Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
A tale of two nations
Published on November 3, 2004 By Draginol In Politics

So what we can learn from the exit polls? Well we can learn that there is a big difference between the typical Kerry supporter and the typical Bush supporter. It is the stark difference between the two that makes the nation so polarized.

Consider these exit poll results:

Less Than $50,000 (45%)
44% 55%
$50,000 or More (55%)
56% 43%

No surprise there.  Middle class and above people supported Bush overwhelmingly.  Those who pay little or no federal income taxes supported Kerry overwhelmingly.

Yes (14%)
38% 61%
No (86%)
54% 45%

What about union people? Those who didn't belong to a union supported Bush very strongly. Something to bear in mind next time one wants to paint Bush supporters as "Sheep" or "brain washed". Unions are, IMO, just as guilty as religious organizations into feeding propaganda to their members.

No High School (4%)
49% 50%
H.S. Graduate (22%)
52% 47%
Some College (32%)
54% 46%
College Graduate (26%)
52% 46%
Postgrad Study (16%)
44% 55%

This is a stat I tend to like to bring up when I'm in a debate. Bush leads with those who graduate highschool and go to college. But Democrats tend to have their base amongst those who didn't graduate from high school and those who live in Academia.

More Than Weekly (16%)
64% 35%
Weekly (26%)
58% 41%
Monthly (14%)
50% 49%
A Few Times a Year (28%)
45% 54%
Never (15%)
36% 62%

This is where the Democrats can charge, correctly that the more religious you are, the more likely you are to vote for Bush. And it's true. 42% of Americans go to church once or more per week.

Yes (18%)
57% 41%
No (82%)
49% 50%

This should settle this issue once and for all. We had some people on our site trying to say that you should vote for Kerry to "support our troops".  People who have ever served in the military very much supported Bush over Kerry and actually lost amongst those who have never served. I think that says a lot.

Yes (63%)
57% 42%
No (37%)
40% 58%

Another key difference.  Basically, married people vote for Republicans. Single people vote for Democrats. And if you have children, the gap actually gets bigger. People who have children at all tend to vote Republican and people without children tend to vote for Democrats.

Yes (4%)
No (96%)

Bush lost support amongst gays not surprisingly. I like this stat because I've seen many gay activists try to claim that one out of 10 people are gay. In reality, it's more like 1 out out of 30.

Yes (41%)
63% 36%
No (59%)
43% 57%

People with guns really liked Bush. People without them really liked Kerry.

Taxes (5%)
57% 43%
Education (4%)
26% 73%
Iraq (15%)
26% 73%
Terrorism (19%)
86% 14%
Economy/Jobs (20%)
18% 80%
Moral Values (22%)
80% 18%
Health Care (8%)
23% 77%

Look at the moral values issue. Bush's strategy hinged on getting evangelical Christians out to vote. And it seems it worked. This strategy allowed Bush to win in Ohio and therefore the country.

Terrorism came in 3rd!

Cares About People (9%)
24% 75%
Religious Faith (8%)
91% 8%
Honest/Trustworthy (11%)
70% 29%
Strong Leader (17%)
87% 12%
Intelligent (7%)
9% 91%
Will Bring Change (24%)
5% 95%
Clear Stand on Issue (17%)
79% 20%

Those who care about intelligence as a factor in Presidents like Kerry. They were canceled out by those who want a religious man as President. The warm fuzzy people (cares) voted for Kerry. Those who like candid clear stands canceled them out. Those who care about honesty and strength in leadership voted for Bush. They were nearly canceled out by those who want change.

Strongly Approve (29%)
Somewhat Approve (23%)
Somewhat Disapprove (15%)
Strongly Disapprove (31%)

And to fairly definitively answer this question, 52% of Americans support going into Iraq compared to only 46% who disapprove of going into Iraq. That's well outside the margin of error (in an exit poll that was already tilted a bit incorrectly in Kerry's favor based on the actual results). So yes, most Americans are glad we went into Iraq even though most people think things are going poorly.

