Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on September 5, 2008 By Draginol In Republican

I've written about this many times in the past but one of the more off putting features of American liberals is their smugness.  If you disagree with them it is only because you are either ignorant or evil. This tends to result in them losing elections. Often.

I just read a very interesting blog about this that I thought I'd share here:

This conceit of liberals -- which sometimes I think is all that sustains them, and all that keeps them liberals in the first place -- that liberals have some sort of a monopoly on brains, wit, taste, and, yes, even basic humanity will be their undoing. It always is. They keep making the same mistakes over and over and over and over again, and we're the dumb ones.

They, the ones who have made the same ten mistakes every single election since 1968, are the smart ones. Right?

Let's check the list: Demean an opponent who you really ought to suspect might be rather intelligent as an ignorant boob, bordering on a genuine diagnosable moron, to such a degree that when the candidate speaks and reveals himself as reasonably intelligent, he actually seems to be nearly a genius.

Demean those who don't live in "cosmopolitan" cities as bumpkins who have nothing to contribute to politics or culture -- not their own ideas, their own aspirations, their own fears, their own traditions -- except for the votes they're expected to cast for the Democratic elites who scorn them.

And all the rest of it.

Now, after the fact, the left is convulsing and gnashing their teeth. How could we have allowed ourselves to so demean Sarah Palin as to turn her home-run speech into a genuine star-making speech by lowering expectations so much through our derision!?!

How could you have done that, you ask. That's not the right question. The right question is Is it even possible for you to avoid doing that?, because you do every. Single. God. Damn. Election. Cycle.

It works in my favor, and yet I'm still horrified to see you doing it every time.

Have you ever done anything else? Are you capable of doing anything differently? Even as conservatives snicker at you and tell you to your smug fat faces that you're making a gross strategic error, you continue doing so just the same!

We don't even bother to hide our snickering at you any longer. We don't bother to conceal this basic error from you -- we simply declare it. We don't have to hide this, we don't have to try to avoid tipping you off that you're making this mistake for the thirtieth time, because we know you won't listen anyway!

That's the truly delightful thing about this. We don't have to scheme with each other and say, "Quiet down, don't give the game away," when a fellow conservative points the error out. It doesn't matter! We can scream this from the rooftops for all the good it does you.

It's like we're fighting a war and we don't even have to bother coding our messages to the troops because we know there's no chance at all you'll even bother to pause to read our communications. "Don't bother us with your silly orders and tactics and strategies," you tell us, "We can figure out how to beat you silly people well enough on our own without any of your stupid-brained help."

You can? You sure about that? Well, whatever, buddy. If you think so. Seems to me you guys are 3-4 since 1994 -- a losing record -- but if you guys want to keep following the same game plan, be my guest.

Ultimately the liberals' sin is their smugness. Not even so much because most people recoil from the assumption of superiority, both intellectual and moral, by those who have accomplished nothing exceptional in life except for reliably voting and "thinking" liberal, as if casting a vote the "correct" way slaps 30 points on to your IQs and counts for 100 hours of community service and child mentoring.

No, the main problem with that smugness, that belief that you're sooo very fucking clever, is that you're actually not particularly clever at all, and the great gap between your personal estimation of your intelligence and the actual real-world measure of it is wide enough to stumble into and take a painful fall. Perhaps if you weren't so very convinced of your own innate entitlement to rule, you'd spend less time seething at a public unwilling to concede that rule to you, and less time trying to trick the public into voting for you by concealing your true beliefs, and more time trying to figure out what the public actually wants in its government, and how to provide with them with that.

You know the big difference between conservatives and liberals in terms of political acumen? You guys never see this stuff coming, because you're so convinced of your innate right to control other people's lives. You convince ourselves you're always the smartest guys in the room, and anyone who disagrees with you must either be so stupid or so luminescently evil they could never prevail in a campaign.

The Ronald Reagans and Sarah Palins surprise you, because you just can't even conceive of them. Your entire sense of self-worth depends on the proposition Liberal = Smart, Good, Conservatives = Stupid, Bad, so you can't imagine clever, good people opposing you.

You go into every election thinking the score is already 24-0 in your favor -- after all, you have nothing but vicious, racist, gay-bashing hobo-killing morons in your way. How can you, the Moral and Intellectual Elect of the Earth, possibly fail?

