If you've ever worked on a game, you know that for 80% of the process, the game is little different from any other development endeavor. It's not "fun". You aren't "playing" the game, you are simply working on it in the hopes that it will be fun at some point.
Galactic Civilizations, for instance, was incredibly boring until the final months. We were starting to sweat it but then, like the flick of a switch, it came together and was very fun. Sins of a Solar Empire was extremely tedious until the last few months of development. But then, as players saw, it came together and started being awesome.
And so it's starting to come together with Demigod. We still have a lot of work to go. But even with lots of features not enabled yet, I find myself enjoying myself playing just against the computer players in a 3 on 3 game (all AI except me). I just love the various powers that the Demigods have, the items are really fun to mix and match. I'd say it's about 60 days away from being at that point where, like Sins and GalCiv before it, Demigod gets the critical mass of "fun stuff" in that it starts to become a problem internally (i.e. where we have to limit "testing" to non work hours).
-Brad Wardell = Draginol = Frogboy.