Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Nearly a billion raised to be President
Published on October 2, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

According to the FEC (and compiled by the watchdog group) the Democrats have managed to take the lead in overall money raised and spent for the Presidency. 

The statistics aren't as clear cut as one might think. While the Democrast have raised a great deal more money overall, they had 9 major candidates to split it amongst where as the Republicans only had 1. But it doesn't bode well for the Republicans long term as the Democrats have put together quite an impressive cash machine going into future elections.

But holy cow, nearly a billion dollars raised in the fight to be President. Scary eh?



No. of Cands

Total Raised

Total Spent

Total Cash
on Hand
























on Oct 02, 2004
Well, we live in a country run by the rich - what else did you expect?
on Oct 02, 2004
Marx was not a Marxist!!

Down with the Proletariat!!

Good post Draginol, hmm now if only major third parties could raise that kind of money.

- GX, un-proud member of ENGSOC