Brad Wardell's views about technology, politics, religion, world affairs, and all sorts of politically incorrect topics.
MooreWatch analysis
Published on November 12, 2004 By Draginol In Current Events

Why did the Republicans win? Two words: Michael Moore.  By embracing such a hateful, disdainful person, the Democrats demonstrated that they're out of touch with the mainstream of America. Read the whole thing.

on Nov 12, 2004
The Republicans might have it easier in 2008 if Moore actually makes his sequel to F 9/11 too, and if that Republican just happened to be John McCain, I might not have a problem with that at all.

on Nov 12, 2004
Hateful? Disdainful?

How about angry, pissed off, like 48% of all Americans? You conservative Republicans have to get off of your high horse I think. Remember Bush has 4 more years to piss of enough people in America (he only needs to piss off 3%, that shouldn't take to long!) so that Hillary gets elected in 2008. Then were will we (and you) be?

And yes I did vote for Kerry in the election, and no I am not a democrat, I just don't like being lied too, and I can't beleive that people that believe in "moral values" would re-elect a liar to be the president of the United States. It just baffles me.

on Nov 12, 2004
And yes I did vote for Kerry in the election, and no I am not a democrat, I just don't like being lied too, and I can't beleive that people that believe in "moral values" would re-elect a liar to be the president of the United States. It just baffles me.

Name me a president in recent memory who WASN'T a liar?!?
on Nov 12, 2004
Maybe in 2008 the Dems will have learned their lesson and at least not seat Michael Moore next to a former President at their convention....
on Nov 14, 2004
How about angry, pissed off, like 48% of all Americans? You conservative Republicans have to get off of your high horse I think. Remember Bush has 4 more years to piss of enough people in America (he only needs to piss off 3%, that shouldn't take to long!) so that Hillary gets elected in 2008. Then were will we (and you) be?And yes I did vote for Kerry in the election, and no I am not a democrat, I just don't like being lied too, and I can't beleive that people that believe in "moral values" would re-elect a liar to be the president of the United States. It just baffles me.

Just as easy to say that the more folks like thetech just dig their heels in, the more likely it is they'll piss off another 5%, so it might just be 54/45 next time. The conceit in that "he only needs to piss off 3%" comment is obvious, I guess.
