Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
The turn out myth
Published on November 2, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

Conventional wisdom says that high turn out means victory for Democrats.

While it is possible Kerry may win still, I don't think the pollsters have adequately taken into account just how high the turn-out is amongst Bush voters.

Today my wife and I voted. And unlike 4 years ago, the lines were long. Not only were they long but looking at the pages of marked off voters, even at 10am this morning, most registered voters on the pages I saw had already voted. Incredible. Never seen anything like it. And our precinct is probably 90% Republican.

I did notice one other thing - I didn't see anyone under 30 voting. So the much discussed "youth vote" may not turn out and without that, Bush has an advantage.

Unfortunately, my vote may be countered by someone's pet or a dead person since I live in Michigan where the UAW and are likely doing some very bad things based on reports.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 03, 2004

And this is what I don't get. Why is it so hard for America to make a system, where fraud is impossible. As far as I understand, everyone has a social security number. Base the system on that. Ensure that the voter registration form records the social security number, and make people prove that they are indeed that person, when casting the ballot.

Here in Denmark, we get our "voters card" mailed to us in the week prior to the election. Bring the card and you can vote. It's literally that easy.

Welcome to the Republican party. Because that's what Republican would like to do. But Democrats scream "intimidation" and "suppression" if you even suggest that people should even show up at the right place to vote, let alone ask them to carry a Photo ID of some kind.


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