Terrorist Osama Bin Laden has ended speculation over whether he is alive or not with his new video that threatens more action against the United States.
thats such a totally irresponsible, innacurate and hysterical characterization of the taped message, it comes close to invalidating the draginol postulate regarding thinking on the right vs feeling on the left.
the man is not a fool. anyone with any working knowledge of how americans think and react would be well aware that a slam from bin laden works to the benefit of the slammee. conversely, if he really wanted kerry to lose, he would have endorsed him (despite your total miscomprehension of the translated transcription released so far, there's nothing even close to that nor any statement to the effect that reelecting bush will result in another 'manhattan').
in a way, one thing bin laden says on that tape is very true. we hold our security in our own hands. what's not said is equally true: if we permit that tape to influence our votes, he's doing the same thing they did in spain only without the need for a bomb.