Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on October 17, 2008 By Draginol In Politics

Great article outlining the different views of left and right wing Americans.

on Oct 20, 2008

I think his main premise is very good.  ANd he should have gone into far more detail (but I guess for column purposes, he went for brevity).  It is an excellent summation of the differences.

on Oct 20, 2008

I disagree with some points of the article, most notably this one:

The left fears nationalism in general

The left do not fear nationalism. In fact, they actively support and promote nationalism, especially in the case of Arab nationalism and nationalism in south-American countries.

Nationalism is not the same as patriotism. Patriotism is love for one's country, regardless of nationality (ethnicity) of the people who are part of it. Nationalism is love for one's nation, regardless of the country they live in.

There are nationalists in the US. White and black supremacists, anybody who thinks of "whites" as a people or who considers "blacks" a distinct people. And while supporters of white nationalism can be found on the (traditional) right, supporters of black nationalism are very vocal on the left. Current leading Republicans have no support among either of the two groups.

But most American "nationalism" is really patriotism. What Americans are proud of has no race. And skin colour does not make or undo the American. Patriots are found on the right.

It is PATRIOTISM, love for one's country with no attention paid to skin colour, that the left fear. The left abhore equality (because it takes away the problem they want to solve). That's why they support policies that require classifications of people according to race (NOT culture, race). How many policies do Republicans currently promote that require statistics on how many Americans are white, black, or something else? How many policies do Democrats currently promote that require such statistics?

The left has been fine with nationalism for a long time.

Where do you find more supporters of the state of Israel, where Jews, Druze, and Bedouins live and fight together against the common enemy?

And where do you find more supporters of the PLO, an Arab nationalist group who want (and they openly say so) an Arab-only "Palestine"?

(Incidentally, "Palestinian" propaganda brochures always show "Palestine" with pictures of white and black children playing together. In reality Israel has black and white citizens, whereas the PLO territories are un-mixed. Israel's blacks are Jews from Ethiopia and New York. Palestian Arabs are white only.)

Where do you find more supporters of an Iraq governed by both Kurds and Arabs?

And where do you find more supporters of an Iraq governed by Arab nationalists?

I think it is obvious that the left do not "fear nationalism". In fact they love it.


on Oct 22, 2008

come on, this is a laughable article that at best describes extreme liberalism.

i believe in preemptive strikes into pakistan, i believe in curbing abortion through abstinence education, and i have no problem with gay marriage. but yes the less religion of any sort the better.

i believe in life long sentences for anyone convicted of any sexual deviancy (and any violent crime of excessive brutality) and if not that then chemically castrate the bastards. i think all crimes are hate crimes and greater punishment should not be reserved for those against vulnerable groups.

i have no desire for a mass socilaist state like France nor do i want any sudden moves toward universal health care without a careful examination of the facts. i oppose affirmative action, especially the kind that gets unqualified people like Palin a weak heart beat away from the Oval Office.

Am I left leaning? Socially yes- largely as a stand against the superstitions that chain America from becoming even greater. Fiscally is more a confusing issue - I dislike the left talk about judging how people spend money, especially when so many pro-choicers seem to think promiscuity is deserved but spending my own money is not? Sorry you majored in basket weaving, getting drunk and fucking random people while I was in the library studying math an econ.

However, I was also an Americorps worker and I've seen the situations in our crumbling schools. Which is why I support vouchers, and go red when liberals hiding in their PhD programs tell me that vouchers will take the "good parents" out of the bad schools - when was it the responsbility of hard working single mothers to fix the whole school when they have their own kids to take care of.

So where does that leave me? Angry and exhausted. As I told my girlfriend - "Meh. I hate everybody."

on Oct 23, 2008

i believe in life long sentences for anyone convicted of any sexual deviancy

Wow. You want to rephrase that statement?