Beta 2, like Beta 1, is multiplayer only.
We haven't put in the obfuscation yet for the password so don't logon in front of anyone yet. 
Beta 2 is about the custom game (which we'll probably rename to skirmishes later).
Beta 3 (January) will focus on the Tournaments.
THIS is the screen where the pain will take place. We do NOT have the Internet stuff working very well yet.
Let me talk about the issue here so that everyone is on board:
Unlike most games where users try to open up router ports and port forward to a particular machine, Demigod is using Impulse Reactor's CVP (Common Virtual Platform). What this does is have the Impulse cloud take care of setting up multiplayer games. This means not having to open ports, it lets people in college dorm rooms play each other as well as others on-line, and eliminates all kinds of other hassles normally associated with PC multiplayer games. Yay.
But right now, it's flakey and slow. Very flakey and slow. Yesterday, we did get a good Stardock vs. GPG game going using it. But at other times, I couldn't play someone at Stardock whose machine was 5 meters away.
So that is what we're working on fixing between now and Thursday's release of BETA 2. But odds are, it'll still be flakey.
Click on the achievement slot on the UI to spend favor points to get persistent items.
Generals have their own minions that are unique to each General but they can also purchase generic minions too.
Don't forget to upgrade your Citadel -- unless you're playing me in which case, don't bother, they're a waste of time and what not.
Suggestion: Make your minions TOUGHER before you add more of them so that you're not just giving your opponent free XP.
Other things to note:
We're still balancing things and will be for awhile. We have only partially implemented the flags and a lot of items are not in the game yet. So stay tuned.