Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.

The Democrats have introduced a bill in congress that will put an end to those Farmer Markets. The bill’s sponsor, Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), is married to the CEO of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research does work for Monsanto.

The bill would force anyone who produces food and transports it (even in state) to register with a new federal agency called the “Food Safety Administration” and have their food inspected prior to sale which would, effectively put an end to those road-side stands or farmers markets.   The big factory farms, of course, would greatly benefit from this and the government takes away just another small liberty from private citizens.

Incidentally, I am a hobbyist beekeeper and it’s already illegal for me to sell my honey without jumping through a bunch of hoops. No biggie for me since it’s just for fun. But to put things in perspective, one beehive can produce around 80 pounds of honey. An 8 oz. jar of honey can sell for about $4. Or put another way, a single beehive could make $320 a year.  Point being, the people most affected by this red tape are people who are poor who could make some extra money growing things on a small scale for local consumption.

on Mar 12, 2009

This is how democrats operate.  Impose laws with the intention of killing business and prosperty, while saying "we are just protecting you".


on Mar 12, 2009

And the democrats claim that it is the REPUBLICANS who are whores for big corporations...

on Mar 12, 2009

And the democrats claim that it is the REPUBLICANS who are whores for big corporations...


Democrats are the unrivaled masters at doing exactly what they lambast their opposition of doing. 

on Mar 12, 2009

Of course democrats want to shut down roadside stands... They can't stand anything that keeps us from relying on them for food.  They have already tried to ban personal food storages, next they'll probably work against family gardens.

on Mar 12, 2009

There's probably a union angle to this, too.

on Mar 12, 2009

There's probably a union angle to this, too.

there's DEFINATELY a union angle for this

on Mar 12, 2009

The people most affected by this bill would be the ones who don't die because of bad food.  Or did we already forget about the bad spinach and poisonous peanut butter? As for your assertion that it would have any bearing on intrastate commerce, I would only point out Article 1 section 8, as well as the 10th amendment.

But for the sake of fun, can you post a link to the text of the bill? should have the text and history-- if the bill has really been submitted...

on Mar 12, 2009

The people most affected by this bill would be the ones who don't die because of bad food. Or did we already forget about the bad spinach and poisonous peanut butter? As for your assertion that it would have any bearing on intrastate commerce, I would only point out Article 1 section 8, as well as the 10th amendment.

But for the sake of fun, can you post a link to the text of the bill? should have the text and history-- if the bill has really been submitted...

Which of those situations came from farmers' markets... which came from food under the FDA?

on Mar 12, 2009

I'll give you a hint... those recent food poisoning cases all game from:

1. It starts with an F

2. It ends with a DA approved big farms

3. It does not rhyme with garmer markets

on Mar 16, 2009

Anyone familiar with stuffwhitepeoplelike would know that no liberal worth their salt would ever outlaw farmers markets.

on Mar 16, 2009

yes well... traditionally democrats run a surpluss and republicans a deficit... he is not your typical democrat.

on Mar 17, 2009

When it comes to the farmers markets, there is no need for all this bureaucracy.  The produce is grown and sold by the same people.  If someone comes down with a food borne illness, it is reported to the local health department.  The patient is asked what they ate recently, and where they got it.  Since the same people grow and sell the produce at their market (or stand at the market) it's easy to trace.


And this entry here is patently unconstitutional.


In any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction shall be presumed to exist.


on Mar 17, 2009

The entire federal government is very presumptive, if you ask me.