Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Is there a bias?
Published on September 20, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

So does CBS have a liberal media bias?

Consider these facts and decide for yourself:

For their story impugning the President's military service CBS relied on what turned out to be forged documents claiming to be personal memos of his commanding officer. During their investigation, they talked to the deceased officer's wife and his son. Both of them said that their story was false.  CBS chose not to include their opinions because they were considered "biased" sources because they were "pro-Bush".

So CBS refused to believe the word of the family of the officer who allegedly wrote these memos because they were "biased". 

Yet the main two sources they relied on for their story is John Kerry's co-chairman, Ben Barnes as one source and the other source has turned out to be one Mr. Burkett, a man who has serious credibility issues in the past and has made all kinds of various unsubstantiated claims against the President. 

So the wife and son of the alleged author of these memos were "too biased" to take their concerns on the story seriously but two Democratic operatives are not too biased to use?

You be the judge.

on Sep 20, 2004
I appreciate this article I believe personally most of the media is left wing with the exception on Fox News. Yes watching Dan Rather apologize on CBS tonight amused me quite a bit. I am not sure if you are aware of a top "Gossip" author I shall not mention her name because I personally do not think she needs anymore publicity but she just wrote a book on the Bush's and family. Yes including all this "reliable" information from many "reliable" sources.

Unfortunately as we all know it's all part of the game. Let's report so all the americans that have no former education and rely so ignorantly on the media to base their personal opinions hence exercising in ignorance on election day.

CBS accomplished what they wanted regardless of the retraction.

~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~ Extended to all
on Sep 21, 2004

I find it funny to see how many Democrats are claiming that they just aren't good at being "nasty".  I would say that they are very good at being nsaty, just not very effective at it.

2004 has been a year of sewage from the left. From Fahreinheit 9/11, to, to countless nastiness from hollywood celebrities, and now these phoney documents.


on Sep 21, 2004
It's called nasty with a bow tied real Pretty with the spirals on the side once opened and looked @ it's hey wait a minute.......but the package looked pretty but what good is this going to do me it has no real value in my life hehehe or that extra dab of whipped topping yes go on it's uber delish as they sit back in the kitchen going heh watch the cholestrol charts on them hehehe or the song that some hear without truly listening saying hey did you hear that new song it's the baum ......Then someone with some actual intellect listens to the lyrics and says ummm excuse me do you realize what the message the song sending ? hehehe

Signing off as an Appreciating Tree~hugger that knows if it's diseased cut it down.

~Peace,Love,Health & Happiness~Extended to all

Have a good day