Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on November 17, 2008 By Draginol In Demigod Journals


Gas Powered Games is working hard on Beta 2 of Demigod. We don't have a definitive date for it but we're hoping to get it out before Thanksgiving so people can play it over the break (that would be next week).

Now, so far beta testers have only played the engine test. That was basically just to see compatibility and performance.  We've taken that data and the GPG team has increased the game's performance dramatically.

Beta 2 is where we get into the "meat" of the game.  As we've mentioned before, beta 1 wasn't supposed to be fun. We're delighted some people found it fun but it wasn't really meant to be fun.

Beta 2, by contrast, is where the fun starts. How fun it'll be depends on how many of the features get in.  Below are some of the key features beta 2 will introduce:

  1. Objective Flags.  Beta 1 has a couple of these but beta 2 adds a lot more.  Winning at Demigod is about your ability to capture and make use of these objective flags.
  2. Skill Trees.  The skill trees have been greatly expanded upon.
  3. Generals.  While Assassins are extremely powerful on their own, Generals can summon minions who can be controlled like an RTS.
  4. Internet play.  Impulse Reactor based "cloud" multiplayer gets in which should make getting games going very easy (fingers crossed).
  5. Citadel upgrades.  Right now, things progress based on time.  In Beta 2, players will have to spend gold on Citadel upgrades to get access to more units, better units, etc.

We also have some surprises that we hope will make it into Beta 2 but we can't commit to that or whether they'd fall into Beta 3.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 19, 2008

I think they should take the time they need personally.  And they should NOT release if the internet multiplayer isn't ready.  I thin that's key.  I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't want to bother with hamachi who REALLY want to try this game out against other people.....Like me for instance.

on Nov 20, 2008

well I think that's one of the things they might need to put into Beta 2 to test. Not only do they need us to test the online multiplayer on impulse, but they also need to see who might have problems with it, what those problems are, and so on. I agree that it will be a very important thing to perfect before the full game is released, but I don't think it's going to be working at 100% for beta 2.

But there's always wishful thinking!

But yes, take your time and make it good.

on Nov 20, 2008

Sweet! tesb, you were right. A CSR emailed me today to confirm that I'll be in the Beta (and that is when they'll withdraw the amount from my CC) and

on Nov 20, 2008

Beta 1 had many issues..same can be expected from beta2.

Unless beta2 includes actual rts gameplay (that makes sense to rts fans) as advertised, not many players will end up buying this at the end.

dont set your hopes too high...

on Nov 20, 2008

Beta 1 had many issues..same can be expected from beta2.

Unless beta2 includes actual rts gameplay (that makes sense to rts fans) as advertised, not many players will end up buying this at the end.

dont set your hopes too high...

on Nov 20, 2008

The developers read my mind.  I was hoping that they would get the second beta out by thanksgiving so that  could devote some time to providing quality feedback (not to mention just playing it)

on Nov 20, 2008

unless I'm mistaken it won't be out by T day, landisaurus...Yarlen by way of Trigeminal says it probably won't be out til the week after...

on Nov 20, 2008

champ_1 if you've been following the updates you'll know that demigod does have an actual rts part to it.

And I would rather they took forever and got it right then rushed it and got it wrong. Everyone cries and complains when there is unbalance/bugs in a game - well if u want the game to be balanced and unubggy let them take their time

However some more updates on how Beta 2 is looking would shorten the wait for us all

on Nov 21, 2008

I'd love to see this out by Thanksgiving.  Lets see if my undying trust in GPG by giving up my money before the game is even made pays off!

on Nov 24, 2008


If I am assigning names correctly, I can envision a "classic" match-up between teams: The Oak and The Rook versus The TorchBearer and The Vampire Lord. They look like they complement each other.

on Nov 25, 2008

24th of November

#Demigod on

21:39:33 | @Yarlen: It's not coming out this week


Start preparing for next week though !

on Nov 25, 2008

Beta 1 had many issues..same can be expected from beta2.

Unless beta2 includes actual rts gameplay (that makes sense to rts fans) as advertised, not many players will end up buying this at the end.

dont set your hopes too high...

You're an official idiot. You do know that the entire Beta 1 was an engine test and they specifically did not include any of the type of generals that are supposed to offer RTS play. When the devs actually give us the RTS demigods, then you can talk about whether or not they offer RTS play, but you're a complete fuckwad for suggesting that you've been ripped off or otherwise wronged by the Assassins not offering RTS gameplay.

on Nov 25, 2008


You're an official *****. You do know that the entire Beta 1 was an engine test and they specifically did not include any of the type of generals that are supposed to offer RTS play. When the devs actually give us the RTS demigods, then you can talk about whether or not they offer RTS play, but you're a complete ******* for suggesting that you've been ripped off or otherwise wronged by the Assassins not offering RTS gameplay.

Don't be rude. He was offering his views and to be honest that is what the betas are for. He does state "...unless beta 2...".


on Nov 25, 2008

I think the point is that beta 2 was already stated as having these elements.

on Nov 25, 2008

Beta 1 had many issues..same can be expected from beta2.

Unless beta2 includes actual rts gameplay (that makes sense to rts fans) as advertised, not many players will end up buying this at the end.

dont set your hopes too high...

It should be noted that in order to get into the beta, a pre-order for the game must be placed.  In essence, if you're in the beta, you've already bought the game.  We aren't providing refunds for people that don't like the beta.  Actually, right now, we're not providing refunds on Demigod at all.

So if you're not sure, you might want to wait and see how the game shapes up.

Just wanted to clarify that way ahead of time.

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