Points |
Activity |
Whose score it affects |
1 |
Someone views one of your particular articles |
Your Site score |
0.10 |
Someone views one of your articles as part of a listing |
Your Site score |
5 |
Registered user comments on one of your articles |
Your Site score |
1 |
You comment on an article or skin or forum post or news item |
Your personal score |
1 |
Anonymous user comments on one of your articles |
Your Site score |
1 to 81 |
A user gives your article an "Interesting" rating |
Your Site score |
1 to 81 |
A user recommends your skin |
Your Site score |
2 to 186 |
A user gives your article an "Insightful" rating |
Your Site score |
1 |
Someone visits your personal site |
Your Site score |
10 |
Each unique domain that refers to your site |
Your Site score |
5 |
Each unique domain that links to one of your articles / skins |
Your Site score |
0.1 |
Each download by a WinCustomize subscriber of one of your skins |
Your Site score |
1 |
Every rating you give to a skin |
Your personal score |
1 to 18 |
Someone gives one of your comments an "insightful" rating |
Your personal score |
-1 to - 18 |
Someone gives one of your comments a "trolling" rating |
Your personal score |
-100 |
An admin/moderator gives one of your comments a "trolling rating" |
Your personal score |
Personal Score = Site Score /10 + Personal Points
Top Personal Sites: Based on the points in the past 30 days.
Top Users: Based on points in the past 30 days.
Hall of Fame: Overall points for users and personal sites.