And yet you do. More frequently than you win.

Eh. I don't know why I'm bothering to tell you this. As you've demonstrated in every past election, you're not going to listen anyhow.

Ya fuckin' dunces.

Oh, and... Good job so demeaning her you half-convinced the public she was a drooling imbecile and yee-haw hollerin' bumpkin who'd embarrass herself on stage.

Sure, sure. Smart move.

A former beauty queen -- who could have imagined she might be comfortable in front of a large, critical crowd, and might in fact even thrive in the spotlight?

A former television sportscaster -- who would have predicted she'd have some poise and savvy playing to a camera?

Amen. I have run into this in discussions with family and friends when politics come up. I try to avoid talking politics because, like many of you reading this, I keep up with it very closely, I'm pretty knowledgeable on the topic.

Most people, left or right, aren't that up on the issues. Yet, despite their lack of relative knowledge on the issues, they will presume to be more enlightened or educated simply because they hold left wing views.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Sep 10, 2008

but i have yet to see a chart showing that conservatives are smarter than liberals. so you tell me who's the sneakier group. or more desperate.

Neither. Both have individuals that try to be sneaky when they perpetrate lies, untruths, and misinformation.

on Sep 11, 2008

Both have individuals that try to be sneaky when they perpetrate lies, untruths, and misinformation.

Yea, but conservatives dont give them seats of power at their conventions.

on Sep 13, 2008

No, the main problem with that smugness, that belief that you're sooo very fucking clever

You're becoming obsessed with this subject--lighten up, take a drive in your sports car.

on Sep 14, 2008

I don't know if there is a chart showing conservatives are smarter than liberals, but there is a chart showing that Democrats are only about 75% as likely to be assessed as having fairly or very high "apparent intelligence."  The chart is in Democrats and Republicans - Rhetoric and Reality, a lengthy book that compares Democrats and Republicans in every possible way, such as lifestyles, intelligence, education, charitable giving, taxes, welfare, happiness, and citizenship.  There is little opinion in the book  - it has hundreds of pages of statistical tables, based on the surveys of thousands of Dems and Reps by sociological survey organizations, over several decades.  I think the book came out in 2008, and is written by Joe Fried.

on Sep 15, 2008

but there is a chart showing that Democrats are only about 75% as likely to be assessed as having fairly or very high "apparent intelligence."

That in itself is subjective, and I beleive that has already been debunked.

Did you realize there is a book out that shows blacks are less intelligent than other races (using the same type of "analysis").  is that also the contention of liberals?

on Sep 15, 2008

I agree that judgments about intelligence are inherently subjective.  In this case, the subjective opinion is that of interviewers for the National Election Studies, a nonprofit entity funded by the National Science Foundation.  NES has been conducting interviews periodically since 1948.  After conducting each interview, usually a lenthy one conducted in person, the interviewers are asked to rate the "apparent intelligence" of the people they just interviewed.  Republicans generally get the higher marks.  Obviously, this is not the equivalent of an IQ test conducted by a psychologist.  But, based on 4500 cases between 1996 and 2004, there was a huge difference.  So, take it for whatever you think it is worth.  BTW, Democrats were only about 85% as likely to answer correctly fundamental questions concerning politics, such as who is you congressman, who is the Secty of State, etc.

on Sep 17, 2008


MasonMcomment 17Everyone believe's they're right and anyone who thinks differently is wrong. Hell, some poeple actually believe that anyone who isn't rich is stupid, lazy, or both. Elitism is everywhere and for the most part it just demonstrates ego as opposed to reality.
Some political philosophies are more prone to elitism than others. 


Its easy for a liberal to say all conservatives are bible toting,ignorant, self rightious, moral pushing, rich "good old boys" as well. Is it true? Nope its as false as your article there is. Those are generalizations and apply to the extremists.


And yes some ideaologys are more prone to elitism but if your suggesting, and sorry if I'm mistaken, that Liberals are more prone to it the Conservatives then you are also thinking in an elitist manner. They are BOTh prone to it. Extreme liberal tend to be the i'm smarter than you elites and the extreme right wingers are the I'm holier than thou elitists. Its elitism in different forms and you actually have both types in both parties and ideaologies.


