Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on September 27, 2008 By Draginol In Republican

Tonight's debate scored by me.

Q 1: How do you feel about the financial bail out package.

Barack: 9. Good answer.

McCain:  5. Lame.


Q 2: What do you think of the plan.

Barack: 6. He says he warned against this disaster. A bit lame in that he blames Republicans exclusively. 

McCain: 8. Better.

Barack (followup): 8 articulate.

McCAin (followup): 5. Cliches.


Q 3: What should we do about government?

McCain: 7.  Earmarks are evil. Obama is part of the problem. Very scripted.

Barack: 4. Earmarks are abused but the total amount is $18B while McCain wants to give money to the wealthy. Oh wah. Class warfare.

McCain: 8. Fired up. Barack loves to spend other people's money.

Barack: 7. Class warfare. The rich are evil.

McCain: 8. The rich pay most of the taxes. Outsourcing is caused by having high taxes in the USA. What is Obama's definition of "rich"?

Barack: 8. $250k. Besides, the rich have loopholes.

McCain is getting annoyed.

McCain: 9 Obama talks a good talk but in reality, Obama is full of crap (basically).


Q 4: What would you delay first to pay for the bail out?

Obama: 8. Highest priority is energy independence. Rest is scripted junk.

McCain: 9 Cut spending. That's his priority.


(So when is foreign policy going to be brought up?)

Q 5: (followup) Yea but what are you going to cut?

Obama: 8. We do have to get spending under control and make government more transparent.

McCain: 8. Spending freeze.

Obama: 4. Nuanced bullshit.


Q 6: (followup) Look, what precisely will happen because of this giganormous financial bailout in terms of your budgeting??

Obama: 5 More nuanced bullshit leading into lame class warfare stuff.

McCain: 8. Yea, CUT spending.

McCain doesn't make eye contact minus 2 points for him.

Obama: 7 Mcain votes same as Bush 90% of the time.

McCain: 9. Oh please.


Okay, finally get into foreign policy.

Twittering here.


Overall, I'd say Obama had the edge but both did pretty well.  McCain not looking at Obama is going to haunt him though.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 29, 2008


Here we are virtually ready to collapse economically and he's worried about funding early childhood education saying that is absolutely got to be increased when he was asked about what cuts he would do.

ZOO posts:
Maybe if we focus on education, then this kind of shit won't happen anymore.

First, of education in general.....we really can't blame lack of education on those responsbile for the Wall Street and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac excesses that resulted in the economic crisis that has now befallen us....that occurred because of pride, greed, corruption and power grabbing.

Second, by bringing up early education at this debate, Obama was doing nothing except pandering to special interest education progressives and the unions types. If elected, on top of the spending bill just passed by COngress, on top of the $700 Billion bailout (if it passes), his plan would increase federal education by 19 billion dollars per year spending 10 billion of that by putting 4 year olds in federal schools, extending the length of school days and funding more after school programs.....(there is nothing in his education plan concerning education in math, or science or reading by 3rd grade, Zoo.) ((btw, when I was in public school we all read by 1st grade and no one passed to 2nd if they couldn't)). (((It cost $2,500 per year Catholic elementary education while it cost the town $7,000 (10,000 today) per child.))) Obama's throwing more money at education is a very tired idea.  Check the statistics....more money isn't producing educated students. The failing and drop our rate is horrendous and many schools still can't get students reading by 3rd grade.

Meanwhile Obama is all for a mother's choice to kill her baby in the womb, yet he opposes a woman's choice which public school her child can attend.    While he's fortunate enought to send his two girls to private charter schools in Illinois, he won't place himself in the shoes of parents whose children are enrolled in failing schools. Obama is an Elitist who has no problem denying the less fortunate the same options he has. 



on Sep 30, 2008

you tell em' Lula!  Right on! 

Those big whigs running away with their millions before the collapse had very nice educations.  That's definitely not the answer!  When you educate common thieves all you produce is educated crooks and that's pretty much what's going on right now. 


on Oct 01, 2008

coderunner82 pOSTS:

McCain successfully gets last word in. Smart tactic in terms of strategy, but lame imo (because he made no worthwhile point in his last minute droning).

To me, McCain's last statement summed it made me trust him even more...and now with this looming ecomonic crisis, I see McCain as a doer....while N'Obama is a smooth talker I trust  less with every day that passes.

Speaking of scoring the debate, Michelle Malkin has a good article out today about the Palin/Biden debate tomorrow.  Turns out the PBS moderator, Gwen Ifill is quite biased in favor of N'Obama.... having already written a book about him that's due to come out on inaugauration day.

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