Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on October 4, 2008 By Draginol In Politics

I've said before that there's no circumstance I would vote for McCain. But watching how he has dealt with this financial crisis reminds me why I would never support him. He's no maverick. There's no straight talk. He's just a politician with a marketing slogan who doesn't really know why he wants to be President.  He's Bob Dole II and he's going to lose like him.

Obama, by contrast, deserves to win.  I don't agree with Obama on any major issues. But he knows why he wants to be President.  Obama thinks the country, as it is today, is fundamentally flawed and that him and his Democratic congress will start to address those flaws.

I think Obama is naive and foolish but I have to give credit to someone who truly believes in his cause.

McCain, on the other hand, has no cause other than to be President.

Let me give you a few examples:

#1 The credit crisis

McCain takes the same view as Obama. Greedy wallstreet types. Bullshit.  The vast majority of Americans are culpable here.  If McCain were the straight talker he says he is, he would say into the camera that he has met the enemy and the enemy is us.  How many people do you personally know that have significant credit card debt? How many people do you know have refinanced their homes in the last few years and now owe more on their homes than their homes are worth? I bet the answer is: LOTS.

It's easy to blame bankers or wallstreet types for this crisis.  But they're less culpable than the American people are.  Real leadership would be to go up and say something like "We caused this together and if we want to solve it in the long term we need to quit blaming others and start living within our means."

I support the bail out. A lot of conservatives don't but I disagree with me.  A lot of conservatives don't necessarily realize that most of that bad paper ultimately leads to some individual's abandoned asset be it a house, a car, or some other big ticket item.  I recently bought 10 acres of choice property at half the price it went for 5 years ago.  Lots of banks are holding the bag on potentially trillions of dollars in fixed assets if individual Americans default on their loans. 

But sure, let's blame the banks and the financial institutions. It's a lot easier to blame them than the dead beat cousin or uncle we know who bought a $200k house with zero down, interest only ARM even though he gets fired from jobs every few months because "his boss was an asshole".

But let's be real, individual Americans caused this crisis. I'm more than happy to blame the Democrats who put pressure on financial institutions to get the poor into homes. But at the end of the day, it's we, the people who brought this on ourselves.

It's not greed and corruption on wallstreet that caused this mess. It's greed and corruption of millions of Americans who decided they wanted "stuff" they knew, deep down, they couldn't afford and then blame the banks and financial institutions for not being able to figure out the actual value of these assets now.

Where's McCain's straight talk?

#2 Valuing being buddies with his Senate colleagues more than serving the American people

McCain values experience over ideas. If one of his senate colleagues disagrees with him, he'll chalk it up to a "difference of opinion". Only on foreign policy is McCain willing to talk about what's dangerous.

You know what was really dangerous, McCain? Shoving a naive "campaign finance law" down our throats that restricts the ability of Americans to voice their opinions during an election. 

When it comes to affecting our freedoms, in a real world, practical, every day sense, domestic policy is more important than foreign policy and McCain has no real understanding or passion for it.

Obama has a passion for domestic policy. He believes in equality of results. He sees the gap between rich and poor and thinks the government should do something about it.  I think he's disastrously wrong but McCain will do little other than have a polite disagreement with Obama and Biden over basic issues that affect our basic freedoms.

McCain has plenty of passion about Obama talking about Pakistan but very little when it comes to Obama's vision of having the government take over our health care needs or Obama deciding how much people "deserve" to make or Obama's beliefs on how we should live, what languages we speak, and what cars we should drive.

If McCain deserved to win, he would be passionately defending the American people against what Obama really is.  There are millions of Americans who share Obama's vision for America and Obama is a fantastic advocate for them.  McCain is a terrible advocate for the millions of Americans who disagree with Obama's vision and deep down, we're not even sure if McCain even has a vision of what the American ideal is.

Obama would rather Americans have a poorer standard of living overall than to have such a gulf between the rich, the middle class, and the poor.  And there are lots of people who agree with him. But there are millions of undecided voters who don't realize what path Obama would take us towards.

A simple, passionate speech entitled "The government is not your baby daddy" by McCain could go a long way.  But no straight talk from McCain.

No, McCain will fixate on some comment Obama made about Pakistan rather than the substantial policy issues that Obama favors that would be ruinous to the American spirit.

#3 Nitpicking attack ads instead of substance

McCain's ads are almost all negative. I don't have a problem with that in principle but they're almost all petty and nitpicky.  If his ads were explaining the consequences of an Obama presidency that would be one thing.

McCain's ads should focus on a couple of topics and pound on them:

#1 LOWER THE DEBT. Explain how our borrowing is undermining our way of life and sapping our strength. Explain that yes, it's going to require freezing spending but as Americans, we can do it.

#2 ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. Explain how we're funding our adversaries around the world with our addiction to oil. Explain the plan to drill for more oil domestically, build nuclear plants and push for more clean coal tech while at the same time pushing hard for plug-in Hybrids and other types of vehicles that use energy that is cleaner and home produced.

