Over the past few months the AI has gotten access to a lot of new APIs that are letting me significant improve the computer AI in Galactic Civilizations.
Armed with these APIs, I am now ready to revisit the Korx and the Thalan who have fairly unique tech trees which provide different challenges.
One of the APIs now tells me how many of a particular improvement is on a planet. So now I can keep an AI from filling up planets with stuff I don't want it to have.
A lot of the AI issues I've solved have come from string changes in the technology tree. if a tech claims to be a biological thing but really is industrial, the AI can't really do much about that. So I've had to go back and clean that kind of thing up.
The biggest "fix" I've done so far is with the Minor races. They weren't given prerequisite techs so they couldn't really do anything. Now they're much better off.
Bug. Missing thumbnails.
Thalans get better at managing planets.
Another missing thumbnail
The minor races are actually pretty tough now. No longer the defenseless lamers of old.
The deadly snathi..