Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on September 30, 2008 By Draginol In Demigod Journals

This week we intend to release the first update to the Demigod engine test beta (beta 1-A).  Under the hood there have been tons of changes made and we're beginning to make room for some of the more significant changes you'll be seeing in Beta 2 (beginning of November).

Here are some of the highlights:


My friend Soren Johnson has a great article entitled "the seven deadly sins of strategy games".  The bottom line is to paraphrase Sid Meijer, good strategy games give players "interesting" choices.

The flags in Demigod are going to be core element to this because controlling these flags are how the different sides will gain tremendous advantages. 

A good player (or team) would be able to quickly eliminate a new player or team simply by taking these flags and holding them long enough to overwhelm the enemy.  This prevents the problem in many multiplayer games where even when you're playing against unskilled players, you're still committing a lot of time to the game. Yet, at the same time, the game mechanic is straight forward enough that it's intuitive to players why they're winning or losing.

The team is brain storming all kinds of different types of flags. For beta 1-A, we just did gold as a proof of concept.



This next change is going to be more controversial without some explanation.   When someone posts about this saying how they hate this change, point them to this post.  The idea is that we're starting to make room in the UI and in the balancing for lots of additional skills as well as skill buffing  (where you enhance one of the existing skills with a modifier).  So don't take this screen as implying that we're going to have some dull linear progression.



The second map is in.  The mine map is somewhat smaller but has some interesting strategic conundrums.

So when will the beta be out? We are targeting this Thursday (basically we release betas on Thursdays typically).

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 30, 2008

Oh my god.   Yes first post!!!!

on Sep 30, 2008

basically we release betas on Thursdays typically

We call them Yarlen-days. "Thursday" loses its meaning when a Stardock beta is running

on Sep 30, 2008

Thursday!!!!  Thursday!!!!  I love Thursday!!!!

on Sep 30, 2008

3 pic shows that not only is there a new map, but....




Will stats and other strategic elements not listed here be included?

on Sep 30, 2008

Just in time for my replacement processor. Yay.


on Sep 30, 2008

Great news indeed!!! I have been happy with the beta thusfar but it will be interesting to see how gameplay is on a slightly smaller map. Waterfall was cramped enough IMHO! Much carnage to be dealt!

on Sep 30, 2008

I agree ledgerline, waterfalls was cramped, I am hoping they release a few bigger maps.  I wouldn't want drastically bigger maps, but I think about 50% bigger than waterfalls would be a perfect Big map for 3 x 3.

on Sep 30, 2008

oh man! I am excited! w00t4l1c10u5!

on Sep 30, 2008

been checking this site every day since i heard v 1A existed. SO GLAD to hear it's finally coming out

on Sep 30, 2008

Interesting. Please remember that imo the first beta setup has worked - t`was fun. I look forward to trying new things; I hope the final game incorporates all sorts of contest concepts and approaches.

Quite cool. Thanks for the update.

on Sep 30, 2008

Just in time for my replacement processor. Yay.

So that's where you've been hiding!

on Sep 30, 2008

You need to have a window come up for each skill on the skills page or something so you have room to make branches.(IE, hover over a skill you already have put a point into and a box comes up with an expanded tree for it.)

With how it is now adding branched upgrades would take up room for adding new skills.
And NOT adding branched upgrades wouldn't be very good.  But you say you're going to, which means that UI doesn't work, since making 2 or 3 branches on each skill means pushing upwards/downwards which means less room for different skills.


How the UI is set up for the skill selection right now is limiting everything.  Not to mention it limits having more than 12 skills.

Otherwise there can be tabs for more space.  But in my experience it seems people are so dumb they don't notice the tabs and are like "Wtf how2get dat skill?".  People would ask this in diablo2 even when it was so obvious to me my first time opening up the window.   Maybe hovering over wouldn't be obvious either.  Who knows, except to know that how the UI is right now wouldn't work wiithout changes..


Also it's cool to see a chat log button has been added up top, and of course scores that we knew where coming.  I like the style of it too, doesn't get in the way.

on Sep 30, 2008

how will we get this beta?


will it be an open beta? or will it be like the sins betas?

on Sep 30, 2008

it'll be like the one currently going on..

on Sep 30, 2008

In the first screenshot, the thing in the bottom corner is not a Demigod or creep we have yet to play with.

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