From what i've seen nearly everyone on this board is an elitist. You all claim the other side is dumber than you, less moral than you, or more arrogant and that your just the sole voice of reason in this world.


You all also act like theres no grey area, everyones on this team or that team. I seriously doubt any person here really believes in everything one or the other part yor ideaology even does. For example I am a Democrat and a Liberal, yet I support the Death Penalty. According to much of this logic,

"But that can't be!? Bleeding heart smug fat faced liberals want murders to go free! They think everyone lives together peacefully in a happy land of magic unicorns!" A right winger might say. "You uncivilized barbarian! How dare you dimish the value of a human life? How can you risk even ONE innocent man being executed!? You sicken me, go grab your guns, listen to country music and drink yourself into a stupor you god loving SOB!" A left winger might say.


It seems I cannot exist in this world. For there is no grey area, its just those liberals and those conservatives. This country has gotten extremely partisan and it really is tearing us apart. Everyone automatically assume even facts are lies if they came from the opposite party. I don't really have any solutions to this, i really just wanted to make my opinion known. Anyone else feel the same way about it?

on Sep 18, 2008

And yes some ideaologys are more prone to elitism but if your suggesting, and sorry if I'm mistaken, that Liberals are more prone to it the Conservatives then you are also thinking in an elitist manner. They are BOTh prone to it. Extreme liberal tend to be the i'm smarter than you elites and the extreme right wingers are the I'm holier than thou elitists. Its elitism in different forms and you actually have both types in both parties and ideaologies.

Good point.  But I think Brad was talking about intelligence elitism.  When you come right down to it, everyone is an elitist in some regards.

It seems I cannot exist in this world. For there is no grey area

I think you had it right with the first quote of yours above.  The extremists cant see any compromise.  And on specific issues, most of us do not see a compromise either (the "defining" issues for us).  But like you say, we are not all cookie cutter.  You are a pro death penalty Liberal, and I am an anti-death penalty conservative (which means we dont agree on the areas the other's side claims). On these forums, you are going to get very strong statements.  But that is to be expected.  Why would anyone take the time to comment if they do not feel strongly about an issue?

But while I will agree with many liberals on one point, I will disagree with them on most others.  And vice versa with conservatives.  Same as you I suspect since you state your ideology, and a major (or minor from your perspective) exception.

on Sep 18, 2008

You all also act like theres no grey area, everyones on this team or that team. I seriously doubt any person here really believes in everything one or the other part yor ideaology even does.
The same can be said for religion though.  How many people claim to be Christians but pick and choose from Christian teachings?  They stick unmoving to some parts of the Bible but qualify others.  Just because you take issue with whether or not Noah and his Ark ever existed, does that mean you can't accept Jesus as your Savior and therefore claim to be Christian?

I happen to be conservative in most ways but am pro-choice.  I am far from being part of the religious right wing.  I hasten to even consider myself Republican because the party certainly hasn't acted fiscally conservative over the last 8yrs. 

I believe in our right as  Americans to reap the benefits of our labor and to take personal responsibility for our failures.  I believe in treating others as I would have them treat me.  I do not believe in forced charity.  I believe the welfare system lost its way long ago when it shifted from keeping people from starving while between employment to ensuring that they have the same stuff as everyone else for as long as they like as long as they show "proof" that they're looking for a job that "suits" them. 

Americans have to get their sense of pride back and lose their entitlement mentality.  My parents always taught me that "life ain't fair so learn to deal with it".  I think that's a lesson many should have been taught.  Life isn't an even playing field and shouldn't be.  For every person that has it easier than you, there are many who have it far rougher.  At least in America we have rights and opportunities that far too many take for granted.

on Sep 18, 2008


No, the main problem with that smugness, that belief that you're sooo very fucking clever

You're becoming obsessed with this subject--lighten up, take a drive in your sports car.

It was a quote from the linked article, not my words.

on Sep 18, 2008

And here to make my point are Obama and Biden.


Obama (recently):

The one thing that I want to insist on is that, as I travel around the country, the American people are a decent people. Now they get confused sometimes. You know, they listen to the wrong talk radio shows or watch the wrong TV networks, um, but they’re, they’re basically decent, they’re basically sound.


