Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Wow, Edwards is getting his butt kicked
Published on October 5, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Where Kerry defeated Bush, so far, watching the veep debate, Cheney is wiping the floor with Edwards.

Edwards sounds like he's just a walking talking point droid. Cheney, on the other hand, sounds like a seasoned pro. We'll see how things continue...

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 05, 2004
Realize people Edwards has never done a debate before, he is a first term senator, or maybe second I don't recall.

Not relevant.
on Oct 05, 2004
I've heard a rumor that Edwards and Kerry have a PLAN, and that it is clear and consistent. What it is I have no idea.
on Oct 05, 2004
prefer Bush's platform but recognized that Kerry creamed Bush in debate #1.

Whereas I prefer Kerry's platform but have to admit that Cheney won this one hands down.
on Oct 05, 2004

It's just about over and I think it's clear Cheney won.

It's not so much that Edwards did badly but that Cheney did so well. Edwards just isn't as experienced at this kind of thing.

on Oct 05, 2004
i agree with draginol. they both pulled things out of their asses... like cheney and malpractice insurance.
on Oct 06, 2004
We are placing too much on who looked better or sounded better. We need to look at where we are about issues like:

Our Security, jobs, deficit, Education, Healthcare, Social Security. How has Bush solved these issuers or made them better during the past 3 3/4 years. Why would we keep anyone as President that has not done the job.
on Oct 06, 2004

like cheney and malpractice insurance.

What about Cheney and malpractice insurance?  It's quite common knowledge that Edwards was quite succesful at making money off insurance companies for medical claims.  A typical doctor pays about $65,000 a year in malpractice insurance.  That means that he/she has to see 1,000 patients (that is 19 per week) at $65 each just to pay for the insurance even if they never do anything wrong.  Lawyers like Edwards helped cause that problem, now Edwards is talking about how we need to reform the one thing that made him rich.

I thought is was quite classy that Cheney didn't pull him through the mud with that one, as he really could have.

on Oct 06, 2004

Reply #21 By: COL Gene - 10/6/2004 8:25:48 AM
We are placing too much on who looked better or sounded better. We need to look at where we are about issues like:

Our Security, jobs, deficit, Education, Healthcare, Social Security. How has Bush solved these issuers or made them better during the past 3 3/4 years. Why would we keep anyone as President that has not done the job.

*Col* I'd like to ask you something. Can you explain to me just how Kerry/Edwards are going to solve these issues that you quote?
on Oct 06, 2004
I agree we need to change malpractice but that alone will not come close to solving the health care cost issue. I was glad Edwards agreed a change is needed and that both candidates agree on something. They both agree that nuclear materials in the hands of terrorists is the most dangerout issue facing America.
on Oct 06, 2004

Reply #24 By: COL Gene - 10/6/2004 8:59:14 AM
I agree we need to change malpractice but that alone will not come close to solving the health care cost issue. I was glad Edwards agreed a change is needed and that both candidates agree on something. They both agree that nuclear materials in the hands of terrorists is the most dangerout issue facing America

Col you *still* have not answered my question. Or is it because you don't know the answer to it? Can you explain to me just how Kerry/Edwards are going to solve these issues that you quote?
on Oct 06, 2004
Cheney's best quip of the night turns out not to be true. Cheney came off as smart and capable -- which means that I find it easier to believe he was dishonest than to believe he genuinely forgot meeting Edwards... three times.
on Oct 06, 2004
drmiler - I will try again. For the past 3 3/4 years Bush has been following policies, economic and foreign, that follow the wishes of a segment of our population - the conservatives. They represent, at best, 25-30% of the American People. The moderates and the liberals do not agree with most of the positions held by the conservatives. What has been taking place since Bush became president is that the positions and desires of the vast majoritry, the moderates and liberals, have been ignored by Bush and his cohorts in congress. That is not good for democracy or the long term health of America. The reason why there is so much bad political feeling is because the Bush administartion and the conservatives in congress totally ignore anything except what they want to happen in America. Bush and the Republican conservatives did not win a voter mandate for the policies thay have implemented.

It is time to MOVE TO THE POLITICAL CENTER!!! To make that happen one party can not control both houses of Congress and the White House!
on Oct 06, 2004

Reply #27 By: COL Gene - 10/6/2004 9:43:11 AM
drmiler - I will try again. For the past 3 3/4 years Bush has been following policies, economic and foreign, that follow the wishes of a segment of our population - the conservatives. They represent, at best, 25-30% of the American People. The moderates and the liberals do not agree with most of the positions held by the conservatives. What has been taking place since Bush became president is that the positions and desires of the vast majoritry, the moderates and liberals, have been ignored by Bush and his cohorts in congress. That is not good for democracy or the long term health of America. The reason why there is so much bad political feeling is because the Bush administartion and the conservatives in congress totally ignore anything except what they want to happen in America. Bush and the Republican conservatives did not win a voter mandate for the policies thay have implemented.

It is time to MOVE TO THE POLITICAL CENTER!!! To make that happen one party can not control both houses of Congress and the White House!

What you have do so far is to tell me that Bush is wrong and he's going about stuff wrong and that the people are fed up with him. That is your right as an American to have your opinions. What you are saying *basically* that we need to vote Kerry into office. That is your opinion and that also is cool with me. But in none of your replies so far do I see or read just how Kerry is going to fix things. He takes *great* pains to say that Bush is wrong and that he has a better way. But he NEVER mentions just what his better way is, how his way is better or better still how he's going to fund them.
on Oct 06, 2004
The US has the most troops on the ground, the US has the most casualties on the ground. How was Edwards burned on that one? We don't have a strong coalition, Britain only has somewhere around 7,000 troops. Do you call 10 troops from Rwanda a "Coalition"? Desert storm had more. PLUS France, Germany, Russia, they were ALL with us in Desert Storm. Now they are disgusted cause our "leader" went in like a Redneck in heat.
on Oct 06, 2004
On another note.....

Desert Storm cost the taxpayers $5b TOTAL, that's a fact. This clusterfrack is costing the taxpayers $200b and CLIMBING, that is also a fact. Junior wanted to walk in daddy's footsteps, well he fell face first in the shithole that was created there.
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