A new version of DesktopX is out. We've been working like crazy to get out
the little buglets and make it more useful in a very apparent way. The big thing
in the gamma can be summed up in stability, performance meter support, system
info support, and multi-monitor support.
1.99 GAMMA
- Worked on multimonitor support. Now IX works with multiworkarea so it can
place icons on all monitors and behave correctly even when changing monitors
dispositions, workarea, resolutions etc.
- Added back Undo movement (will eventually add Undo for more things). It is
in tray menu or activable with Ctrl-Z with keyboard focus on DX objects.
- Fixed a nasty crash in Dgui. It crashed IX at startup and I bet other
random things with text states in DX, mostly scripted stuff or text changed
through plugins.
- Fixed other two crash bugs with deleting and editing objects.
If you experience problems, please send desktopx.dmp and/or zipped
9/29/03 22:19 269,312 DirectGUI.dll
9/29/03 22:20 136,704 IconX.dll
9/29/03 22:20 36,352 dx0.dll
9/29/03 22:21 586,240 DesktopX.exe