And Biden (yesterday):

The Republican party and some of the blogs and others on the far right, are trying very hard to paint a picture of this man, they’re trying the best as they can to mischaracterize who he is and what he stands for.

All this stuff about how different Barack Obama is, they’re not just used to somebody really smart. They’re just not used to somebody who’s really well educated. They just don’t know quite how to handle it. Cause if he’s as smart as Barack is he must not be from my neighborhood.

And that's the thing, this unearned smugness.  In case Biden has forgotten, the people who run this country are overwhelmingly right of center. That is, after all, the Democratic complaint card: The people earning the most money should pay more who are, overwhelmingly voting Republican. 

There's no evidence that left-wingers are somehow more intelligent. But there is plenty of evidence that they think they're more intelligent and that's why they keep losing elections. Arrogance matched with stupidity is a potent combination.

on Sep 18, 2008

, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um

That Obama quote?

on Sep 18, 2008


And here to make my point are Obama and Biden.
Obama (recently):
The one thing that I want to insist on is that, as I travel around the country, the American people are a decent people. Now they get confused sometimes. You know, they listen to the wrong talk radio shows or watch the wrong TV networks, um, but they’re, they’re basically decent, they’re basically sound.
And Biden (yesterday):

The Republican party and some of the blogs and others on the far right, are trying very hard to paint a picture of this man, they’re trying the best as they can to mischaracterize who he is and what he stands for.
All this stuff about how different Barack Obama is, they’re not just used to somebody really smart. They’re just not used to somebody who’s really well educated. They just don’t know quite how to handle it. Cause if he’s as smart as Barack is he must not be from my neighborhood.
And that's the thing, this unearned smugness.  In case Biden has forgotten, the people who run this country are overwhelmingly right of center. That is, after all, the Democratic complaint card: The people earning the most money should pay more who are, overwhelmingly voting Republican. 
There's no evidence that left-wingers are somehow more intelligent. But there is plenty of evidence that they think they're more intelligent and that's why they keep losing elections. Arrogance matched with stupidity is a potent combination.

He certainly could have phrased that line better. I see what Obama was trying to say there, I think he was refering to the fact its easy to get confused by all the different talk shows and such that try to pull you in their direction. Theres so much lies being pumped out by the media on BOTH sides that its a real task to pick through the lies to find the truth.


Many liberals are quick to say the right wings stupid thats why they can't see the truth, and i think Obamas saying here no they aren't stupid they are confused by all the crap being spewed at them. He REALLY could of phrased this better though.


I agree with this statement ^hes right (assuming thats what he emant and i think it is). Just go on the Fox news comments for a little while and you will see some wonderful examples of this. There was a guy there, no joke, who thought the MAJORITY of America made more than $250,000 per year(Bracket Obama Wants to Tax). Where did he get this? According to the Census its 1.5% of American households. I might add that I tried to point this out to him and Fox News wouldn't approve my comment.  Not really relavent but it did tick me off.


Another guy on there claimed Obama was going to tax the middle class, they were going to pay all the taxes. Now i know where they got this one, its from pretty much ANY John McCain ad. Its false of course, niether John McCain nor Barack Obama will raise middle class taxes. This is the kind of thing Obama was talking about. If you don't research the claims the canidates are making or that extremist radio shows spit out, you will believe all sorts of crazy things. I used to watch Bill O'Reilly alot so believe me I know lol.


Ahh and Joe Biden. He has a bad habit of sticking his foot in his mouth. Here he isn't really saying everyone thats a Republican is dumb, hes more saying the ones spreading lies about Obama are doing so because they aren't used to dealing with someone like him therefore they aren't sure how to attack him.

Biden's got another foot in mouth episode that came out today that Fox News is all over. Again phrased something stupidly.

I suppose i could be reaching there but i think its what they meant Honestly this campaigns full of foot in mouth instances on both sides. McCains The fundamentals are strong thing. Then coming out and claiming I meant the workers! I don't envy politicians nowadays, this is the world of 30 second presidents, its all about sound bytes and popularity contests. Make one mistep and there will be an ad calling you a elitist or a bafoon that SAME day.


I'm so looking foward to debates, where they HAVE to talk about issues. By far the best part of the politcal campaign.

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