Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
A look at the sausage factory...
Published on October 12, 2004 By Draginol In PC Gaming

Interesting in how games are made?

This article at Gamasutra is a look back at what went right and what went wrong during the development of The Political Machine.


on Oct 12, 2004
Interesting article, very enjoyable game.
on Oct 12, 2004
Yes indeed.. Thanks Draginol!
on Oct 12, 2004
I just hate web sites that make you register for no reason.
on Oct 12, 2004
Citahellion: <- solves your "register for no reason" problem.
on Oct 12, 2004
Cool, lotherius. Thanks!
on Oct 12, 2004
Thanks, Lotherius.
I'd heard of BugMeNot before, actually; kind of embarrassed that I didn't remember it on my own.
on Oct 13, 2004
Tnank you I never knew about that site and I am tired of websites that make me "register" when I just want to read one article from them.
on Oct 14, 2004
Interesting read Brad,
i must admit that I felt I had let Stardock down a bit on political Machine beta testing. I started reviewing it and sending in comments on bugs but then became slightly jaded on the US political situation. I think it was how alien I found so much of the process that did it to me. Good to see it's got there though!

Will you be planning to release further enhancements in over the next while? There's a UK election next year! Could make a good add-on!

on Oct 15, 2004
I'd like to see more updates on it but Ubi Soft is making it very difficult to do more updates. They have a great team over there but there is a lot more overhead involved on doing anything. So it will probably affect how much we do as "The Political Machine". We may have to do a "sequel" at some point just so that we can do regular updates that don't have that SafeDisc crap on them and don't have to go through some lengthy and time consuming approval process.

I can understand Ubi's point of view though, seat of the pants companies like us are probably an anathama to them.