I have a lot of obnoxious opinions on a whole range of issues. But I never allow my personal opinions to be injected into software. Our customers are buying products and services from us. They don't want to be forced to deal with my diatribes.
But on-line is a different matter. If you're visiting my blog or reading one of the off-topic forum categories on one of our sites, something I write might pop up. I value my freedom to say what I want more than anything. I'd sooner close the company before I'd give up speaking my mind on my blog.
Every so often some user comes on and tells me how I'm damaging sales or losing customers due to my opinions. One user on another site even wrote in response to the announcement of one of our products "The CEO's a vocal Republican. Pass."
Besides the fact that the person is wrong, I'm not a Republican, I'm independent but definitely not a Democrat, anyone who would make a purchasing choice based on the political or philosophical opinions of the CEO alone is not someone I'd want to have as a customer.
Let me be very clear about that: If the CEO has an ideology or philosophy that you disagree with and that ideology ends up shaping the way the company makes products or provides support then by all means, that's a legitimate issue.
I'd be pretty annoyed if someone started trying to shove their philosophies down my throat with their products. If I go to a concert, I don't want the singer to start telling me about global warming. But I could care less that Bill Gates is a liberal nor do I care what he does with his money. Bill Gates can talk all he wants about liberal causes as long as their software doesn't start popping up with ads telling me what I should belief. 
That said, I realize there are some people who are so ideological that they aren't willing to support, no matter how tangentially, anyone who has opinions they disagree with. That's fine. But I still think they're idiots.
I will continue to say what I want because I can. I'm not just the CEO I'm the principle share holder. And as if that wasn't enough, I've long since passed the point where I could just close up shop and retire if I wanted to. So I'm not inclined to put up with nonsense from anyone because I'm not in this for the money at this point. I'm in this to have fun.