Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

While 82% of voters who support McCain believe the justices should rule on what is in the Constitution, just 29% of Barack Obama’s supporters agree. Just 11% of McCain supporters say judges should rule based on the judge’s sense of fairness, while nearly half (49%) of Obama supporters agree.

Read the whole thing:

I think this pretty much puts to rest the argument as to who believes in freedom and who prefers we be ruled by a dictatorship.

I prefer that our laws be voted in by elected representatives that conform to a written standard that has been agreed to.

Apparently most Obama supporters prefer that wise judges rule us.


on Sep 12, 2008

What was the movie with Sylvestor Stallone where he was a judge/cop rolled into one and rode a hoverbike?


on Sep 12, 2008

I hate to think I know the name but here it goes:

Judge Dredd

on Sep 12, 2008

You know, I always wonder if people ever truly know what they want? Cause I bet those Obama supporters (and the few McCain ones) who believe judges should make the decisions based on their own senses would probably be crying their heads off when they end up in court and are found guilty of a crime because the judge believed they were guilty, even if the Constitution said otherwise.

on Sep 12, 2008

Judge Dredd (based off the comic book series from Marvel Comics).  Judge.  Jury. Executioner.

on Sep 12, 2008

That just highlights that Democrats want a European America, not an America founded on the constitution. All patriots take note and vote for the right candidate - Euroica, Obama. -United States of America, McCain


on Sep 12, 2008

Apparently most Obama supporters prefer that wise judges rule us.

WHo decides if they are wise?  Some people think Scalia is wise.  Many do not.  SOme think Ginsberg is wise, I do not.  That is the inherrent falacy of their belief, and in the end, will be their ultimate undoing - either through a judicial dictatorship, or a revolt.

on Sep 12, 2008

I want Judges that uphold the law as written, not Judges that "find" things in the Constitution to creat new laws, such as Abortion falling under the right to privacy.

If the law reads that "you kill someone and the punishment is life without parole" then that is what it says, not finding some excuse to exclude the killer under cruel and unusual punishment.

If the people of a state vote for a law and it passes, no Judge should be able to say "I don't like the outcome, so I will overturn the will of the people because I "think": it's unfair.

on Sep 13, 2008

82% of voters who support McCain believe the justices should rule on what is in the Constitution

Yeah, right l ike deciding the presidency in 2000. 

on Sep 13, 2008

Just 11% of McCain supporters say judges should rule based on the judge’s sense of fairness, while nearly half (49%) of Obama supporters agree

The problem with the law though is that it so often isn't fair. Hence I don't think that either position is ideal - do you allow people to get off on technicalities, or do you allow judges subjective views on what's fair or not to hold sway, or do you try and have a compromise of the two?

on Sep 13, 2008

Yeah, right l ike deciding the presidency in 2000.   

Yeah, it's too bad that Gore was too childish to accept a loss and brought the courts into it, isnt' it.

It's also too bad for Gore that the court ruled that you can't change the rules midstream just because you don't like the outcome.

Gore lost, get over it already.

on Sep 13, 2008

I wonder what percentage of each candidates' supporters feel that the US Constitution is outdated and shouldn't matter in any decisions?

on Sep 14, 2008

The American public couldn't POSSIBLY be so idiotic as to keep voting their candidates out of office, so it's all in those terrible, right-wing owned and designed voting machines, right steven?
Apparently not in conjunction with the 2006 election, anyway.

Gore lost, get over it already.
Believe me, I am thoroughly over it; I simply used it in the context of non-constructionist court decisionmaking. 

on Sep 14, 2008

Believe me, I am thoroughly over it; I simply used it in the context of non-constructionist court decisionmaking.

Actually, if they were to stick to the Constitution, they never would have taken the case in the first place.  Since they did, they made the right choice in backing what the state Supreme Court decided.   Our elections are state fuctions, not federal.  Shame on the lack of competence of the Justices who abused their authority to get a second vote for the candidate of their choice. (yes, I mean any of them that did, on either side).

on Sep 15, 2008

Actually, if they were to stick to the Constitution, they never would have taken the case in the first place. Since they did, they made the right choice in backing what the state Supreme Court decided. Our elections are state fuctions, not federal. Shame on the lack of competence of the Justices who abused their authority to get a second vote for the candidate of their choice. (yes, I mean any of them that did, on either side).
No comment because I'm over it.

on Sep 15, 2008

No comment because I'm over it.

Like a vulture hovering over its next meal?