Kerry seemed a bit off his game today and Bush seemed very much on his game. This time I give Bush the edge. He seemed relaxed, strong on the issues, and got all his points out. Kerry wasn't that bad but he was a lot more defensive than I would have thought.
I don't think it will make much difference though. Bush blew the first debate so badly when the audience was so big. The audience here was much smaller than it was in the first debate. Kerry also played a bit of dirty pool with the lesbian issue and Bush got that key 1990 Kerry vote on the first Gulf War.
Here is a recap of the debate scoring:
Debate #1:
Kerry 5
Bush 2
Debate #2:
Cheney 2
Edwards 1
Debate #3:
Kerry 5
Bush 4
Debate #4:
Kerry 3
Bush 5
Final Score:
Kerry: 14
Bush: 13