For those of you who have been living in a cave..
In early September CBS did a 60 Minutes story on Bush's National Guard service. The argument was that Bush got "special treatment" and "disobeyed direct orders". Did Bush get special treatment because of his dad? Probably to some extent. I don't think most people really cared.
But CBS apparently cared. Cared enough that to back up their story they produced a series of "recently unearthed" documents allegedly from 1973. The source for these documents were anonymous (why someone was holding onto these documents for 30 years wasn't explained).
The problem with the documents is that they're fake. But the worst part isn't that they're fake, but that they're obviously faked. The person who made these forgeries couldn't be troubled apparently to even change the default font of MS Word when they did it. Nor did they change the spacing. Or the tabs.
To get the same memos CBS presented, you can load up MS Word, type it out and low and behold, with the default settings it's exactly the same. Even if you use a different word processor (let alone a type writer) you won't be able to reproduce the document exactly by default. And no type writer (including the IBM Selectronic Composer) can reproduce these documents exactly. Only MS Word -- with its default settings.
Here's the animated GIF. I'm pounding on this because CBS hasn't retracted their story yet. They're sticking to it which I find to be ethically repugnant. Instead, Dan Rather charges that their are "powerful, well finances forces" out there to discredit them. No, just people who recognize a MS Word document when they see one.