Joe Biden had the audacity to say that it's time for the rich (those making $250k or more according to him) to be more patriotic and pay more taxes for the sake of the country.
Of course, what Biden, like most clueless government types doesn't realize is that the government is an anchor, a parasite living off the earnings of patriotic Americans who actually make our country successful.
The more we tax, the more we bog down our economy. Hence, a responsible government should try to be as small as possible, focusing on things that just don't make sense for the private sector to handle (roads, national defense, police, fire departments, courts, and non-partial regulation of business).
What's amazing about Biden, Democratic vice presidential candidate, is that while he has averaged making $250k per year for the past 10 years, he has averaged only a few hundred bucks a year in charitable giving.
Read the whole thing here: