Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on November 17, 2008 By Draginol In Personal Computing


Dell has released its Core i7 machines.  The XPS 730X takes isn't just a little bit faster than previous XPS''s a LOOOTTT faster.

And best of all, Dell has started pre-loaded Vista 64-bit as standard. The XPS 730X comes with Vista 64-bit. Period. 

My only complaint is that I can't buy it with 12 gigs pre-installed. 6 gigs is the max they're shipping with right now (4 gigabyte DDR3 RAM is out so it's possible).

But my friends, this is the future of computing.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 17, 2008

Price tag?

on Nov 17, 2008

And best of all, Dell has started pre-loaded Vista 64-bit as standard.

But my friends, this is the future of computing.

Nonsense.     I keed i keed

on Nov 17, 2008

64bit native support for StarDock products now? Impulse... or DemiGod?

on Nov 17, 2008

ahhhh not the future. 

my comp is barely keeping up now!!

on Nov 17, 2008

Price tag?

it's a LOOOTTT

I think he gave you a hint  Loot is in that word up there.

on Nov 17, 2008

Jafo puts in a Xmas request......



Sigh....this P4 with AGP is feeling as old as I am....

on Nov 17, 2008

64bit native support for StarDock products now?

Elemental for sure, no idea on the others. Probably Impulse, it's GPG's call on demigod.


Wow, simply wow, I just ran by newegg to see how much an upgrade would cost me, and doing it on the cheap would cost more than my computer is worth, and it's a quick C2D/8800 GT rig. It's about 1000 bucks to replace the motherboard, processor and ram, and not even with top of the line stuff. I can't wait till the prices on DDR3 and i7 motherboards go down, though, that'll be nice to see.

on Nov 18, 2008

I think I'll wait til after the holiday rush, That should give them time to work the bugs out. LOL Jafo, sounds like you have my rigs twin brother!

on Nov 18, 2008

Wow just went to Dell's site, I thought the days of $4,949.00 retail PC boxes was gone for good (checking calendar to see if it's 1989). The low end is 2 grand.

on Nov 18, 2008

Price tag?

Too much im sure, these new processors are overpriced.

on Nov 18, 2008

Too much im sure, these new processors are overpriced.

The CPUs are actually quite decent, with the "low end" (mind you this is a QC and it's no longer on an FSB platform, which is a big step) is only $320.  That said, the platform costs are insane at present.  You're looking at $250-$350 for RAM that would cost you perhaps $120 in DDR2 terms, and $300-$350 motherboards, which can only be regarded as enthusiast.  All told, it's close to or over a grand for your three "primary" components, where a similar C2Q Penryn base setup (3 components) will run you anywhere from a third to half that.

Am I the only one who remembers the Q6600 launching at $851, dropping to $531 a few months later, and finally hitting the nice low affordable MSRP of $266?  That said, it sure happened fast-but in all seriousness, the i7s as CPUs alone are not that terribly expensive, especially when one considers all they have at the moment are three offerings, one of which obviously has to take the "standard" $1k slot.

The Dell is cheap-almost but not quite too cheap-but it does have a shitty video card in it (replaceable, though), and they do throw in a 20" monitor.  It runs in the realm of $1k uncustomized and that deal is only good for something like the next 2-3 days (if that-sorry, wasn't paying attention), so hurry if you want it.

on Nov 18, 2008

Jafo puts in a Xmas request......



Sigh....this P4 with AGP is feeling as old as I am....


I know it it feels, with the P4+AGP

My laptop is a more modern K8 based system with a Geforce 7, but she needs to go into the shop this week so for the next 2-3 weeks i'm without a modern system.

But personally i'm waiting on the Phenom IIs not sure if i'm going with AM2+ based or getting the DDR3 using AM3 based one.


on Nov 21, 2008

Low end starts at 2K. High end starts at 4.8K and change.

on Nov 21, 2008

You'd really have to have more money than sense to be buying DDR3 at the moment, it's still about 3 to 4 times as expensive as DDR2 with barely any performance boost for gaming. I reckon i7 is going to be a part for the enthusiast only for at least the next 6 months.

on Nov 21, 2008

I was sorta hoping they'd up the core count. The GHz bump is nice, but I thought everything was headed towards having more cores.

64 bit is the future of computing in any case .

It will be some time before I can afford to upgrade my computer, though.

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