who made these forgeries couldn't be troubled apparently to even change the default font of MS Word when they did it. Nor did they change the spacing. Or the tabs.

To get the same memos CBS presented, you can load up MS Word, type it out and low and behold, with the default settings it's exactly the same. Even if you use a different word processor (let alone a type writer) you won't be able to reproduce the document exactly by default. And no type writer (including the IBM Selectronic Composer) can reproduce these documents exactly. Only MS Word -- with its default settings.

Here's the animated GIF.  I'm pounding on this because CBS hasn't retracted their story yet. They're sticking to it which I find to be ethically repugnant. Instead, Dan Rather charges that their are "powerful, well finances forces" out there to discredit them.  No, just people who recognize a MS Word document when they see one.


on Sep 15, 2004

Does it make any difference that Killian's secretary went on 60 Minutes tonight (taped earlier today) and confirmed the information in the memos as accurate? She said she believes that 1) Bush was given preferential treatment to get into the National Guard 2) missed drills and acted as if he were above the rules 3) Killian did keep notes as a "cover my butt" tactic and 4) Bush did DISOBEY a direct, written order to take a physical and indeed did not take said physical?

on Sep 16, 2004
Does it make any difference that Killian's secretary went on 60 Minutes tonight (taped earlier today) and confirmed the information in the memos as accurate?

Does it make any difference to you that a hoax and fraud was committed? Are you saying the ends justify the means? Is that what the democrats have been reduced to? NO wonder Kerry is so pathetic.
on Sep 16, 2004
Awed in Space:

Please don't misinterpret my intentions. I understand this is an issue on many levels. One is the method and CBS obviously deserves to be flogged for how this information got to them. Originally there was some question on JU about the information in the memos being important enough that this is or is not a story in the first place. Another JU blogger, for example said that if the information was correct he could not vote for Bush. So it is important.

How you so directly relate Kerry to CBS though.... I didn't know he owned the network.

on Sep 16, 2004

CrispE: You are being quite selective there.  She said that documents are fake but that they reflect -in her opinion- the views of her boss.

Bottom line: The documents are fake.

The rest is he said/she said.  The colonel's wife and son both say that the memos do NOT reflect his opinions.  The secretary says they do.  The secretary also refers to the President as "selected not elected" so not exactly an unbiased source.

on Sep 16, 2004

So you are saying it doesn't make a difference, is that correct?
on Sep 17, 2004
on Sep 18, 2004
Whether CBS properly vetted the Bush Guard documents is a topic of concern, but of even greater concern to all Americans is that we have a President who went AWOL, that is not debatable. There is no record of his whereabouts for over a year. A member of the National Guard is not able to simply go in and TELL his commanding officer he has better things to do and can't show up. It's called AWOL when you don't show up. THat is the REAL story here, as mothers and fathers say goodbye to their children and go fight --not terrorism---that's in Afganistan---in Iraq to protect Cheney's oil interests and Haliburton income, which is in the millions. Go to Judicial You can look at a map of Iraq from Cheney's secret energy meeting in March of 2001, 6 MONTHS BEFORE 9/11, with the oil fields outlined, and a list of potental developers. This was gotten via the Freedom of Information Act. The plan to invade Iraq was presented by these same guys to Clinton and he rejected it. Bush and Cheney continually tie the war in Iraq to terrorism to get the frightened to buy it. 9/11 victim families are suing Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. Isn't anybody paying attention to this?
on Sep 21, 2004
Has anyone analysed the response memo from Dan Rather to see if it actually was typed on an IBM selectric in 1973?