Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on November 4, 2008 By Draginol In Politics

Vote by Income
                                Obama         McCain
Under $15,000 (9%)
$15-30,000 (14%)
$30-50,000 (21%)
$50-75,000 (23%)
$75-100,000 (13%)
$100-150,000 (12%)
$150-200,000 (4%)
$200,000 or More
I have been talking about this for a bit now but with the exit polls still fresh, here are the results from the key state of Ohio (which has been called for Obama).
You'll note that the people who don't pay taxes voted for the guy who is promising to give them goodies paid for by the people who do pay taxes. Look at those margins at the $30k and less, it's extreme. 
As you work your way up the income brackets (i.e. to people who actually produce stuff) the margin narrows and eventually turns in favor of McCain -- mind you, this is a state McCain LOST.
It's pretty clear, even this early on, that Americans are quite willing to vote for people who promise to give them stuff paid for by other people.  Clearly, it's a whole new "everyone for themself" world. I hope in the coming months and years people remember this.
I think one of the first things that will change as soon as taxes go up is that JU will stop being a free site other than for people I decide to give free premium accounts.  The rest should probably find another blog site if they object to paying for a service. There's plenty of free blog sites still.  There's plenty of time as I doubt taxes will go up until the end of next year.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 05, 2008

The election is over and I've had my fill of political drek for the year, so lets talk about JU for a moment!
Just to point out how quick to change the subject folks are when they're on the losing side.

on Nov 05, 2008

So is it possible that the income data and the racial data are somehow correlated? Could it be that blacks in general make less money than whites? Which of these two effects is causal and which is merely anecdotal? Could there be other unrelated factors about which neither of us understands at work here?

Ohio doesn't have a large enough African American vote to affect the stats.


I personally can't say, given that I'm not a trained statistician, but I suppose that you must have some unique expertise or education that qualifies you to make such wide sweeping generalizations.

Uh yea, that whole The Political Machine thing where I designed and developed the statistical model that correctly predicted most of the states in THIS election (including South Carolina). I've been doing this stuff for over 8 years now.

on Nov 05, 2008

I'd gladly pay for my blogsite here if I had more control over what is displayed on it, ie: either no ads, or ads that I choose.  JUser becoming a profit making enterprise can only be a good thing, glitches will be fixed sooner, features we've been begging for for years (like an 'ignore user' feature) will be implemented, and, as paying customers, we could expect a little better treatment at the hands of certain gung-ho moderators.

Oh, I would make no promises on that.  Right now, JU is essentially charity. The Google ads and such on here generate probably less than $1k per month.  

In all likelyhood, I'd simply kill it because the most expensive part of JU is the customer service part.  I'd keep what's here so that I and people I like could continue to blog but everyone else would be gone.  They could still participate in the comments. It's the free blog sites that would go.

But I'm taking a wait and see approach.  I have no problem with Obama. If he doesn't raise our taxes, then it's a moot point.

on Nov 05, 2008

Uh yea, that whole The Political Machine thing where I designed and developed the statistical model that correctly predicted most of the states in THIS election (including South Carolina). I've been doing this stuff for over 8 years now.
OK I'll acknowledge that you have a certain level of expertise in this area. However even granting this I still believe it's quite a reach to conclude that the *reason* people voted the way they did is because they expect a handout.

on Nov 05, 2008

Why examine just Ohio? National statistics show people making >$200,000 voted Obama 52% to 46%.

Clearly, those commies don't know how wealth is created.


on Nov 05, 2008

Just to point out how quick to change the subject folks are when they're on the losing side.

Don't worry if Obama does slip up (hope not) the liberals will be gone in droves from this site, kinda like after the 2004 election.

Why examine just Ohio? National statistics show people making >$200,000 voted Obama 52% to 46%.

The Obama campaign must not have told them, or they didn't hear, the new level for "rich" according to the Democrats is $120K. They will find out soon enough, it's changing your mind that's a bitch.

on Nov 05, 2008

Don't worry if Obama does slip up (hope not) the liberals will be gone in droves from this site, kinda like after the 2004 election.
That would presume that there are droves of liberals here to begin with which I believe is a flawed assumption. It has nothing to do with whether or not Obama "slips up". It has a lot more to do with the fact that liberals are basically made to feel unwelcome here.

I personally don't feel obligated to "convert" anyone to share my opinion. There are always going to be folks that disagree with you. Unlike many others here, I have no interest in trying to convince folks that they are somehow "wrong" and that the way I view things is somehow "right". I'm fine with a live and let live attitude. What comes around goes around. It's childish to assume that things will always go your way.

I also have no issue when folks try to reasonably argue their position in an attempt to convince me that their opinion is somehow better than my opinion. The only thing that bothers me is when folks insist that the way they view things is the  *only* logical way and that if I don't agree with them I am somehow stupid, or lazy or looking for a handout.

