Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
Published on March 29, 2009 By Draginol In Personal Computing

It’s amazing how fast PCs continue to get. Whenever I get a new PC these days, I try to benchmark it to see how it rates.

For my benchmarking purposes, I use: Performance Test CPU test. I name my desktop PC’s “frogs” with the year I got them and the laptops “Turtles”.

I’m a little bummed that Performance Test 7.0 scores don’t correspond with 6.1 since I have a bunch of historic benchmarks with 6.1


Frog 2003: Decent Dell box with a P4 running at 2.8Ghz. CPU score: 516.

Turtle 2008: Thinkpad T400 laptop with T9600 CPU. CPU score: 1901

Actual Results

Thinkpad T400, state of the art 2008 laptop. T9600 CPU. Score 1901.


Frog 2003, decent Dell box with a Pentium IV CPU at 2.8Ghz. Score 516.6




So in the scope of 5 years, a decent laptop has quadrupled its CPU advantage over a 5 year old desktop PC.

More to come…

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 29, 2009

Dell studio XPS435MT Intel core i7CPU at 2.67ghz. Score 1934.8

on Mar 29, 2009

So I ran that test and got a 1500... I didn't run the CD drive benchmark though. Could that really skew the test that much?


on Mar 29, 2009

I didn't run the CD drive benchmark though

Nor did I...

on Mar 29, 2009

I'm not using the passmark rating but rather the CPU mark.

So your machine is about twice as fast as my laptop.

on Mar 29, 2009

Dell studio XPS435MT Intel core i7CPU at 2.67ghz. Score 1934.8

What was your CPU mark score?

on Mar 29, 2009

Shana (my laptop Turion x2)  CPU 1085.4

Ruriruri II (my desktop Phenom II) 3011.5


With PCWizard 2008

Shana 13228.98

Ruriruri II 570175.4


The laptop is 2 years old, and the Desktop was built right after the Phenom IIs came out.



on Mar 29, 2009

 CPU mark was 6280.2

on Mar 29, 2009

On the Cpu bit I scored 6712.9  Dunno whether thats good or bad .. but there ya go !

on Mar 30, 2009

Overall score 1001.8

CPU Mark 1955.9

Would have thought my overall performance would have been better, being it's a relatively new rig, 12 -14 months, but oh well, it does all that I need it to for now.

on Apr 21, 2009

Desktop - 2yrs old

Abit AN9 32X Fatal1ty 590 chipset, AMD 6400+ X2 stock 3.2Ghz, OCZ Reaper stock 800Mhz 3-4-4-12 1T, 8800GTS 320MB, WD 150G Raptor X2 Raid 0, WD 250G storage, PCP&C 750

overall 1052.1

CPU mark 1704.2


Laptop - new, 2 weeks old

built by local shop GeekBox Computers.

mainboard COMPAL JHL90 Intel PM45 chipset 1066FSB, Intel C2D P8600 2.4Ghz 1066 FSB, nVidia 9600M GT 512MB, 4G (2x2G) Muskin 800Mhz 5-5-5-18 2T,WD 320MB 7200RPM

overall 942.1

CPU mark 1999.6




on Apr 21, 2009

Here is the ole Vista computer I regularly use... not much but good for desktop workings.


With my specs for the CPU by both the test and Intel for temps and voltages.


on Apr 21, 2009

My Vaio laptop 128 Gb SSD running Vista Ultimate 32, 4 Gb RAM - (I know) with eBoostr 4 Gb NTFS Formatted scores 1914.5.

Lesser important programs and data on 500 Gb regular disc.


Performance test CPU

on Apr 21, 2009

How weird, whatever these values mean...

PassMark Rating
    This Computer    810.8

CPU Mark
    This Computer    1420.2

2D Graphics Mark
    This Computer    373.4

3D Graphics Mark
    This Computer    234.8

Memory Mark
    This Computer    600.8

Disk Mark
    This Computer    532.0

CD Mark
    This Computer    386.3

Must be the Ge-Force 8600GS and directX-10!


on Apr 21, 2009

It’s amazing how fast PCs continue to get. Whenever I get a new PC these days, I try to benchmark it to see how it rates.


I have no new PC to test... only my almost 3 year old ( in November ) Supermicro with Intel X5355 at 2.66 Ghz...


on Apr 23, 2009

A paultry 2.2k score from a 6750 OC'd to 3.6ghz.

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