Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Where did it go wrong?
Published on December 23, 2003 By Draginol In Movies & TV & Books
Attack of the Clones is on tonight. Oh so wrong.

A long while back I wrote a fan-fiction synopsis/screen play of how I imagined/hoped Episode 2 and 3 would be. My Anakin isn't bitchy and whiney and angry. Instead, he's more of a rogue. A Han Solo type. Happy go lucky whose fatal flaw is over confidence. He's so self secure that what leads him down the dark path is his belief that light side, dark side are really just artificial terminologies.

But what I imagined Episode 2 being was the movie where we would see Anakin as a true hero. A glimpse of how he might have been. He is the little boy from Phantom Menace grown up. Full of goodness, light hearted, happy, and seemingly normal. No dark side. No tantrums. No stalking of Amidala.

My Anakin is Indiana Jones with a light saber. Anyway, if anyone's interested, I can clean up my stuff and post it. Just respond here if you're interested so I can gauge how much interest there is.
on Dec 24, 2003
I'm interested in reading your screen play
on Dec 24, 2003
me too.. fyi, when phantom manace came out, at the start of the Star wars theme, I was nearly burst to tears but sadly it all went downhill from there....
on Dec 24, 2003
Please share it ......
on Dec 24, 2003
No, I think anakin needed to be idealistic, as portrayed, not another Hans Solo. This aside, the latest two Star Wars movies totally suck arse, and George Luckas should be shot in the fucking head.
on Dec 25, 2003
If you can't spell any of the names, you shouldn't be commenting.

I'd also be interested.
on Dec 26, 2003
Please do post it.
on Dec 26, 2003
I know I'm in the minority, but I really thought Attack of the Clones was well done. I thought Anakin's behavior in Ep II was completely realistic, considering a child had been taken to learn the ways of the Force and grew up with a chip on his shoulder. I guess if I had been a slave, then was taken away by the most powerful warriors in the galaxy to learn their ways (especially in light of the comments being made about how he would bring balance to the Force) and could do whatever I wanted to, I'd be a little spoiled and whiny.

However; I'm always interested in seeing what you'd have done.
on Dec 26, 2003
Cool beans, post it. George Lucas is a "teacher" he says.... I think he's a complete dumbass. It would be much more interesting to see Anakin as a hero gone bad for reasons more insightful than being a slave, or because his mother died, or because he as more "Mayonaisse" in his blood than Master Yoda. In Lucas's world bad people are just bad...just because. Anyone else with a little heart could have written something much better.
on Dec 29, 2003
The new Star Wars films being full of continuity glitches and logic loopholes (but filled to the brim with annoying characters), a new perspective is always welcome.

Go for it!
on Dec 29, 2003

I agree. The characters do not seem to choose or even influence their destiny; they are Driven by Fate (or more prosaically, a shallow script).
At least the ancient Greeks had the Gods to blame for their unalterable destiny in the Tragedies...

on Dec 29, 2003
I agree with your vision of Anakin. I didn't like him at all and could care less about what happens to him. I think that the writers missed the mark portraying him in such a selfish way. Why would Amidala fall in love with such a whiney and undisciplined sniveler? She was portrayed as a mature, having it together young woman in Episode 1. Surely she didn't regressed, or maybe she did.
on Feb 23, 2005
I definitely think you should post them... the other thing that disappointed me in the movies is how Obi-Wan was protrayed when being with Anakin; he seemed to taunt him every chance he could get. I had figured that Obi-wan's reaction to Anakin's turn to the dark side would be one of surprise and regret. Now, I'm not so sure.
on Feb 24, 2005
A couple of days ago slashdot covered a site that posted a series of screenshots that told the entire story of episode three. Honestly, and I am no fan of Lucas... it looked DAMNED good. Anakin is not the character he was in the last film.

I think there is something to be said for how this might turn out, given what I have seen. Both of the main sites carrying the images have been taken down at lucasfilm's request, but I'm sure there's more out there...
on Feb 24, 2005
I dunno about your analysis of Anakin as a youth, but remember, there's supposed to be a lot of similarities in character between him and Luke...hence Yoda and Obi-Wan's concerns about Luke turning to the dark side. And Luke was pretty whiney ("...But I was going to Tashi to pick up some power concerters!").

But I agree, there's not much to like about the Ep. 2 portrayal of Anakin.
on Feb 24, 2005
Spoiler Hell, Pretty Impressive, though

Hit it while it lasts, all the other sites are coming down like dominos...

Anikin isn't nearly as wussy in this one, evidently. He's grown into the part a bit i think.