Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on June 29, 2008 By Draginol In Beekeeping

This year I've got 8 hives. Of those 8 hives, none of them are doing what I'd say great but all but one is doing okay.

Though, the ones doing okay I use the term loosely.

One of them is doing crazy stuff inside the hive.






on Jun 29, 2008
Ick. Ick. Ick. You are a crazy man for dealing with those bastardly, yet necessary animals.

For a bee idiot, can you tell me what they ARE doing versus what they SHOULD be doing?
on Jun 29, 2008

i think there was an Outer Limits like that Brad... where they fashioned the faces from the sand in order to fool us silly Humans.

I'd watch out... they might be monitoring your blog...

on Jun 29, 2008

Maybe you just have really creative bees.  Bees that want to think outside the box?

on Jun 29, 2008

For a bee idiot, can you tell me what they ARE doing versus what they SHOULD be doing?

Well it's technically my fault they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing. I was supposed to put in frames in the box and they would build on that. However, I was out of town a lot recently and very busy when I wasn't and didn't get the frames in. As a result, they built however they wanted which, as you can see, is that.

on Jun 30, 2008
An a related note, for the first time in a long time, I had to shoo a bee off me. I was workign outside and he landed on my hand. I was more worried about him losing his stinger than getting stung. Last I saw, the bee was doing fine.