Kerry (47%)
1% 98%
Bush (51%)
98% 2%
Would Not Have Voted (1%)
29% 38%

BTW, this is the line that should have told people that something was wrong with the exit polls. At the start of the exit polls, if you multiply the % of women times the % of support and the same for men, you came out with a 52% 48% advantage for Kerry.  And yet here you have a fairly good prediction of the actual vote here.

Always Legal (21%)
25% 73%
Mostly Legal (34%)
38% 61%
Mostly Illegal (26%)
73% 26%
Always Illegal (16%)
77% 22%

Here's another key survey.  55% of Americans think abortion should either be mostly legal or mostly illegal. For those who think abortion should always be legal no matter what, Kerry has a huge margin. On mostly legal it tightens up a bit.  But look at the pro-lifer side. Very solid for Bush.

Legally Marry (25%)
22% 77%
Civil Unions (35%)
52% 47%
No Legal Recognition (37%)
70% 29%

On those who believe that gays should be allowed to have civil unions, Bush won.  But those who think they should get to marry overwhelmingly support Kerry.

This is an interesting thing since the bulk of Kerry's base aren't married themselves. This is one of those "value" issues that get Republicans steamed. People who actually are married tend to be Republicans and they tend to want to keep marriage between men and women.  Kerry's most vocal base believe gays should get to be married but hey, they're not married themselves.

It falls into line with many other things that make Bush supporters suspicious of Kerry supporters. Kerry supporters, as we've seen, tend to pay a lot less in taxes, but hey, they want all kinds of government programs. Why should they care? They don't have to foot the bill.

And so we see the same pattern here. Kerry voters overwhelmingly support same sex marriage, why should they care? They're not married themselves so what's the big deal about marriage in the first place?

I fall in the civil union camp myself.  And those who believe gays should be able to have civil unions tended to support Bush. But look at the no legal recognition -- 37%. That's the biggest chunk and it was overwhelmingly for Bush just as the other side was for Kerry.

Important (56%)
50% 50%
Not Important (44%)
56% 43%

The Osama tape turned out to not help Bush after all.

Yes (46%)
33% 66%
No (49%)
70% 29%

Another suspicion of conservatives conformed. Those who think the government can solve the world's problems tend to overwhelmingly support Kerry while those who don't think that vote for Bush.

This goes back to a discussion we had last week. Some people tried to argue that the south is full of racists and they support Bush and therefore Republicans are racist. But that's really a fairly lame analysis. 

Basically the south and west of the United States is a rural or at most suburban culture. They go for Republicans. The North East and the West coast tend to be more urban and so they tend to go for Democrats. Racism is not the issue. It's a cultural values issue that isn't related to race.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 04, 2004
oh, one more thing, any polls on whether the voters have visited another country, or has rudimentary knowledge about other countries apart from theirs. Or those who pronounce Iraq as EE-Raq or AIE-Raq?

You would see, those who purport to know how to handle foreign relations and terrorists (Both incidentally, involves many many foreigners) do not even understand who they are dealing with

And quit saying compassion without acion is worthless, you didn't even give Kerry a chance to do anything.
on Nov 04, 2004

You just helped terror groups recruit more people. Believe me, I've met them, and all the doubtful extremists, who after the reelection, has been pushed over the threshold to terrorism

That's why I think we should make terrorists the delegates. That way, they'll choose candidates that won't drive them to terror.

on Nov 04, 2004

am i in a timewarp? or was 11/2/04 (the day before this handsomely illustrated article was posted) not the day on which exitpollology and the validity of information derived from it was again--hopefully for the last time--demonstrated to be possibly as credible as syndicated astrology forecasts?

on Nov 04, 2004
Another four years of body bags and terrorist incidents to come will be the result.
I give up on the US.
How can a nation with such appalling drug problems, insane gun laws, the highest capitol crime rate of any nation, a health system that caters for only those with money, severe unemployment, little or no interest in housing for the 'underclass' and a sub-standard education system fall into the same trap as four years ago.
Take note: America is NOT the 'World Leader' it proclaims itself to be.
Clean up your own back yard first!
on Nov 04, 2004
kingbee: "am i in a timewarp? or was 11/2/04 (the day before this handsomely illustrated article was posted) not the day on which exitpollology and the validity of information derived from it was again--hopefully for the last time--demonstrated to be possibly as credible as syndicated astrology forecasts?"

