When I write political blogs, I make it my business to be harsh about the poor and down trodden. If I seem like I don’t have a lot of compassion, that is probably because I don’t have a lot of compassion.
I don’t really like humans in general. I like individuals, however, a lot. Maybe I’m just the end product of the secular agenda. Humans are merely another large mammal that is barely self aware is driven mostly on instincts. Where instincts don’t fill in the gap, most humans are just a bunch of dumb apes that fill in those holes with social conditioning.
Now, in practice, my wife and I care a lot about individual people. Just because 95% of the human population is a waste of resources doesn’t mean the human race is a total loss. We spend a considerable amount each year helping causes and individuals who have suffered due to no fault of their own.
On the other hand, whenever I meet a liberal who talks about compassion, I find they rarely do anything for others. They feel it’s their tax dollars job to help others – taxes they tend to barely pay.
For years, my observations were just that – observations. Anecdotal. Luckily, the book “Who really cares” provides statistical analysis on this sort of thing and shows that yes, the more liberal and secular you are, the more stingy you are with your own money.
Doesn’t surprise me too much that it’s usually Democrats who seem to have problems paying the taxes they owe.