1. I have never tried smoking or any drugs.
2. I never drank any alcohol until I was 21 and still mostly a social drinker (though I do like wine).
3. I was relatively dim until my 20s when my brain, for some reason, switched on and went into overdrive.
4. I tend to read 2 to 3 books a week.
5. I used to be a total sports junkie until high school, now I don't even watch the Superbowl.
6. I can't think of anyone that I "hate" or even severely dislike.
7. At work I go into "business mode" where I think and act completely differently than I am at home. It's like being schitzo a bit. 
8. I work with my friend Pat who I've been friends with for almost 25 years.
9. I have only had 3 serious relationships in my life including my wife.
10. I have been with my wife for 17 years. We have 3 children.
11. My parents are the least compatible together people I've ever met. They got divorced when I was 4. They get along now but they are still totally incompatible. Glad they got together though long enough to have me! 
12. I always wanted to have kids, even when I was little. Ideally, 2 boys and a girl (I have 2 boys and a girl).
13. I don't tend to worry much but when I do worry, it's usually about whether I'm doing the right thing with my children.
14. I almost never feel stressed.
15. I am finding myself less social as I get older but trying to fight against it.
16. I'm 170lbs now but was only 110lbs in High School. (5'11 inches tall).
17. I still have my Star Wars figures from when I was a kid and LEGO space ships I made too.
18. I am an only child but have a half-brother in Colorado as well as an adopted brother in Colorado though I haven't seen either in a long time (thank goodness for Facebook!).
19. I am not religious but I am thankful to God anyway for my life.
20. I make, amongst other things, computer games for a living.
21. I don't tend to have much compassion for people in general but tend to want to help individuals a great deal.
22. I tend to be politically conservative (fiscally very conservative, socially moderate). I'm a big believer in people having lots of freedom but coupled with lots of responsibility.
23. During the cold Winter months when work is busiest, I look forward to going to our cottage on Higgins Lake as a way to keep my spirits up.
24. I like to drive very very fast. Fastest I've driven is 161mph (don't ask me when or where, no comment <g>). But I drive very carefully if I have passengers or if there's anyone else on the road. I've never been in a car accident.
25. My friends and family have said I am a lot like the Tom Hanks character in "You've got Mail" except when I'm at work where I'm more like House mixed in with the "You've got Mail" character.