The Democrats have introduced a bill in congress that will put an end to those Farmer Markets. The bill’s sponsor, Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), is married to the CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research does work for Monsanto.
The bill would force anyone who produces food and transports it (even in state) to register with a new federal agency called the “Food Safety Administration” and have their food inspected prior to sale which would, effectively put an end to those road-side stands or farmers markets. The big factory farms, of course, would greatly benefit from this and the government takes away just another small liberty from private citizens.
Incidentally, I am a hobbyist beekeeper and it’s already illegal for me to sell my honey without jumping through a bunch of hoops. No biggie for me since it’s just for fun. But to put things in perspective, one beehive can produce around 80 pounds of honey. An 8 oz. jar of honey can sell for about $4. Or put another way, a single beehive could make $320 a year. Point being, the people most affected by this red tape are people who are poor who could make some extra money growing things on a small scale for local consumption.