Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Debate #2
Published on October 5, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Cheney appears to have decidedly beaten Edwards.  Edwards just appeared a little bit out of his depth. I think Edwards could have stood up well against Bush, but Cheney just looked like a seasoned pro.

I don't think this will have much affect on the polls though as the veeps just don't make that much of a difference.

I think the key sound bites were very much in Cheney's favor -- i.e. the sound bites that will get repeated will show Cheney hammering Edwards and that is where it could make a difference.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Oct 06, 2004

CrispE:  The MSNBC poll isn't scientific. It's subject (And was subjected to) ballot stuffing.  The ABC poll, conducted on a reasonably large sample showed Cheney won.

Not that it matters, I am content in my judgment.  I didn't need polls to tell me that Bush lost the first one nor do I need some website poll to tell me that Cheney won this one.

on Oct 06, 2004
BTW Blogic, I think Cheney's best line was the one where he said if you guys can't stand up to Howard Dean, how can you stand up to terrorists. I think that resonates because it's pretty obvious now that the real reason Kerry voted against the $87B was to try to out Dean Howard Dean.
on Oct 06, 2004
Sorry didn't see the debates. . . and why when the Yankees and Twins were playing on Fox. It was probably better then the debates—especially since the "Yankees" lost.

Yeah....hey, do you even vote?

There was a time in American history when people were more thrilled and involved in politics then they were passively watching some idiots toss a ball around...

Sorry, but people like you piss me off.
on Oct 06, 2004

"According to an ABC poll, 43 percent of registered voters said Cheney won, 35 percent gave the win to Edwards, and 19 percent called it a tie. Thirty-eight percent of the viewers were Republicans, 31 percent Democrats, the rest independents. The phone survey was conducted among a random sample of 509 registered voters who watched the debate.

CBS News' poll specifically focused on uncommitted voters and found 41 percent deemed Edwards the winner, 28 percent chose Cheney, and 31 percent said it was a tie. CBS based its poll on a "nationally representative sample of 178 debate watchers ... who are either undecided about who to vote for or who have a preference but say they could still change their minds.""

I tend not to like the CBS poll.  The ABC one has more people that were polled, and you can actually see how many people really did lean a certain way, and how many of the independents each party gained.  The way a poll is taken makes a huge difference on the results.

on Oct 06, 2004
Not that it matters, I am content in my judgment. I didn't need polls to tell me that Bush lost the first one nor do I need some website poll to tell me that Cheney won this one.

BTW Blogic, I think Cheney's best line was the one where he said if you guys can't stand up to Howard Dean, how can you stand up to terrorists. I think that resonates because it's pretty obvious now that the real reason Kerry voted against the $87B was to try to out Dean Howard Dean.

Agreed on both accounts, Draginol. Kerry began campaigning against Dean by saying that anyone who didn't feel that Saddam Hussein shouldn't be in power lacked the judgement to be President. Then when Kerry realized a lot of us on the left were anti-war, he had to backtrack on the decision.
on Oct 06, 2004
Karma - as you are probably aware, I know something on statistical analysis.  178 people is not a viable sample for anything. The minimum you need is around 600 to 800 people depending on the quality of the questioning.
on Oct 06, 2004

For those who have some sense of humor about these things: Cheney suggested that people go to Oops."

Actually, I believe he said  Which has facts for and against both parties.  (Which he mentioned in response to Edwards allegations about Halliburton)

on Oct 06, 2004
It's even in the transcripts as "check out" I recorded it on my DVR and listened to it 5 times, he said .com each time.

Also, Cheney said "I have never met you till you walked onto this set". Well It seems that Cheney DID meat Edwards in the 2001 Annual National Prayer Breakfast......strange, Edwards was right next to him and his wife....
on Oct 06, 2004
After reviewing the networks Fact Checks, it appears as if Cheney isn't in sucha good light any longer. Never meeting Edwards.. Oops, 4 major broadcasted events. Ties between Iraq and Al-Qaeda? I thought this was resolved...

Check out the Fox Fact Check. I expected a GOP slanted paper to rip Edwards a new one, instead, they covered the mistakes made by Cheney,2933,134580,00.html

More over, I think he spun the Voting record very poorly. After reviewing the factst, It makes the VP look bad. While there is no love loss for the slams on Kerry, I felt that the bad press and the accurate facts could paint Cheney as an untrusting source for Whitehouse information in the future. The Dems are going to eat him up with new ads. "Flip-Flop" could come back to burn the GOP just as bad as it is burning the Kerry Camp.

Just my $0.02.

Undecided in MN.
Drache Zahn
on Oct 06, 2004
"Well It seems that Cheney DID meat Edwards in the 2001 Annual National Prayer Breakfast......strange, Edwards was right next to him and his wife...."

he meant in a working capacity, not prayer breakfasts, parties, and photo-ops. Stating those three events as if they were something from Edwards' resume makes him look even more candy-ass...

and I think the word you are looking for is "meet"...

P.S. Last debate it was said over and over by Dems that focusing on such small semantic details showed that you were trying to make the best of a loss. Does that count for this debate, too?
on Oct 06, 2004
The "meat" was a pun.
on Oct 06, 2004
he meant in a working capacity, not prayer breakfasts, parties, and photo-ops.

Strange....I work with 1000 people on a daily basis, I have yet to "meet" all of them.

on Oct 06, 2004
"Strange....I work with 1000 people on a daily basis, I have yet to "meet" all of them."

Considering the VP presides over the Senate, and senators continually stand up and give speeches, make motions, propose law... well, it isn't really like working at a factory or in an office building with 1000 people, is it?

Now, if you said that you had never met the person that manages area you work in, that might be more apt, but then you'd probably not have a job long, either.
on Oct 06, 2004
Dear Deference,

As someone who could be called a gray panther it has come to the point at my age that baseball, and football mean more to me than an election. I am now wheel chair bound, and get little chance to go anywhere. My TV along with my computer systems (Mac and PC) are my world. However, someone like you was at one time probably a student of mine (Elementary school and College Professor) . I have childeren (two sons) that are probably old enough to be your father. So, to make this comment short and to the point it is people like you that need to step back, and take a look at the world around you before inserting your foot into your mouth. There are those of us who went before you, and there will be many more afterwards. Here is a little friendly bit of advise: "Not everyone sees things the way you do."

You Have A Nice Day Now.

on Oct 06, 2004
Considering the VP presides over the Senate, and senators continually stand up and give speeches, make motions, propose law... well, it isn't really like working at a factory or in an office building with 1000 people, is it? Now, if you said that you had never met the person that manages area you work in, that might be more apt, but then you'd probably not have a job long, either.

Ok, so maybe Edward's didn't make any "motions", "speeches" or "propose law". Doesn't mean he wasn't doing his job. None of us know, we were not there. I for one wont take Cheney's word for it, I can only judge what I see and experience.
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