I do just fine for myself thank you very much and even if there is a certain segment of the population that takes advantage of the taxes I pay, I believe that overall there are more people that deserve the help than there are those simply milking the system. In any case whether I'm wrong or right I have enough to live comfortably. I can put a roof over my head and food on the table, I don't feel the need to own a Beemer or live an ostentatious lifestyle and I don't begrudge someone that somehow gets by off of the taxes I pay.

on Nov 05, 2008

But then we knew that going in.  Kind of like the ant and grasshopper.  Those looking at their paycheck today (the grasshoppers) voted for Obama.  Those that were thinking about getting gouged in the future (the ants), voted for McCain.

There is a reason that the young vote for the democrat more often.  They are making less than the adults, and do not have the experience that comes only with living, not with promises and teachers.  They will learn.  Perhaps too late.  But then they only have themselves to blame.

on Nov 05, 2008

Kind of like the ant and grasshopper

This seems totally unrelated to any recent reply in this thread but perhaps this is in response to reply #15. Any clue as to what this is in reference to?

on Nov 06, 2008

I do just fine for myself thank you very much and even if there is a certain segment of the population that takes advantage of the taxes I pay,

But if you're not bothered by your taxes being wasted (or frivolously spent at best), why should the government be bothered either? They will just take more. It matters to me. I want every dime accounted for. If citizens are being ask to live more efficiently, our government should do the same.

on Nov 06, 2008

I think one of the first things that will change as soon as taxes go up is that JU will stop being a free site other than for people I decide to give free premium accounts.
May I suggest you claim us lefties as charity?

on Nov 06, 2008

But if you're not bothered by your taxes being wasted (or frivolously spent at best), why should the government be bothered either? They will just take more. It matters to me. I want every dime accounted for. If citizens are being ask to live more efficiently, our government should do the same.
I guess it's a matter of perceived waste. I mean there's a certain amount of waste in any process that's unavoidable. In my estimation the amount that's wasted is within reasonable limits and so I have no problem with it. If in your estimation more is wasted than spent effectively then you'll be pissed.

I personally believe that there are more people legitimately helped than there are people that cheat the system and so I feel my taxes *do* provide a benefit to others and I don't begrudge that. But there's also a matter of feeling that I have enough left for myself. Like I said I can afford a roof over my head and food on my table and I can afford to buy a Chevy every 5 or 10 years or so for both me and my wife. If the amount of taxes taken didn't leave me enough to support me and mine then I would feel differently about it. But if by paying taxes I can't afford a new Jaguar every year then that's just too bad.

I don't feel any sympathy for someone making way more than any normal person needs to get by. Whether they pay 15% capital gains or 50% capital gains won't make the difference between putting a roof over their heads or food on their table. We're talking ostentatious consumption. Let them pay a 100% luxury tax on their new yacht or not buy their wife a diamond necklace this year. But I do feel bad for people that can't put food on their table and a roof over their head.

on Nov 06, 2008

May I suggest you claim us lefties as charity?

I think he already is.

on Nov 06, 2008


Why examine just Ohio? National statistics show people making >$200,000 voted Obama 52% to 46%.
Clearly, those commies don't know how wealth is created.


First, they didn't have the national one available at the time. about cherry picking..

Vote by Income
                               Obama         McCAin
Under $15,000(6%)
$15-30,000 (12%)
$30-50,000 (19%)
$50-75,000 (21%)
$75-100,000 (15%)
$150-200,000 (6%)
$200,000 or More(6%)
So yes, the people with huge amounts of income support Obama.   But then again, Obama did win.  The only groups McCain won, however, are the people who make $100k to $200k. 
But getting back to the point: Look at the lower end. The margins are huge for Obama.  Why is that do you think?

on Nov 06, 2008

I don't feel any sympathy for someone making way more than any normal person needs to get by. Whether they pay 15% capital gains or 50% capital gains won't make the difference between putting a roof over their heads or food on their table. We're talking ostentatious consumption. Let them pay a 100% luxury tax on their new yacht or not buy their wife a diamond necklace this year. But I do feel bad for people that can't put food on their table and a roof over their head.

Let's look at this statement.

Who decides how much someone "needs"?

Secondly, when someone buys a yacht aren't they spreading their wealth? Isn't that what we want? Why is it better for the government to decide where that wealth is spread?

Aren't you the least bit curious to know why someone is strugglign to put food on the table (and really, please show us where these starving Americans are hiding, maybe the obese poor people in the US are getting in the way?)?  Aren't you interested in looking into why someone is poor before you decide to feel sorry for them?

My consumption is often quite conspicuous.  I'm building an insane house.  But in doing so, I'm employing a lot of people to build it. Local workers who are paid well.  To get the money to be so conspicuous, I worked very hard and in the progress created a lot of other jobs.  I would not have worked hard and created those jobs if there was no conspicuous reward for doing so.

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