#3 WRAP UP THINGS IN IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN. Explain how we are going to being drawing down troops in Iraq now that the situation is stabilizing and how we're going to continue to disrupt Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

That's it.  He's talked about these things a little bit but these are the 3 things he should just beat home over and over. They're all winning strategies and if he just pounded on those 3 things. 

Ads about "cleaning up Washington" are stupid and cliche.  We've heard these vague promises before.  Be specific.

Of course, McCain won't and that's why he deserves to lose.

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on Oct 05, 2008

It's one thing to 'act like a normal joe', it's another thing all together to be condescending about it - which is exactly the feel I got from her 'folksy' gosh-darns and doggone-its.

To each his own, that doesn't mean she's bad for it. I just don't get why when someone makes and effort to do something right, they always get shot down by the negative people.

Just remember - people liked Bush in 2000 becuase he 'seemed like the kind of guy you'd want to have a beer with'. And just look how great THAT'S turned out.

If I was to judge people by the similar actions of others, I would have to say all Muslims are terrorist, all French are cowards, all white people are racist and all mexicans are illegals.

Also don't forget, Bush may have been portrayed as a guy you would have a beer with, but when did you ever actually see him do it? On the other hand, Palin is a soccermom (or a hockeymom), she does mingle with us common people and she now understands what it's like to be a mother of a handi-capped child, a teen pregnant daughter and a son in Iraq (or Afgahnistan). Bill was seen as just one of us because he cheated on his wife, something not necessaruly acceptable in his position.

I like a candidate who can relate to us, not someone who thinks he/she is above us. Every person in our Gov't is just another person who was born like everyone else, pooped, drank milk, threw a rock or 2 and ate in places like McDonalds, Burger King, Denny's, IHOP, etc.

on Oct 05, 2008

For me, I don't need to see politicians as my buddy. I want to see what their stances on issues are.

And how can you expect a politician to do what is in your best interest when they don't even know what you go thru? Many people he cry about the concept of rich people not caring about the poor because they don't know what it's like to be poor. You tell me how does a politician relate to your needs when this is the mentality many people have about them, who BTW are rich people. Unless you can show me they are not, last I checked Obama was worth millions and has always lived a pretty decent life.

I don't see how Palin ramming home 'affectionate' names for the American public means she's not lying or tricking people any more or less than the average politician. But I guess I'm not as easily tricked or inferior as some other people (to use your words).

I do, it means she is talking to us. And here I thought people like Obama keep saying that people like McCain are not in tune with people today because he could not email. Yet when someone like Palins tries to relate to people by using common words used in the streets, she gets accused as being a faker. So how more hypocritical can people get when you say you want ketsup in your burger than you complain when you get it? BTW, I never said anyone was inferior, I said they like feeling that way. 2 different things, lets get that straight.

All I see is a lot of complaining about nothing but when real issues are brought up such as Bidens multiple lies in the debate, and Obama's background friends (Rev Wright, Farrakhan, Bill Ayers), everyone either ignores it, chants the change theme or say it's all a lie. And Palin trying to be cool is all you guys have to complain about?

on Oct 05, 2008

People have become so jaded about politicians, they are no longer reliable judges about when a politician is being sincere or not. Palin aside, if there was a politician that truly was a 'joe-sixpack' or 'hockey-mom', you would still see the same types of responses and judgements. In short, painting them all with the same broad brush because of their occupation. In a way, we (the public) are all becoming bigots as far as politicians are concerned.

That is true, which is kinda ironic considering so many believe Obama is really for change. Some how he is different, yet everyone else is a politician no matter how many joe sixpack or soccermom words they use. But it's obvious why anyways.

on Oct 05, 2008

I completely agree with you on the credit crisis thing and on the McCain/Obama deal as well. Unusual, huh?

I can see why people do criticise banks for the mortgage crisis - it's unethical and extremely poor business to give out loans to people who clearly can't afford them - but at some point people have to take personal responsibility for their actions. They have to actually do what the fine print suggests and make sure they get the right financial advice if they're too brainless to work out repayments against their income.

On the Obama/McCain front, I probably wouldn't vote in the presidential elections if I was an American. Obama is passionate, sure, and that's essential in any elected official, but I have some reservations about his policies, particularly his views on US foreign policy (pretty much more of the same realpolitik we've all become accustomed to).  And McCain has proven through his advertising that he's a loathsome political operator who's not against abusing human weaknesses of memory and thought association to slander his opponents. Add to that the 'more of the same' foreign policy initiatives of his and he doesn't come out too well either.

I'd be interested to hear who you think is a viable third party right wing candidate. Doesn't it usually end up being Fatherland-worshipping kooks, rabid greens and borderline psychotics of all persuasions who become third party candidates?

on Oct 05, 2008

In short, painting them all with the same broad brush because of their occupation.

In a way, we (the public) are all becoming bigots as far as politicians are concerned.

Honestly, there shouldn't even be such a thing as politics as an occupation. Serving in the government should be a civil duty and a supplement to a real job, not a career.

I once, jokingly, proposed that the current legislative model should be scrapped and we should just randomly draft people for six-month terms; once you've served, you never serve again. But the more crap the pols shovel on us, the more it seems like an actual good idea.