I'm a little surprised as well by the faith in polls and the detailed conclusions made out of it just a few days after the controversial election predictions (including the Political Machine prediction - no offence meant ). By the way, where do those numbers come from?

on Nov 04, 2004
Father Mulcahy from M*A*S*H would make a good Presidential candidate for the Democrats next time. Just saying...

I watched a show last night on the BBC that suggests Al Qaeda never existed as a global terror threat until the US security re-invented it after the 9/11. I'm not sure how to take it but some of the so-called Security Experts opinions were laughable. They had a tourist tape showing queues at Disneyland and young guys jumping up and down on beds that Whitehouse advisors claimed was a secret tape showing potential terrorist targets.

Aside from anything else it's impossible to justify invading Iraq as part of the war on terror. There was not any link between Saddam Hussein (a mostly secular dictator) and muslim extremists. and by the looks of it all his MWOD were destroyed after the last war, just like he said. IF the intention was to invade the country and gather up as many terrorists in one place as possible then job done. But was converting the local populace whoesale to terrorism the best way to do this?

Then right after the terrorism show I watched Newsnight which picked over the election results and pointed out that the US economy is running on borrowed time, mainly on money borrowed from Europe. They also made the point that most American's don't even know what's going on in Iraq. You only have to compare the news on the BBC website to that on CNN's.

To sum up, America has a huge economy which encompasses a whole third world nation's worth of poverty at the bottom. Which explains why religion still has the hold it does. The old world of Europe is abandonning religion as irrelevent and replacing it with bleeding heart liberalism. Europeans can't look at a Western country that places importance on a religious leader with a straight face. In Britain we can look at an irrationally Christian country (have these people actuall READ the bible??) locking horns with a irrationally muslim (ditto for the Koran) community and take a certain amount of comfort from the fact our crusades are centuries behind us.

Excuse the rambling, I'm rushed and meant to be working.
on Nov 04, 2004
Bush lost support amongst gays not surprisingly. I like this stat because I've seen many gay activists try to claim that one out of 10 people are gay. In reality, it's more like 1 out out of 30.

Hmm, I'd say 4 out of a hundred actually dared say they were gay.

What strikes me most is that 5% actually seems to believe Bush would bring change
on Nov 04, 2004

suggests Al Qaeda never existed as a global terror threat until the US security re-invented it after the 9/1

how do you reinvent something that hasnt previously existed?

on Nov 04, 2004
The best snow job is for the people over $50,000 income voting for Bush 56% for Bush and 43% for Kerry. The truth is that the Bush policies do not benefit MOST Americans than earn under $200,000. There were some tax cuts for middle income Americans that have children under 18 or where both adults work (marriage penalty) However, when you consider the totallity of the Bush policies, this economic group is not being helped.

First, only the middle income taxpayer with children and/or where both adults work received a real tax cut and the amount was not great.

Job growth and the quality of jobs does not help the middle income group.

The elimination of the Death Tax is of NO Help.

The lack of control over medical and drug costs are not good for the middle income worker.

The loss or reduction in benefits for many workers is not good.

The future liability the higher debt will impose on the faderal budget will not help.

Solutions to the funding problems for Social Security and Medicare do not help.

The energy policy of Bush is making the life of middle income and the poor very hard. Nothing Bush has proposed will help them.

ON Balance, voters were snowed by Bush on what his tax and economic policies will do for them. They will learn the hard way!
on Nov 04, 2004

Col Gene,

Snow job? They got a tax cut too. Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut. Plain and simple.

This may come as a shock, but people believing that it is not the role of the federal government to be mommy has little to do with ones income.

on Nov 04, 2004
How can a nation with such appalling drug problems, insane gun laws, the highest capitol crime rate of any nation, a health system that caters for only those with money, severe unemployment, little or no interest in housing for the 'underclass' and a sub-standard education system fall into the same trap as four years ago.

