Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on August 10, 2008 By Draginol In Demigod Journals

image If you've ever worked on a game, you know that for 80% of the process, the game is little different from any other development endeavor. It's not "fun". You aren't "playing" the game, you are simply working on it in the hopes that it will be fun at some point.

Galactic Civilizations, for instance, was incredibly boring until the final months. We were starting to sweat it but then, like the flick of a switch, it came together and was very fun. Sins of a Solar Empire was extremely tedious until the last few months of development. But then, as players saw, it came together and started being awesome.

And so it's starting to come together with Demigod.  We still have a lot of work to go. But even with lots of features not enabled yet, I find myself enjoying myself playing just against the computer players in a 3 on 3 game (all AI except me).  I just love the various powers that the Demigods have, the items are really fun to mix and match.  I'd say it's about 60 days away from being at that point where, like Sins and GalCiv before it, Demigod gets the critical mass of "fun stuff" in that it starts to become a problem internally (i.e. where we have to limit "testing" to non work hours).


-Brad Wardell = Draginol = Frogboy.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 10, 2008
Frogboy why do you have an alternate account?
on Aug 10, 2008
Regulus has the same health and reload bars and text as in Supcom   

Never change a winning team

the balance between Assasins and Generals will be hard to achive, but the concept is great. i like new concepts and i will add Demigod to my clan as one of the games we will play as an esport title

on Aug 10, 2008
It has been shown in other screenshots as well but the colour distinction between those minotaurs is very clear here. Nice to see the devs aren't limiting themselves to only coloured breast/shoulder plates and icons.
on Aug 10, 2008
Will the graphics engine be amazingly scaleable like Sins was? i.e it'll look fantastic on a higher end machine, but can still run decent on more plebian P.C's
on Aug 10, 2008
Thats what they hope to test with beta 1, the supcom engine was a beast (thats what demigod is based off of) it required 2 cpu's and a decently good video card to run well... Beta 1 is to see if they've successfully optimized and scaled the engine, as well as engine bug testing.
on Aug 10, 2008
Good to hear the AI is pretty fun to play against. I thought it said that the initial beta will have ability to play MP over LAN. If that is the case we could all play over hamachi. Hamachi is how I play my friends in DOTA all the time and it works great.
on Aug 10, 2008
Okay, I'm starting to get excited

Only now? You must be hard to excite.
on Aug 10, 2008
As I have been pursuing these forums, reading and re-reading all information I can find on this soon to be epic new game, something strange and wonderful has occurred to me. It’s Sunday. No really, it’s Sunday August 10th. So what’s so “strange” about this you may be asking yourself? What could possibly be “wonderful” about the last day of the weekend?

In an oddity of humanity, developers of this wonderful game appear to actually be informing the soon to be consumers of how the game is progressing (on a Saturday and Sunday even!). As strange as many would find it, this new concept of building momentum and excitement, may in fact eventually translate in to higher profits. This seemingly alien concept appears to come naturally to Frogboy and the rest of the team in the Stardock forums; yet this same concept seems to have eluded many other companies which build momentum only to ignore the general populous to the point of angering many. Well done Stardock! Well done!

So aside from my name possibly scaring Frogboy, I simply wanted to relay my thanks to all of you guys. I’m beyond excited at the thought of getting to be in on the beta of this game, and I know the other people I have convinced to preorder are too. Keep those Journals coming guys they’re great fun to read and such pretty pictures! Hope to see y’all in game soon!

on Aug 10, 2008
You must be hard to excite.

on Aug 11, 2008
One thing i was wondering...does every demigod use the same basic units that make up his army? like:
1st tier : Minotaurs
2nd tier: Angels
3rd tier: Giants

All the demigods will use these same units and progression? Or do you guys plan on making different units for each demigod? or atleast skinning them differently for each demigod and not just a color swap?
on Aug 11, 2008
I think that those units are spawned by the AI, and may be bought by the demigods, and then demigods have their own unit(s) i.e.

Queen of Thorns: Trees
Vampire Lord: Vampire spawn (or was it undead?)
on Aug 11, 2008
I just hope that the games gives us many different ways of using our gold(?).

Like; Equipment, units, unit upgrades, castle upgrades, building and tower upgrades, stats maybe?, a scouting thing of some kind?

It just gives more excitement and strategy to the game, in wich way youre gonna spend your hard earned money
on Aug 11, 2008
on Aug 11, 2008
What worries me is the 60 days comment. I'm just hoping it reads as, "We'll be implementing most of the features over about 60 days, and then it'll get really fun."
on Aug 11, 2008
I read it as Demigod becoming so fun they spend more time testing than developing.
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