Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Differing views
Published on October 8, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

As I've said elsewhere, I think Kerry edged out Bush in this debate.  But from reading views around the net and watching the pundits, it seems I am in the minority.

But here's a difference: I was driving home from a friend's for most of the debate so I heard the debate on the radio and that was where I felt Kerry was beating Bush. I only saw the last part at home on TV and that I will say that Bush seemed to be doing a bit better.

So I wonder if body language and other elements that aren't present when you're listening on the radio favored Bush.

Either way, who do you think won?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 08, 2004
Bush did a lot better in this debate, Kerry did win several points, but Stem Cell research, abortion, fiscal policy, and the War in Iraq, Bush was able to be strong and agressive. He was a totally different Bush, the Bush I wanted to see in the first debate finally took place here. He truly looked like the Commander in Chief!
on Oct 08, 2004
Definitely Bush, I can't believe the nerve of Kerry, calling us soldier's "kids." Again I say, boo on Kerry. Plus I thought it was funny that he accused Bush of waffling on Candian drug imports. He's one to talk.
on Oct 08, 2004
Kerry befuddling his answers aside, Bush was extremely energtic and awake, with clear, concise answers that people could understand. Both were on the attack, but I have to think Kerry just repeated himself in a very negative fashion while Bush actually connected in a way his supporters were hoping for.
on Oct 08, 2004
Definately~I have full faith that 4 more years will be happening in this election. I am far from being blindly lead here there is absolutely no way as I stated in my other replies Sen. Kerry will be able to enact all of these "plans" without us all of us footing the bill. I don't care how many times he looks into the camera and says he will not do it~!~

Maybe Bush should give him some wood hehee I(I just loVed that ~!~)to build a plank for him to walk off of all the bull crappie he is spewing towards us.

Have a good evening~!~

~Peace,LoVe,Health & Happiness~ Extended to all

on Oct 08, 2004
McAwful is just furiously backfilling on Fox just now, actually trying to convince us this was a Home Run for Kerry. Making petty little critiques, like "he said internets when it's internet" - Oh, pulleez. Also went ballistic over Bush interrupting Gibson once to respond to a really cheap shot by Kerry (interestingly, can't remember what it was about!) - "Bush lost it, he was out of control! Not very Presidential." What a crock.

At worst, Bush demonstrated his ability to debate Kerry to a draw. In most respects, the issues fall to Bush's favor. At best. a strong argument can be made he won.

on Oct 08, 2004
I think the biased will lean the way they are already were leaning. I don't think any set minds were changed. To anyone else, I think it was a tie. My determination was "tie", with the addendum that my (biased) opinion is that Bush had more tangible content, whereas Kerry continually told us what he was going to do and didn't bother to say how he was going to do it.
on Oct 08, 2004
Draginol... It was the 2nd debate.
on Oct 08, 2004
Sandy, This was the third debate...
on Oct 08, 2004
The most striking thing for me was whenever Kerry was asked what would he do about a particular situation or about his particular plans, he spent most of his time telling what he thought the president did wrong, with very little, if any, actual answer about what he would do.

And I would have thought he would stop claiming to be able to bring his coalition of 3 in to help in Iraq, since now most of them are saying they would not send troops no matter who was elected. By now, he has to know how hollow those statements sound.
on Oct 08, 2004
He also again did the 90% thing they did in previous debates, ignoring the Iraqi forces casualties. I found it odd that Bush didn't call him on that.
on Oct 08, 2004
Well at least bush showed up this time.....
on Oct 09, 2004

The debate was much more about the personalities of the men this time. Bush made a very bad error in not saying that he felt he had made any mistakes. That is what I think many will take with them. His sense that "history will judge" is sort of like Jesse James saying that he had to do what he had to do. It shows a sense of arrogance that many will find very unappealing.

Both men seemed ill at ease with Gibson and it seemed Gibson felt ill at ease with his role. That led to some sense that the candidates started to look more for sound bytes and photo ops (don't I look more at ease than my opponent) than they should. Overall this debate more than the first showed both men's strengths and weaknesses. However Bush needed a victory by a substantial margin in this and it looks like it was graded more like 5-4 Kerry by most of the media and the undecideds.
on Oct 09, 2004
I was totally impressd with Bush. He will be our next president. I have no doubt.
on Oct 09, 2004
As rare as it is, I have to agree with CrispE on the mistakes question. That was a golden opportunity for Bush to show some humanity, and instead he opted not to give Kerry any ammunition. I think the points he would have scored with viewers would have outweighed how the answer would have been used against him.
on Oct 09, 2004
As rare as it is, I have to agree with CrispE on the mistakes question. That was a golden opportunity for Bush to show some humanity, and instead he opted not to give Kerry any ammunition. I think the points he would have scored with viewers would have outweighed how the answer would have been used against him.

I dunno, Baker -

Answering that kind of loaded rhetorical question is a lose-lose proposition for Bush and I'm a little surprised Gibson chose it, prejudicial as it is. After watching McAwful go nuclear over "internets" I have no doubt the Kerryites would have been all over any admission of error like flies on s**t. I thought he finessed it much better this time than he did at that news conference. As it is, they'll still trash him for not admitting to making big mistakes. And no similar gotcha question was tossed at Kerry.

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