This horrible Country seems to be not all that bad as more people are trying to become citizens than any other country in the World. I think the UN needs to clean up It’s act and then we might not have to sacrifice our young people and National Treasure trying to help the World become a better place. And oh by the way, a 5% unemployment rate is better than the abject poverty most Nations seem to enjoy! No person in the World receives better Health Care, Rich or Poor!
on Nov 04, 2004

Reply #25 By: COL Gene - 11/4/2004 8:31:27 AM
The best snow job is for the people over $50,000 income voting for Bush 56% for Bush and 43% for Kerry. The truth is that the Bush policies do not benefit MOST Americans than earn under $200,000. There were some tax cuts for middle income Americans that have children under 18 or where both adults work (marriage penalty) However, when you consider the totallity of the Bush policies, this economic group is not being helped.

First, only the middle income taxpayer with children and/or where both adults work received a real tax cut and the amount was not great.

Job growth and the quality of jobs does not help the middle income group.

The elimination of the Death Tax is of NO Help.

The lack of control over medical and drug costs are not good for the middle income worker.

The loss or reduction in benefits for many workers is not good.

The future liability the higher debt will impose on the faderal budget will not help.

Solutions to the funding problems for Social Security and Medicare do not help.

The energy policy of Bush is making the life of middle income and the poor very hard. Nothing Bush has proposed will help them.

ON Balance, voters were snowed by Bush on what his tax and economic policies will do for them. They will learn the hard way!

Okay boys and girls the party is offically over! Kerry has tossed in the towel. He knew there was no way to pull it out. You were warned that this would happen. Daschel is also gone (this is a big relief). The republicans now control the presidency, the senate, the house of Reps., a majority of the governerships and more than likely the supreme court on top of that very soon. I will not be jerking anyones chain about this other than this particular post. The one major thing I don't want, is to listen to the Bush haters (you know who you are. I don't think I need to name names do I?) whine and complain for the next 4 years. Bush has pulled more popular votes than any president has in a loooong time! So he not only pulled the EC, he pulled the popular vote also. That is *clearly* a mandate no matter how you spin it. What we need to do now is pull together behind our president and heal our divided country. Hopefully he will listen to us this term.
on Nov 04, 2004
Mmm, from most of the blogs I've read so far, (and according to this much-detailed poll, this really spelt it out), most republicans believe that democrats: don't earn a lot of money; belongs to a union; don't have an high school education; don't attend church; never served in the military; aren't married or/ they're all gays; or single mothers on welfare; doesn't own a gun; couldn't care less about our lives, children, the rest of America; have no moral values and didn't want to go to war - did I miss anything? Oh, yes, too much fuzzy, warm, caring. Well, I guess we democrats deserved the big loss and must have our nose pushed in it to remind us what idiots we are, right? Forgive the tirade, but people are really not letting up. It's two days after the elections and 49% of the population already feel bad, why keep rubbing it in? Does it make you feel better? Or are we so far gone, so divided? Say it ain't so!

"Hopefully he will listen to us this term."

I agree, it's now time to come together and unite for our country (warm, fuzzy!) The question is will Bush listen? Or, will everyone, and I mean everyone, regret another four years? And this is not casting gloom and doom.
on Nov 04, 2004
Mmm, from most of the blogs I've read so far, (and according to this much-detailed poll, this really spelt it out), most republicans believe that democrats: don't earn a lot of money; belongs to a union; don't have an high school education; don't attend church; never served in the military; aren't married or/ they're all gays; or single mothers on welfare; doesn't own a gun; couldn't care less about our lives, children, the rest of America; have no moral values and didn't want to go to war - did I miss anything? Oh, yes, too much fuzzy, warm, caring. Well, I guess we democrats deserved the big loss and must have our nose pushed in it to remind us what idiots we are, right? Forgive the tirade, but people are really not letting up. It's two days after the elections and 49% of the population already feel bad, why keep rubbing it in? Does it make you feel better? Or are we so far gone, so divided? Say it ain't so!

"Hopefully he will listen to us this term."

I agree, it's now time to come together and unite for our country (warm, fuzzy!) The question is will Bush listen? Or, will everyone, and I mean everyone, regret another four years? And this is not casting gloom and doom.
on Nov 04, 2004
Folks, somehow, I posted twice. Sorry, computer glitch! Brad, please delete the extra, Thx.
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