Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Wow, Edwards is getting his butt kicked
Published on October 5, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Where Kerry defeated Bush, so far, watching the veep debate, Cheney is wiping the floor with Edwards.

Edwards sounds like he's just a walking talking point droid. Cheney, on the other hand, sounds like a seasoned pro. We'll see how things continue...

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 06, 2004
BradleyGunner - please go elsewhere to spew DU talking points.
on Oct 06, 2004

On the tax and economy side, election of Kerry will stop making the tax cuts for the upper income permanent. We ca not afford this and that is the bottom line. Since the Republican control of Congress will not allow Kerry to spend the money we do not give to the wealthy on new programs, we can help balance the budget.

The next time we get ready to attack someone we will have a president that will look at the advice of his mlitary and not go off half cocked.

Kerry will propose closing the loop holes that big corporations have (the Bush supporters) to help balance our budget. If the Republicans in Congress continue the give away program to big business, Kerry will put pressure on the congress with the public support.

These are a few examples of HOW things will improve with as split in the power by electing Kerry!
on Oct 06, 2004
Excuse me? It's in writing dude. Has nothing to do with DU or your perception of facts. I SERVED in the first one, we had the "exit plan". Bush Sr. knew that to go any farther north would mire his plan, that is why it cost less. Junior had nor has now an exit plan, so we are stuck in a quagmire of festering hate towards my friends and fellow soldiers.
on Oct 06, 2004
BradleyGunner, that has nothing to do with the VP debate, which is what this article is about.  People have the right to choose what is said on their article and to request that it stays on topic.
on Oct 06, 2004
Everybody keeps harping about medicare and how it's a mess and what can be done to fix it. The problem is there is nothing we can do to fix it. The baby boomer generation is heading into retirement and they they are the least healthy of any other generation at that stage of their lives. Both parties are responsible for overspending and never looking to the future you can't put blame on just one party.
We simply can't afford to have such a massive population heading into retirement. We don't have enough of a population to support them. None of the parties have a solution to this problem and when they tell us they do it's simply a lie to get elected. Right now one out of every six people are employed in the medical industry. The only job of the medical industry to treat the symptoms not the cause. Simpy put we are spoiled and have no sense of control. We don't have the sense to try and lead a healthier lifestyle since it involves sacrificing certain things. We have to exercise, eat better, forget about grabbing that burger ever lunch hour. And when we get sick we expect a miracle sure to make us better. That just doesn't happen.
Until we start making drastic changes in how we live no amount of money is going to help get medicare out the the mess it's in.
on Oct 06, 2004
PLUS France, Germany, Russia, they were ALL with us in Desert Storm.

Germany and Russia were not members of the first coalition in Desert Storm, got something loose in the connection Gunner?

Link to a breakdown of forces during Desert Storm.

- GX
on Oct 06, 2004
To Sheep

We need to make changes in Social Security which is the other funding problem from the Baby Boomers. Increase the retirement age, and means test the benefits. If that is not enough, tax all earnerd income for Social Security like the Medicare tax. For Medicare we need to do more to help lower the rate if increase in health care costs. We can not extend benefits to non US Citizens. We will also need general fund money and the way to have general fund money available to repay the National Debt. That will reduce the interest required on the debt. By piling debt upon debt dince 1980 we have dug a hole for America and have both the sky high interest on the debt as well as the impact of the Baby Boomers to deal with.

The Bush policies have no chance of balancing the budget much less repaying it. Under his tax and fiscal policy, we will never reduce the debt and the interest that must be paid.
on Oct 06, 2004
They were "with us" in support if not physically there. Just because I say "with us" does not mean combat wise. Support is the key term here.
on Oct 06, 2004
On the tax and economy side, election of Kerry will stop making the tax cuts for the upper income permanent. We ca not afford this and that is the bottom line. Since the Republican control of Congress will not allow Kerry to spend the money we do not give to the wealthy on new programs, we can help balance the budget

Here is a nice little tidbit from the 108th Congress:

11-Mar S.Con.Res. 95 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2803 Rejected Lincoln Amdt. No. 2803; To provide $60 billion over five years for greater health security for working Americans and their families through a combination of public and private efforts to expand quality, affordable health insurance coverage and cut health care costs by eliminating certain tax loopholes.

11-Mar S.Con.Res. 95 On the Amendment S.Amdt. 2804 Rejected Byrd Amdt. No. 2804; To provide responsible restraints on discretionary funding while providing adequate resources for education, veterans, homeland security, and other critical domestic priorities and fully offsetting the cost by closing corporate tax loopholes, improving tax enforcement and reducing tax breaks for certain individuals.

In writing, rejected BOTH cause it would hit "Big Buisness" right in the pocketbook.
on Oct 06, 2004
They were "with us" in support if not physically there. Just because I say "with us" does not mean combat wise. Support is the key term here

Sorry but I am requiring evidence on this one that says specfically that Russia or Germany 'supported us' during Desert Storm. I can buy into the idea that Germany did, but Russia, was the Cold War a hoax or something?

- GX
on Oct 06, 2004
Sorry but I am requiring evidence on this one that says specfically that Russia or Germany 'supported us' during Desert Storm. I can buy into the idea that Germany did, but Russia, was the Cold War a hoax or something?

Well let's see. Russia itself is part of the UN. Russia did not VETO if I recall correctly, which would mean they "do NOT support" us.
on Oct 06, 2004
Well let's see. Russia itself is part of the UN. Russia did not VETO if I recall correctly, which would mean they "do NOT support" us.

Well China did not veto us either did they, but did they support us during Desert Storm? So a simple vote or veto is equal to support is that what you are saying?

I am talking support whether monetary or personnel or supplies, do you think a vote is equal to that?

- GX
"I have no answers to your questions, but I can question your demands." - Motto Inspired by Laibach's WAT
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