I do still think that all offices should come with a one-term limit, period, though. Some might argue that the occasional truly good person would get lost, but that's little excuse to foist the usual power/money hungry pols on us the rest of the time. But given that they can just keep giving out taxpayer money to get themselves gifts, donations, and pay raises now, that's never going to happen.

on Oct 05, 2008

With the left, there is no winning.  Remember when Bush41 famously went through a grocery checkout lane during a campaign photo op & went goo-ga over the barcode scanner?  They went nuts - 'Out of touch!'  'Can't possibly lead when he has no clue what people go through.'  'Elitist doofus.'  'Can't relate to the common man!'

Now, when there is someone running who actually lives like us, they do what?  Why, go nuts of course - 'Naive wannabe!'  'No experience!'  'Not ready to be 'a hearbeat away'!'

Hypocrisy is so frickin' rampant anymore.  It's very discouraging.

on Oct 06, 2008

I don't think anyone really has an issue with the fact that she "actually lives like us".  What bothers people, myself included, is that she seems to be so over the top about making sure we know she's one of us.  It just comes off an insincere to me.

on Oct 06, 2008

So if she doesn't tell us about herself, Katie Couric will?  Is she somehow misrepresenting herself?  Is she really a closet billionaire or something, a sort of reverse Manchurian candidate?  What?  Just how would you do this 'under the top?'

on Oct 06, 2008

A devout Marxist whose only answer to anything is, "Throw Money At It", who has no respect whatsoever for the USA, and has long been in a church based on racist hatred "deserves" to win?

He deserves to be sent to Cuba where he would be happier, and America would be safer... but it's also a good thing we all don't get what we deserve.

I don't think McCain deserves to win either, but at least be honest about both of them being undeserving.

on Oct 06, 2008


I do, it means she is talking to us. And here I thought people like Obama keep saying that people like McCain are not in tune with people today because he could not email. Yet when someone like Palins tries to relate to people by using common words used in the streets, she gets accused as being a faker. So how more hypocritical can people get when you say you want ketsup in your burger than you complain when you get it? BTW, I never said anyone was inferior, I said they like feeling that way. 2 different things, lets get that straight.
All I see is a lot of complaining about nothing but when real issues are brought up such as Bidens multiple lies in the debate, and Obama's background friends (Rev Wright, Farrakhan, Bill Ayers), everyone either ignores it, chants the change theme or say it's all a lie. And Palin trying to be cool is all you guys have to complain about?


Again, I never said I want a politician that can be my buddy or that they act like a 'regular joe / jane.'  Why do you keep saying that?  Maybe you mean 'you people' as in people you talk to daily?  I have no clue.

We'll just have to disagree here then.  I don't see how it shows she's 'talking to us'.  It just seems to me that she's trying too hard to 'relate'.  Just use normal terms and I'll decide for myself if your points on issues are agreeable with me.


on Oct 06, 2008

JU still hasn't fixed the edit function, so I'll have to just make my edits here.


Yes, he knows why he wants to be president.  He wants to be president to make White people of today pay for the sins of the past.  He wants to legitimize his bigotted "Black Liberation Theology" and he wants to do it while the Democrats have a majority in Congress.  He knows that the Do Nothing Duo will never stand up to his racism, lest they be called racists, so he knows he can get away with anything he wants.

Support Obama if you agree with his issues, but don't sit there and right lies about how "deserving" he is.

on Oct 06, 2008

A devout Marxist whose only answer to anything is, "Throw Money At It", who has no respect whatsoever for the USA, and has long been in a church based on racist hatred "deserves" to win?

At least one of your statements here is wrong. Marxists are atheists. "Religion is the opiate of the masses", remember? So either Obama is a Marxist, or he belongs to a racist church, or neither allegation is accurate. You're not even trying any more, Parated.

on Oct 06, 2008

Cacto, how anal do you need to get?  Yes, Marx was an atheist, but not all Marxist societies have been atheistic.   Quit nit picking discussions to death just because you don't have any other point to make.

on Oct 06, 2008

Is she somehow misrepresenting herself?

Thats for you to decide.


Is she competent?

She was incapable of running Wasilla so she hired a town Manager named John Cramer.

She got a hockey rink built on land the city didn't own.

She took the money for the bridge to nowhere and built the road to nowhere

She signed a contract giving a company a 500 million dollar subsidy for a pipeline deal that is far from guaranteed

She was the director of a 527 for Ted Stevens


I never thought McCain is the same as Bush...There are many differences.

However McCain and Palin are very much the same. They get in trouble then try to pull off some kind of stunt to try to prove themselves as reformers, when in fact they are simply trying to run away from their own mistakes and incompetence.

on Oct 06, 2008

I, personally, don't think either of them "deserve" to be President.  I don't think either of them will make a good President.  The US is screwed either way.

I really wish that we would have some true Republicans and Democrats running for office.  McCain is borderline Democrat, and Obama is a Socialist.  Neither of them fit what I want as a President.

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