About a year ago a friend of mine was telling me how satellite radio was going to be the next big thing and that I should buy stock in a company called Sirius Satellite. I'm pretty conservative as an investor, but in a moment of recklessness my wife and I put a considerable chunk of our savings into the Siri stock. The stock didn't do as well as I had hoped but I continued to believe that I should stick with it.
This past summer, I even had a screenshot of me lamenting my decision to buy Siri since it had not gone up as well as I had hoped and seemed to be on the decline. But I never did get around to selling it and low and behold, today Howard Stern announced he was going to be going over to Sirius Satellite next year. A huge boon for the up and coming company.
My view is that over time, more and more "stuff" is going to be sent via satellite to cars and households. With XM Radio nearly its peak, Siri seemed like a good long term bet. So today's big stock jump was a welcome surprise. So I guess sometimes it's good to sit on ones stock.